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onother some justice system thread


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just reading sporting gun (July) and read an article re a break in at a clay ground where the scum were videoed in the process of the theft and then identified by the police BUT the cps says no chance of attaining a conviction, so come on there's a fair few plods and other legal types on this forum, pray tell just exactly what you have to do to get a conviction in the eyes of the cps? or is it simply a case of "cant be bothered" here is your crime number




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just reading sporting gun (July) and read an article re a break in at a clay ground where the scum were videoed in the process of the theft and then identified by the police BUT the cps says no chance of attaining a conviction, so come on there's a fair few plods and other legal types on this forum, pray tell just exactly what you have to do to get a conviction in the eyes of the cps? or is it simply a case of "cant be bothered" here is your crime number





The CPS ought to be renamed to CDPS (Criminals Dont Pay Service) Not much profit to the public purse in prosecuting low lifes who won't pay the fines dished out in full knowledge that they'll never be paid. That's if the offender bothers to go get to the court.



Much more profitable to cop a financially responsible motorist or litter dropper for a minor offence - he won't need prison and will pay the fine.

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Much more profitable to cop a financially responsible motorist or litter dropper for a minor offence - he won't need prison and will pay the fine.


Agreed, i'm £60 lighter and 3 points heavier since being pulled few weeks back........nice easy money 'innit?!

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I've long ago abandoned any hope of understanding how the CPS or as we call it, Criminal Protection Service, make thier decisions. It would seem that they only back sure fire winners sometimes. The most frustrating thing is, that when they decide to NFA (no further action) a case its the police who have to go to tell the victim. Another cause of frustration is that not many people know that the CPS is not part of the police force.(I hate it being called a service) The cps is independant of the police and makes its own mind up according to evidence at hand.


To those who complain about getting done for speeding.....the signs are there..they tell you what the max speed limit is....the right hand pedal in the car....dont press it down to far, however if you inadvertantly do so, dont worry simply apply a bit of pressure to the middle pedal.. For your convenience cars have a dial on the dash. Its called a speedometer..It tells you how fast you are going. Now here's the difficult bit......if you pass a sign which has a big black number on it, and your speedometer needle indicates to a higher number, press that middle pedal for a bit until you can match the number on the sign.


Oh, and give me a smile when you pass me stood there in hi viz yellow next to a nice big hi viz car. It wont be a hair dryer im holding. :good:

Edited by ozzy518
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I've long ago abandoned any hope of understanding how the CPS or as we call it, Criminal Protection Service, make thier decisions. It would seem that they only back sure fire winners sometimes. The most frustrating thing is, that when they decide to NFA (no further action) a case its the police who have to go to tell the victim. Another cause of frustration is that not many people know that the CPS is not part of the police force.(I hate it being called a service) The cps is independant of the police and makes its own mind up according to evidence at hand.


You could also argue that the fact they are independent of the police makes them far more robust in being able to make a clinical, objective decision on a case. As the old saying goes, you can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear - ie, if the evidence is not there (collated/investigated/presented) then the CPS will kill off the case before it wastes any more time & money. There are many cases as the scenario mentioned by kdubya that defy any sort of logic and it is frustrating for all. Certainly in London, the Met use something called CPS direct which is basically a solicitor on the end of a phone that makes a case decision (or not as the case may be) and recommends an appropriate charge/course of action. A lot of this is down to the police messing up simple cases (classic examples being minor public order offences that get ramped up to high level public order offences becasue the charging custody Officer has been influenced by factors that should not have been taken into account purely on an evidence basis). Sadly, and especially in the current climate of cost cutting, cases are viewed on a financial basis (ie, savings at all costs) and the poor victims appear to come way down the pecking order.

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To those who complain about getting done for speeding.....the signs are there..they tell you what the max speed limit is....the right hand pedal in the car....dont press it down to far, however if you inadvertantly do so, dont worry simply apply a bit of pressure to the middle pedal.. For your convenience cars have a dial on the dash. Its called a speedometer..It tells you how fast you are going. Now here's the difficult bit......if you pass a sign which has a big black number on it, and your speedometer needle indicates to a higher number, press that middle pedal for a bit until you can match the number on the sign.


Oh, and give me a smile when you pass me stood there in hi viz yellow next to a nice big hi viz car. It wont be a hair dryer im holding. :good:




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Agreed, i'm £60 lighter and 3 points heavier since being pulled few weeks back........nice easy money 'innit?!



So were you speeding or not? Im guessing yes,but if the rozzers completely fabricated the charge and lied through their teeth to get a conviction then you should pursue this further. :good:

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So were you speeding or not? Im guessing yes,but if the rozzers completely fabricated the charge and lied through their teeth to get a conviction then you should pursue this further. :good:



this is PW of course they made it all up, no one ever speeds so the police have nothing better to do than fabricate evidence :D

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I've long ago abandoned any hope of understanding how the CPS or as we call it, Criminal Protection Service, make thier decisions. It would seem that they only back sure fire winners sometimes. The most frustrating thing is, that when they decide to NFA (no further action) a case its the police who have to go to tell the victim. Another cause of frustration is that not many people know that the CPS is not part of the police force.(I hate it being called a service) The cps is independant of the police and makes its own mind up according to evidence at hand.


