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Anyone got their garden cleared for .22LR?


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I'm hopefully moving house soon to a place with a very long (200m) garden. I'm going to split it in two to have more of a garden part (fenced to keep the dog in) and a 'paddock' behind of about an acre. Its full of rabbits (and deer, but that's another matter!). I want to apply for a 22 rimmy to have a rabbit pie every week or so. The areas behind where I would shoot are farmland. Obviously if I apply for a variation the FEO will come out and have a look and I'm wondering if he'll just say no as its my garden. I'd hope to get it on an open ticket as I already have a 6.5x55.


I'm curious if anyone's got a rimmy under similar circumstances.



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I'm hopefully moving house soon to a place with a very long (200m) garden. I'm going to split it in two to have more of a garden part (fenced to keep the dog in) and a 'paddock' behind of about an acre. Its full of rabbits (and deer, but that's another matter!). I want to apply for a 22 rimmy to have a rabbit pie every week or so. The areas behind where I would shoot are farmland. Obviously if I apply for a variation the FEO will come out and have a look and I'm wondering if he'll just say no as its my garden. I'd hope to get it on an open ticket as I already have a 6.5x55.


I'm curious if anyone's got a rimmy under similar circumstances.





Just ask for a open ticket. It'll instantly clear all land for you, so long as you deem it to be safe. :crazy:

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I do it all the time but have an Open ticket and also have permision on surrounding land, if you have any probs go FAC air- though try for an open before you mention your garden, the very word garden might ring warning bells but a safe shot is a safe shot and an unsafe one always unsafe regardless of what some FEO's think

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I thought it would be a chicken and egg type thing - get a 22LR on an open ticket - fine, can shoot anywhere I deem safe, but to get the .22LR in the first place I need to show a need so will have to tell them where I'm shooting it.


The area's 100% safe by the way. soft earth and nothing but fields beyond. I'd build a range too if I get one.


If I put in for a variation then I'd put down that it was for use on a paddock of which I'm the owner and ask for it to be made open? Or would I have to get the wife to write me a permission letter? :crazy:

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Yes, I have that kind of thing on a nominated land form and was cleared no problem. I have about an acre of garden right alongside paddocks of 4 acres and beyond that open farmland. FEO came out, had a look, we had a chat about direction of fire and safe practice etc, and he said he was happy with that and cleared it.

Hope it goes as well for you. :crazy:

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Cheers. Got to sell my house first... Not easy at the moment. Just dreaming of those sunny evenings sniping bunnies from my deckchair.

Nice idea, I'm trying to find somewhere with a garden big enough to use an air rifle for plinking let alone a Rim fire.....My granparents house was sat in the middle of 9.5 acres (small holding) but my grandfather used a shotgun to keep on top of vermin, that and a couple of cats...not much of a bunny problem more squirrels and moles.....My aunt now lives there but even on almost 10 acres i could see issues with .22LR (it is very flat and the only dip is toward a main A road very little in terms of back stop) If i still lived locally i may have tried to get an FAC on that basis but being 150 miles away its not worth it...

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My mate has just been granted a .22lr for hunting, the only land he has is his (big) garden.


The funny part was when he rang me to tell me it came through OK, I asked what conditions there were as it seemed very easy - he said "Oh yer I forgot to mention, you are down as my mentor"

Great, thanks :crazy:

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My mate has just been granted a .22lr for hunting, the only land he has is his (big) garden.


The funny part was when he rang me to tell me it came through OK, I asked what conditions there were as it seemed very easy - he said "Oh yer I forgot to mention, you are down as my mentor"

Great, thanks :crazy:


That was nice of him ;)

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