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Cherish every moment


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Yesterday my 2 year old lab was sick after he had his breakfast. He was lethargic all day and not himself. That evening he was sick again. My dad decided to take him round the block and to take him to the vets in the morning. He was docile but still wagging his tail. When he went to the toilet he passed about 100ml of blood.


We took him to the emergency vets where he was very quite but still interested in what was going on. We knew something was up when somone came in with a cat making a real racket.


He vet saw him and said that whilst he was dehydrated and his temp was half a degree high she could not feel any obstruction so she gave us the option of Anitbiotics and rehydration solutions to give him at home then see our vet in the morning for an X-ray in the morning or doing the X-ray then.


We decided to take him home and see the vet in the morning. When we were paying he started to squat so I rushed him outside where he passed about 200ml of blood. I went back inside and said maybe we should go ahead with the x-ray then. I had to take him outside to pass more blood whilst we waited for the x-ray.


Whilst the x-ray was being done he passed more blood and they decided to keep him in over night so he could be rehydrated properly with a drip. This was 9pm and they said to ring at 1 to se how he had settled in. We did and they said his bloodtest had come back clear which sounded promising. They told us to pick him up at 7.45 this morning to take him to his regular vets.


I went with my dad and girlfriend. We spoke to the vet who said although he was not better he was stable but had passed a lot of blood in the night. I was expecting him to walk out so when they brought him out in a blanket it was a real shock. My poor little guy was in a real bad way and we all broke down on seeing him. He couldnt move at all, he couldnt even hold his head up or look at us.


On the way to the vets my girlfriend sat in the back with him. He was panting but totally limp. When we were nearly there he let out a quiet but heartbreaking howl, words cant describe how much it hurt to see him like that and not be able to help. For a dog thats usually so happy to see a member of the family to be showing to sign of recognnition is soul destroying.


We got to the vets, and the vet was on his way so I carried him to the cage and put him inside. This was 8.30. The nurse told me he was in safe hands and not to worry.


I dropped my girlfriend at work then went home for about 8.40. I was lying on my bed looking at photos of Magnum and I swear I heard him whine.


Magnum died at 9am this morning aged 2 years and 2 months.




The whole family are in pieces. THe vet said he started bleeding from the mouth and they tried their best but couldnt save him.


He was the best dog our family could ever have asked for, always happy to see you and he had so many adorable quirk


I have been away with work and come back thursday. It really hurts that i cant specifically remember the last time i look him for a walk or thew him a ball.



Look after your dogs guys. Its only once you see their empty bed that you realise just how big a part of your life they are.






Miss you mate.

Edited by tom_0787
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blimey sorry to hear, sounds like the night vet was negligent and should have treated him rather than let you transport him. I had a similar in a way problem with two Jack Russels who had an accident. In the vets saturday Lunchtime and you knew after being treated they would go in a cage everyone would go home and they would get checked every 3 hours or so. I moved them to dads as he is a vet and though it was 70 miles away I'm convinced one would have died if left as he changed the treatment and they had constant attention.

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Trust me mate even tho it feels like the worst thing in the world it will get easier, The day after the Cla game fair I brought my 2yr old Gsp for a run, I was getting him to retreive dummys I'd bought at the fair I threw one dummy over a ditch the dog went through the ditch to retreive the dummy and got caught in a snare by the time I got around too him he had gone, one of the worst days of my life, I'll never forget the image of him lying there. Even just thinking of the times I had him out in the fields is hard. Sorry for your loss again.

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Thank you for all the messages of support guys. He had hemorrhaging gastroenturitous (sp) poor guy basically bled to death. Apparently the cause of this rare infection is not really known. By the time its detectable its usually too late. I just hope my little lad didn't suffer to much. My biggest regret is not having said a proper goodbye even though deep down I knew he wasn't gonna make it.


Everywhere I go brings back memories of him. This has been the saddest.weekend of my life. My dad has cried more than when his own father passed and its terrible.to see him in so much pain.


Go give your dogs a hug!

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So sorry to hear that mate. Iv lost several springers over the years and it hurts like hell.

The Mrs won`t let me have any more because I take it too badly when they go, soft ***.

I will say though that the pain may never go away but it will get easier. :hmm:

Good luck for the future. :yes:

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