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does anyone else feel this is a total waste of money ?

pegasus bridge

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I have checked my 'give a **** Ometer' and I have to say nothing is registering ! Does anyone else think we should not waste time and money to find out if our security services knew that some uk passposrt holding terror suspects caught in afghanistan had a few sleepless nights and some water dripped on them during the process of interrogation ?

Edited by pegasus bridge
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Unfortunately you have to consider that the government have to bow down to pressure groups, who will want this to be investigated.


I can assure you next time there is an enquiry into the banning of hunting/firearms or the like, we'll be the happy ones and there'll be a whole group of people complaining about wasted taxes.


It's a balancing act, which favours some and not others.

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Yes I can see where you are coming from but I think Cameron wants to draw a line under the whole thing - Tony B was just a bit too pally with the Americans and yes I do think we can beat terrorists without resorting to torture etc, tempting as it is but in civilisation we cannot sink to their level.


Unfortunately TERRORISM is not a fair war, never has been and never will be and the good guys will always have one hand tied behind their back and will have to win through intelligence [brains] rather than torture [brawn]

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When they have an enquiry into how and why each and every soldier has died in the two current campaigns - looking at why they were there, did they have the right equipment, did they have the right support, who killed them and why etc - I would then give due consideration to this enquiry, before dismissing it as a complete waste of money.

Edited by Gordon R
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if attaching just one suspected terrorists gonads to the mains prevents one of our lads being killed then so what, we are not dealing with nursery kids here we are dealing with lunatics who dont play by the rules so why should we.



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My personal feelings are that when you throw the rule book out of the window (ie crash a civilian plane into a building full of innocent people) then you can't go bleating about the rules being broken.


I think that any of the civilised forces personnel would have to be pretty certain that someone was hiding something before they'd do this sort of thing so why not? As kdubya said, if it saves the lives of our men it's a small price to pay.

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the problem is how many "innocent" or "not guilty" persons is it acceptable to torture and abuse and if following the comments of several posters kill to cover up tracks?

I've got no time for the "human rights brigade" looking to find fault with every thought and deed but if the americans can manage to kill our troops in friendly fire incidents where they are clearly marked and the only armoured vehicles about how much reliance can we put on their ability to tell one brown bearded face from another and is there an automatic assumption that anyone within the borders are terrorists we do have Britons with families in Pakistan who go visiting - are they assumed to be on a terrorist training course because of their destination? Am I assumed to be going on a CIA training course because we are going to Florida later this year?

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