To those who complain about getting done for speeding.....the signs are there..they tell you what the max speed limit is....the right hand pedal in the car....dont press it down to far, however if you inadvertantly do so, dont worry simply apply a bit of pressure to the middle pedal.. For your convenience cars have a dial on the dash. Its called a speedometer..It tells you how fast you are going. Now here's the difficult bit......if you pass a sign which has a big black number on it, and your speedometer needle indicates to a higher number, press that middle pedal for a bit until you can match the number on the sign.


Oh, and give me a smile when you pass me stood there in hi viz yellow next to a nice big hi viz car. It wont be a hair dryer im holding. :D


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Much more profitable to cop a financially responsible motorist or litter dropper for a minor offence - he won't need prison and will pay the fine.



Agreed, i'm £60 lighter and 3 points heavier since being pulled few weeks back........nice easy money 'innit?!


I'm sure there's an operation on the NHS now that removes the lead from peoples right foot that have been caught speeding......Oh no hang on, my mistake, perhaps you should pay more attention to what the hell you're doing instead of complaining that you got caught


I've long ago abandoned any hope of understanding how the CPS or as we call it, Criminal Protection Service, make thier decisions. It would seem that they only back sure fire winners sometimes. The most frustrating thing is, that when they decide to NFA (no further action) a case its the police who have to go to tell the victim. Another cause of frustration is that not many people know that the CPS is not part of the police force.(I hate it being called a service) The cps is independant of the police and makes its own mind up according to evidence at hand.


To those who complain about getting done for speeding.....the signs are there..they tell you what the max speed limit is....the right hand pedal in the car....dont press it down to far, however if you inadvertantly do so, dont worry simply apply a bit of pressure to the middle pedal.. For your convenience cars have a dial on the dash. Its called a speedometer..It tells you how fast you are going. Now here's the difficult bit......if you pass a sign which has a big black number on it, and your speedometer needle indicates to a higher number, press that middle pedal for a bit until you can match the number on the sign.


Oh, and give me a smile when you pass me stood there in hi viz yellow next to a nice big hi viz car. It wont be a hair dryer im holding. :good:

:good::D:good::stupid: :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: :stupid:


I'm out tomorrow in my hi viz jacket and hi viz car, and it wont be a hairdryer I'm pointing either.... So smile, and be nice, Its not my fault you're not looking what you are doing.


Have a nice day



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No, not speeding.......using a mobile whilst entering a trading estate, off main road, listening to a message from a guy at the company I was 30 seconds away from :good: But it is the easy money option be it this or speeding, too many twots saying stick to the speed limit etc. but most are hypocrites and even a traffic cop sitting with you on an advanced driving test will tell you to 'crack on' and not 'dawdle about' and expect you to drive at the posted speed limits, (or slightly above), irrespective of road type to 'maintain traffic flow'..........there's speeding and there's speeding and there's driving faster than you ought to be whilst being safe with it. Anyhow, I duly accepted I was in the wrong and when he advised I 'have a nice day' I nearly split me molars, why be a ****? I was polite and offerd no resistance to my being nabbed for my 'crime' even when he read me my rights and breathalised me :D , surely these guys have better things to do...........

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No, not speeding.......using a mobile whilst entering a trading estate, off main road, listening to a message from a guy at the company I was 30 seconds away from :good: But it is the easy money option be it this or speeding, too many twots saying stick to the speed limit etc. but most are hypocrites and even a traffic cop sitting with you on an advanced driving test will tell you to 'crack on' and not 'dawdle about' and expect you to drive at the posted speed limits, (or slightly above), irrespective of road type to 'maintain traffic flow'..........there's speeding and there's speeding and there's driving faster than you ought to be whilst being safe with it. Anyhow, I duly accepted I was in the wrong and when he advised I 'have a nice day' I nearly split me molars, why be a ****? I was polite and offerd no resistance to my being nabbed for my 'crime' even when he read me my rights and breathalised me :good: , surely these guys have better things to do...........

hold the phone! your rights? he arrested you for it? :D

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The problem (or not) with traffic offenses is that they are absolute offenses, which is why there are these comments of " easy money" blah blah blah


You're either wearing your seatbelt or not


You're speeding or you're not


You're on your phone or not.


The only debating point is if you want to argue with the evidence.


"surely these guys have better things to do??"........ Whats that about? using your phone whilst driving is against the law no matter what road you are on. Fair play on admitting your "crime" though, but no need for sarcasm from the copper though.



