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how much land do you have permission for


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as above i just wondered how much land we have permission to use i have just got some more now making it 355 acres in total :good:


How are you able to manage all that? you must be out on farms shooting all hours of daylight in order to effectively manage all this. No wonder it is so hard to gain permission...

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How are you able to manage all that? you must be out on farms shooting all hours of daylight in order to effectively manage all this. No wonder it is so hard to gain permission...

Ummm...I aint saying then, because its a lot. I along with about 7 others shoot for a large farming estates company who have thousands of acres. Due to crop rotation , game rearing etc there are areas that can't /dont need to be shot so we manage to cover it fairly well.

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easy. :good: i asked :oops: i did not think i had much chance but i was polite and introduced my self showed my certificate and insurance details and he said .. Yes :good:mind i dont know if any one else comes to this farm mind so i cant say its only mine. But i have been out every day for weeks looking i have been turned down every other time so i think i deserve a chance :blush:

Edited by mad1
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does acerige really matter, I have quite a few permissions for ferreting, but only a few for shooting, on one (56 acres) your lucky to see a single rabbit, yet another smaller permission, that I've had sole permission on for years but is only small at around 20acres, is my favorite, as its teaming with rabbits,pigeon,corvids, plus the odd fox and muntjac

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32 farms across oxon wilts berks and a bit of gloucestershire I also shoot for two large contractors that farm between them over 20 thousand acres not all that is available but it sure opens up doors if you know the contractors well.


Keeping up with 30 thousand acres as always I am not the sole shooter and you can never have too much acerage as some areas looking at talk from fiels section are totally devoid of birds so it helps if you can gain perms within 30 mins drive of your base.


Regards OTH

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How are you able to manage all that? you must be out on farms shooting all hours of daylight in order to effectively manage all this. No wonder it is so hard to gain permission...



Quite easy I shoot on just over 9000 acres and manage it no problem. Just because there is alot of land dosen't mean that it all needs shooting all year round. Most of my land is sheep farms with a bit of arable and horse paddocks thrown in so using the land rover to drive the farms you can cover a very large area in one night, on the other hand there are areas that are very hard to reach and in the last few years Im lucky if ive done them fields any more than a dozen times as there is not much about on these . At the end of the day as people say you can never have enough land as it is a lot easier to loose than it is to gain. Not that I have lost any land but there is always the chance.

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thanks for that i thought i was gettin the blame :angry: for no shootin left . Like i said in my first post i have been askin around for a long long time and may be i got lucky but like has been said before its easyer to loose land than to gain it .. :yes: any way that reminds me i need to buy the bloke a bottle of whisky :)

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My own shoots

7 golf courses so they total about 1800 acres.

1 small holding 76 acres

1 large estate 3700 acres (but i only have 1500 to shoot over)


accompanied shoots well in excess of 3000 acres.


up north near selby i have 700 acres and the land is as flat as a witch's chest, superb for the .20 tactical.


thats all folks



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around 5000/6000 acres, about 2000 of that i am the sole shooter but i dont have as much access to the ground as i would like as i cant drive yet. Just wait till i can drive, i should have some more land in the bag. My grandfather is a very well respected farmer and sportsman and i only have to mention him and it instantly gets me permission in about a 15 mile radius :angry:

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I have a good mix of 6000 acres,mostly arable but have 20 acres of woods in total, cattle fields,horse paddocks,60 acres of orchards,6 farms,8 private estates and the best bit is that most of the farms link so i can always get on the pigeons or lamp from farm to farm without ever going on the roads and all this didnt happen by accident,i set out to get all the farms around my main one and i got em,so am well chuffed,its a year this month that i have had my sgc and am out at least twice a week :angry:

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How are you able to manage all that? you must be out on farms shooting all hours of daylight in order to effectively manage all this. No wonder it is so hard to gain permission...


About 5-6000 acres of arable and grazing, plus about 500 acres of woodland.


How do I manage all that ?

I am not the sole shooter on any of it, but on most of it there are only about 3 other shooters and we are all retired and get out most days in the week.

Simples. :angry:

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None of my own as yet, still trying!

But am fortunate to have 350 acre permision belonging to a mate that I can go to any time I like.


I'm on the brink hopefully of securing 350 acres of my own about 2 miles away from my house, so very excited at the prospect of not having to do 120 mile round trip every time I want to go out.......Fingers and toes crossed!!

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Formally with written consent I've got about 1400 acres between seven land owners. How did I get it? Half of them asked me after speaking to the people I shot for originally. I've even turned it down in the past and passed on someone elses number if it's not what I'm looking for!


The first is always the hardest I recon.

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111 acres exactly! To be honest I could have had more though it takes soooo long to get land cleared if you're on a closed ticket. Had the opportunity of another 100 acres not long ago, but the farmer wanted that particular patch sorted pronto, so unfortunately lost it. :angry:

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