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Its not just nervousness its panic, my heart rate goes to a critical rate, in turn I can't breathe properly, my vision blurs, tingles in limbs...for most of the flight which exhausts me.



Isn't the human mind a funny thing?! My mrs gets like that with moths. If one flies past her she flips..... I bet that makes you chuckle because it does me! I guess that no rational thinking will fix this so you're just going to have to suffer but trust me, if planes were unsafe do you really think millions of people would travel on them every year? No, they'd do it a different way! Unless you're seriously unfortunate you'll be fine!


Good luck!

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I have only been up twice and I was like you but i applied logic and convinced myself they are perfectly safe and odd's of a crash are so minimal you can really dismiss it -- I think everything MM said applies -- On other hand my mind was also logically thinking how can two thin pieces of metal sticking out of side of big tube keep a plane in air - then I thought Ah - it's those two big engines pushing it so fast those metal things lifted the plane and except for white knuckle take off I was OK - once up there it's like being on a moving train - then my eight hour flight was so boring I started to think - now if the fuel line got blocked annnnnnnnnd! :good:???



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Is your name John Locke and did this happen on a tropical island?


If so i have some bad news-you're really dead. :yes:


nope, it happened at an airfield in wiltshire... ???


Is it true when they tell you to get into the crash position it's to protect your teeth so it's easier to identify your body in a crash?


no, i heard its so that it breaks your neck so you die instantly instead of living through a crash with multiple broken bones (think hit by a truck) before the fire reaches you and you turn into pork crackling :good:???

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My wife, who is terrified of flying, has been using a treatment known as EFT. I haven't a clue what it is or what it does but on our recent trip to Canada she was the most relaxed I have ever seen her.


EFT = Electronic Funds Transfer !!!


may she's planning ahead !

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I too am a nervous flier. Made worse by the fact that Lady Seagrave is an even more nervous flier, and I have to pretend to be all manly and nonchalant.


My trick is to imagine I'm the pilot. If I were piloting the plane (in the same way as if I were driving the car) I would do everything in my power to ensure that everything was working safely and I was in control. The last thing I would want to do is get involved in an accident, I find it quite reassuring to know that there is an actual flesh & blood guy in control of things.


Doubtless, this is hokum of the first order, but it makes me feel better.


Best of luck,





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I find it quite reassuring to know that there is an actual flesh & blood guy in control of things.


youve obviousley never met some of the pilots i have, one that sticks in my mind was nick named captain crunch due to the fact he liked crunching planes into the ground :good:


B) :yes::lol:

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Ignore what this daft bunch say, and go with my advice. Ive flown the Atlantic more times than i care to remember, and the more i do it, the easier it gets. You will not get hurt in any way (apart from the onboard prices) and you will have a good holiday. Keep telling yourself that its fine and you are not worried. Pilots are a very well trained bunch. Do you think they would do it if it was as dngerous as people try and make out? Go through the list like i said. :good: B) :yes:

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On a serious note MM is so right. Flying is one of the safest ways to travel because there are very few other "drivers" up there who can mess things up for you! If you get hurt on the road, how often is it your fault or your cars? I'll tell you - hardly ever! It's always some numpty on his mobile or someone who's had one to many down the local before heading home. Up in the air there's none of that and all of the pilots have been trained to the highest standards. Aircraft are maintained regularly and thoroughly so the chances of a fault are slim. Even if an engine packs up there are more to keep you going.


The only part of flying I hate is landing, and that's only because it makes me feel ill! I'd quite happily sit up there all day knowing I'm in a machine that gets serviced more often than I fill my car with petrol and the driver has been trained to a standard that most vehicle operators could spend a lifetime trying to achieve.


Seriously, you'll be fine :good:

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An old mate of mine was so scared of flying he drove to Turkey once :good: ...in an old 3.0 Shogun, no air con', with his mrs, son, daughter and a friend of the daughter! Irresponsible or what? but he wouldn't have it any other way that year. Apparently it was (not suprisingly) horrendous and his mrs vowed never to do it again. He was so bad he'd constantly wretch...(very audibly) and usually get ****** waiting to get on the plane then not talk to anyone for the entire flight with a towel over his head B) They'd often go twice a year but he never got over it, sorry not much help I know but there are possibly people who are worse?

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First time I flew it was a business trip with a group of suppliers and potential clients so had to display a certain level of self control. Thankfully it was a moderately short flight but it did go over the alps and had quite a steep decent into Graz.


Second trip was Spain, the Mrs was petrified even though she has flown to Mexico, Bahamas florida etc. She found entertaining the child sat in front helped. I found looking out of the window and trying to identify where we were was relaxing.


How far are you flying?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well guys I'm back....


It was better than last time, but still not good, got back last night and still feel a bit odd.


Its such a shame, we spent a fortune on the villa, and Dr Kyska had to fly home 3 days in as her dad got ill, leaving me with my daughter having to make my own way back...got back last night to find out my lovely other halfs dad died yesterday, I'm truely gutted, I seem more upset than my mrs, I'll miss telling him how well the pest control is going on his farm.


I don't know if I'm numb from the flying or numb from the news of the death, either way I feel as though I've had the whole experience negatively reinforced.

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Well guys I'm back....


It was better than last time, but still not good, got back last night and still feel a bit odd.


Its such a shame, we spent a fortune on the villa, and Dr Kyska had to fly home 3 days in as her dad got ill, leaving me with my daughter having to make my own way back...got back last night to find out my lovely other halfs dad died yesterday, I'm truely gutted, I seem more upset than my mrs, I'll miss telling him how well the pest control is going on his farm.


I don't know if I'm numb from the flying or numb from the news of the death, either way I feel as though I've had the whole experience negatively reinforced.


Very sorry to hear about your father in law, but please don't connect it with flying it's just another mode of transport, after all when trains were invented people feared them in the same way, the talk of the day was that at those speeds the flesh would flay from your bones. My brother used to fear flying and said that he had an almost uncontrollable urge to run up the aisle and open the door (they physically cannot be opened in flight on pressurised A/C by the way)

condolences and best wishes. Gobfish

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