Edited by bigt1754
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The problem (or not) with traffic offenses is that they are absolute offenses, which is why there are these comments of " easy money" blah blah blah


You're either wearing your seatbelt or not


You're speeding or you're not


You're on your phone or not.


The only debating point is if you want to argue with the evidence.


"surely these guys have better things to do??"........ Whats that about? using your phone whilst driving is against the law no matter what road you are on. Fair play on admitting your "crime" though, but no need for sarcasm from the copper though.




I was wrong and coughed to it, but my original point was the easy money aspect. My daughter was assaulted a while back by a pumped up steroid junkie in a club, her mate was knocked out by the same guy, the person was well known to the club owners and police, it was on cctv which funnily enough disappeared. Long story short there are police who do, or try to do, police work and there are police who rake in money from law abiding people who will pay while others walk free, aggresive women beaters included. At the time we were told they were 'short on resources'..........does that make it any easier for you to understand??

Edited by ziplex
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Meanwhile, back to the original thread.

I think it's ridiculous that they haven't been prosecuted, what's wrong with the CPS? Are they having a "pick'n'mix" day? How would the owners stand for insurance purposes?


Sorry GRAM, went a bit of piste.......I too think it ridiculous, for what it's worth.

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CPS are a law to themselves and totally irrational. Also in lots of cases they use lawyers who are not good enough to make money in private practice.


As for speeding tickets; I am totally in agreement with many of you. It seems absurd that someone committing a minor road traffic violation is fined and has points endorsed while the thieving low lives get off at court with less than a hand slap time after time. It sickens me when I see decent honest people handing over their licences for endorsement while real criminals are walking free. And, no matter what our Road Policing Group say to justify their actions it is doing far more harm than good. What is the point of spending millions of £s to try and brainwash the public into thinking the police are wonderful when there are yellow jacketed morons jumping out in front of decent people and handing tickets out with no discretion whatsoever?

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I was wrong and coughed to it, but my original point was the easy money aspect. My daughter was assaulted a while back by a pumped up steroid junkie in a club, her mate was knocked out by the same guy, the person was well known to the club owners and police, it was on cctv which funnily enough disappeared. Long story short there are police who do, or try to do, police work and there are police who rake in money from law abiding people who will pay while others walk free, aggresive women beaters included. At the time we were told they were 'short on resources'..........does that make it any easier for you to understand??



It does thank you :good:





CPS are a law to themselves and totally irrational. Also in lots of cases they use lawyers who are not good enough to make money in private practice.



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Personally i'd like to see a few more patrols out there, for example,

last week someone decided to cut me up on a roundabout, she basically overtook me using the wrong lane, got in front of me then decided to jam the brakes on, i nearly crashed into the back of her, then she had the audacity to give me the "bird" for it. To top it off, i eventually caught up on the dual carriageway, proceeded to over take, when she noticed it was me she thought it would be funny to accelerate while giving a few more gesticulations!

If this is the mentality of some road users then the more police out there the better IMO, maybe the licence application process should contain a mental health check?

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Personally i'd like to see a few more patrols out there, for example,

last week someone decided to cut me up on a roundabout, she basically overtook me using the wrong lane, got in front of me then decided to jam the brakes on, i nearly crashed into the back of her, then she had the audacity to give me the "bird" for it. To top it off, i eventually caught up on the dual carriageway, proceeded to over take, when she noticed it was me she thought it would be funny to accelerate while giving a few more gesticulations!

If this is the mentality of some road users then the more police out there the better IMO, maybe the licence application process should contain a mental health check?


She fancied you, that's what it was :good::D ...........seriously though I just about give up with how people drive, (dangerously and without care/consideration), if my mrs is in the car with me and something untoward happens she'll start ******* and blinding and shout at me for not beeping the horn etc, she's seriously shocked I 'let people get away with it' but I drive for a living and I see it day in and day out, year 'round...it just goes over my head now :good:

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Personally i'd like to see a few more patrols out there,


Have you considered that you might frequent places which dont warrant a lot of Police presence due to low offences? There are places i go to which often look like a film set due to the amount of Police cars because they seem to attract offences while other places dont get it.


Example.Few weeks ago i was in Kettering and there were atleast half dozen ANPR cars,motorbikes,interceptors etc then later on i popped to Bedford and didnt see a single panda!

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Have you considered that you might frequent places which dont warrant a lot of Police presence due to low offences? There are places i go to which often look like a film set due to the amount of Police cars because they seem to attract offences while other places dont get it.

Hi chap, i was thinking more along the lines of regular patrols up and down that particular road, It's the A47 southern bypass, which is quite popular with ******** drivers, another pile up happened just a couple of weeks ago with at least one fatality, i know that doesn't really compare to some other more notorious roads in GB, but it's getting worse not better.

I feel that it's the likes of the afformentioned that cause the majority of RTAs anyway.

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