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Childhood shooting memories 1970s


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Getting the Webley Falcon in 1972..........shooting anything that moved.......destroying airfix models.........and action men........birds egg collecting.......what a job to get that swans egg............shoplifting Tizer from the local shop.......swimming in the canal.....long days fishing.........and smoking dads Capsten full strenght .....urg...urg....being chased by the local bobby who knew where you lived anyway..........HAPPY DAYS

Whats your fond memories.?

PS kids today dont no they are born

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Raiding your parents wardrobe for the rag and bone man ;)


Playing two man hunt In the woods at night with torches.


Going to the local market and buying a gat pistol and a black widow catty at 12 year old.


After years of pong and commodore 64 finally getting a sega megadrive for christmas :unsure: :o

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Getting the Webley Falcon in 1972..........shooting anything that moved.......destroying airfix models.........and action men........birds egg collecting.......what a job to get that swans egg............shoplifting Tizer from the local shop.......swimming in the canal.....long days fishing.........and smoking dads Capsten full strenght .....urg...urg....being chased by the local bobby who knew where you lived anyway..........HAPPY DAYS

Whats your fond memories.?

PS kids today dont no they are born


setting the sights on the air rifle by trying to shoot down the neck of those giant triangular whiskey bottles.

marc bolan


Woodbines was my grandads.


you got 3 bites out of pennie sweets

Edited by manxman2
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Cant think what it is called at the present time (old age) but standing in front of your mate throwing a knife at each other seeing who can get close to the other persons feet, without them moving, and runing around the garden when your mate shoots at you with their air riffle


O happy days....how they were full of fun ;) :unsure:

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Cant think what it is called at the present time (old age) but standing in front of your mate throwing a knife at each other seeing who can get close to the other persons feet, without them moving, and runing around the garden when your mate shoots at you with their air riffle


O happy days....how they were full of fun ;) :unsure:



Ha ha, you just beat me to it. We called it split the kipper. lol

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Getting my own BSA Meteor and dad setting up a target area in garden for me to shoot at.Then shooting Airfix planes,Action Man (pellets richochets off them!) and everything else!


Stampeding cattle in a nearby field by running and shouting at them-which must have been a truly frightening experience for those poor people taking the short cut home from work having 50 odd tons of prime beef bearing down on them.

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getting the air rifle and sneaking up stairs to the back bedroom,waiting for mrs bailey to hang her washing out 2 doors up and then shooting the pegs till all the washing ended up in the garden ;)


tying two front doors together then knocking and running away


making bows...... and the arrows out of canes with 6 inch nails in the front and pigeon feathers for flights


drinking cans of party seven


me and my mate both had escorts but mine had a dodgy gear box..i asked him if i could borrow his cos mine had failed its mot.........yep...i switched gear boxes at my other mates garage,,,he still doesnt know


climbed over the wall at the scrapyard,got loads of lead...walked round to the office and sold it back to him

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being caught with a catty on a large estate just about to pick up a pheasant, pretending to have a wee against a tree.


shooting holes in the next door neighbours best gardening hat with my air rifle, (not on his head at the time, left it on a cane down the garden)


Poaching wild brown trout from a really good little brook with a 5" rod and worms whilst buncking off school. me and me dad loved them :good:

Been chased a few times and even had a shot gun blasted over my head, made me run a bit faster.


snaring rabbits on the way back from school.


being chased by the local bobby for not havin lights on my push bike,


scrumping apples and being caught hanging in the tree by my wooly jumper, and getting a kick up the #*$@


knock and run


Oh the memories :good:

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Cockling at low tide and spearing flatties on the ebb and flow on the harbours to sell to the hotelsetc for the grockles to make pocket money.


The aforementioned trick with an old Gat rifle (yes they did make them, like a big pop gun with a 177 barrel that screwed in the end)


Acting ad "dog" for "uncles " when fowling on the marshes before I got my own gun.


Culling starlings in flocks with 9 shot during the foot and mouth epidemic at the time.


poaching trout with calcium carbide or a hazel switch and worms.


Cycling 20 miles to fish for the day.


oh yes and chips 4d (for the youngsters less than 2p) a bag standard 6d (2,5p) large. and fish and large chips 1/6 (7.5p)


Getting balsted on scrumpy at 10d (4.5p) a pint



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Having a BSA but really wanting a Webley Hawk with the 2 barrels . Seeing the trouble other lads had getting spares for Relums . Marksman pellets . The one below was my 1st air rifle . Got it for 50p at school and carried it in my school bag .



Used to listen to Fox singing Only You while at the fair .

Cooking trout and eels by the River Ellen .

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My Grandpops whenever he shot a pigeon he would hang it on my nans washing line.


He always said it was to stop the other birds eating his crops.

I think he just did it cause he knew it round my nan up.


My sister and i always had to go under it to get too feed the chickens

Once my sister ended up wearing one rotton pigeon as a hat

As it had rotted so much as we walked under it its body parted from its head

She was not a happy bunnie.

But i manage to see the funny side of her running round the garden screaming with it still sitting on her head like a easter bonnet.


I also remember the time when you didnt lock your guns up. Where ever Grandpops was so was his shotgun.

We just knew from day one that only he was aloud too handle it .


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Cant think what it is called at the present time (old age) but standing in front of your mate throwing a knife at each other seeing who can get close to the other persons feet, without them moving, and runing around the garden when your mate shoots at you with their air riffle


O happy days....how they were full of fun :good::good:



we called it knifey

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Cant think what it is called at the present time (old age) but standing in front of your mate throwing a knife at each other seeing who can get close to the other persons feet, without them moving, and runing around the garden when your mate shoots at you with their air riffle


O happy days....how they were full of fun :good::good:





:good: i remember doing that, good days.

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First time I ever shot my dads shotgun.....I had only ever fired tin can alley before (remember the little light gun that knocked plastic cans off a plastic wall.) He had been cleaning it in cellar and had to go pick my mum up or something? So I take shotgun to garage out back, set some paint cans on shelf in garage, two pinched carts from his belt in garage popped in. BOOM


Im sat on my backside about six feet away, hole in asbestos wall of garage about two feet in diameter, paint everywhere and the action lever had dug into the top of my thumb and wrist. blood everywhere.I wet my pants! I was only very young and was crying, scared to death and panicking. ran to put shotgun back in cellar and our next door neighbour saw me + shotgun + blood + smoke and red paint all over side of garage and came over the fence like a hurdler thinking Id shot myself.


Anyhoo...Mum went mental.dad took me to hospital to get my thumb and wrist stitched (the scar looks tiny now.) after a crack round the head that knocked me off my feet and left my ears ringing. threatening to kill me if I ever went near his guns again shouting at me all the way to hospital about how i could of killed myself. Me with snot and bubbles, crying like an air raid siren.


About a month later(think I was grounded for a month) dad decided to give me a bit of a "Gun safety" lesson and then later took me out shooting with him. I havent looked back.


I can still remember being sat on the garage floor with the sound of the shot still ringing in my ears thinking....OH NOOOOOOOOO They are so gonna kill me..

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