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two words women drivers

decoying mad

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this is what happens when a woman doesnt think about stopping distances in bad weather :angry:


best bit about it is its only just come back from body shop after another woman used it as her second brake :good:






There are good and bad women drivers, but DEFINATELY more bad than good.


Judging speed and distance, parking and reversing seems like an alien concept to a lot of them.


Too busy thinking about the cleaning, washing and ironing to concentrate on their driving I reckon. :lol:

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There are good and bad women drivers, but DEFINATELY more bad than good.


Judging speed and distance, parking and reversing seems like an alien concept to a lot of them.


Too busy thinking about the cleaning, washing and ironing to concentrate on their driving I reckon. :lol:



more like thinking about shoes or shopping you mean :o :o

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Ive bought a new Highway Code but I can't find the new rule that says that women can't use the inside lane on the motorway, or when turning right move into the centre of the road to allow traffic to continue straight on, or waiting at a junction why they won't let you out even when traffic is stationary. Or if they are in a Range Rover drive 1 ft behind you and when you slow down to let them pass slow down with you still 1 ft behind you <_<

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I will not ever be a passenger with my mrs's -- once going along a dual carrageway I saw a yellow flashing light on top of a digger - I thought (stupidly) that she would see it and when coast was clear move out --- tut Tut Tut - never even registered till it was too late and a continuous stream of cars were passing us - I said worse thing in the world - "Didn't you see it a mile back" huff huff puff puff - if you think you are so perfect you drive,



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Don't start me on Women drivers :angry:


My GF tells me they make safer drivers than Men :rolleyes:


Saturday in Reading I saw her eat humble pie after a stupid bint nearly took the front of our car off with a crazy ivan manouvre in a 20mph zone I left litterally just over a car length between myself and the car in front and she barreled along the inside lane and slammed her car into the gap causing me to brake sharp and the guy bihind me nearly hit the rear of MY car :angry:


I Also find on the motorways when they overtake they leave NO room before trying to rearrange the front off side bumper and lights when sharply veering back to the inside lane :oops:


I got a fair few of them taking the urine whilst I drove buses too cutting into the bus lanes and overtaking so close to the lights on a few occasions they have had to go on the other side of the traffic islands and into oncomming traffic lanes.


Mad mad mad.

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after reading some of the threads on this i had a few memories come back to me.


one was my x who every time she got the car out of the garage it would cost me a set of door mirrors, if she didnt take them off on the way out, she would manage it on the in. she gave up in the end and stopped driving, but i have since learnt she on the road again, good job she's 10 miles away from me.


The next one was my mother, while we out in here car with my father in the passenger seat and me in the back, my mom has this habbit of going up and down the gears alot, on this occasion she promptly went to change gear and then said oops what shall i do with this? waving the gear leaver at my dad. i cannot repeat what my dad came out with.


And the last one is my current partner who by the way cliams to be an expert driver and has no reverse parking problems,or any other problems of any sort ( because she perfect). On going around the local ring road in a clockwise direction, on taking right hand bends i noticed that car seemed to have a bit of wiggle on the steering ( thats the best way i can describe it).


I said whats up with the car? you seem to taking the corner in jerks.


she replied i dont like right hand bends, they make me fill ill,

i replied u stupid ... you should not be driving then or from now on we go left, left, left and left again and we are back where we started.... i suggested she should get a bus, that did not go down to well.


by the way not all women drivers are bad, i have seen some silly male drivers when traveling around the city in the course of my job.


the last one was a black cabbie who managed to go between two concrete ballards to drop his passenger off then reversed in to one of them on the way out taking the front wing of the cab as it went between front wheel and wheel arch....... he said oh i did, see that!

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Best I ever saw was a pink open top MG going down the A40 into London. I was on my bike on my way to work, and I was unsure about overtaking because the thing kept weaving about and not staying in the lane properly. I finally saw a clear spot and went for it. As I rode past I had a look to see what she was doing.....



Shaving her legs.


Yes. She was blonde.

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Is it just our (male) perception that they are worse than us? Doesn't data show that they are safer hence why their insurance premiums are lower?


going off what my driving instructer said there worse but the only minor crashes and bumps compaired to male drivers who have less crashes but tend to right the car or anythingh the hitt off. my mam managed to drive int a petrol pump and ran her own cat over in the same year she will never let them down as for the gf she managed to hit the wall on the drive the other week it was my fault ofcors as i was fast asleep in bed but heho sorted 500 pound later

Edited by northeastshooter
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Is it just our (male) perception that they are worse than us? Doesn't data show that they are safer hence why their insurance premiums are lower?


No. They really are worse.


Young men (boys) are in the worst category for accidents, usually caused by speed, showing off and a lack of ability.


But these lads grow into men.


Men who are kind and considerate to other road users, building up to Schumacher type abilities, they know the Highway Code inside out and become patient, courteous knights of the road. :yes:


Women on the other hand.................. :no:

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