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The Good The Bad and the Ugly


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we all love those special days when we shoot a large bag i was lucky to shoot over 90 birds twice last summer but i also had a day two years ago shooting on flowering rape in april where i shot 9 birds for 18 shots with a rigt and left that will remain in my mind til the day i die so i think its quality not quantity that counts :oops::lol:


cheers BS

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To reply strictly to the question, i.e. what constitutes a good day in terms of numbers shot, I rate as follows:


Good day = 100 plus

Fair day = 50 - 100

Mediocre day = 25 - 50

Should have stayed in bed day = Less than 25


Aha, some people will say, you should be happy just to be out in the Countryside, in the fresh air, and be pleased to shoot 3 birds in 6 hours.


I used to have that attitude when I was younger, and had more spare time on my hands, and birds were harder to decoy, without todays hi-tech equipment, but nowadays I always do a thorough recce before I go out, and if there's any doubt in my mind that the birds won't show, then I won't go out, simple as that.


I've got better things to do with my time, like Clay shooting, Golf, Drinking Beer etc.



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Having a blank session due to making a poor judgement decision, is a bad session.

Getting cold and wet as well, is just the icing on the cake. :oops:


I don't have long bad sessions.

The "one shot in six hours" doesn't apply, if you have enough experience to know when to call a halt.

If its not going to happen, I go elsewhere, or home.

Tomorrow is another day.


A good session is when it all works out and you get some shooting.

The size of the bag is not that important, as long as there is some action.

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Well for me 10 birds is a worthwhile trip but it depends on how you shoot :oops:


Pull off half a dozen good shots, teft & right that would do me. There is a huge variation in what a good day is, in this part of the world 20-30 birds over decoys is a good day. I don't have many good days.... you need to put the time in & it's not always possible.


As long as I get a couple I go home happy :lol:

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My brother had a bad day last week, he went for a roe at fisrt light but nothing doing. Then he set up pigeon decoying on a rape field until 11am without a shot. Went back to the car to discover he had lost his one car key!!. The car is still parked where he left it while a new key comes from the manufactureres! And to top it all whilst he was walking the fiels looking for the car key 3 Roe jumped out of a copse just in front of him and would have been the perfect side on shot.

Edited by scolopax
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I agree with most posts

No one wants a blank nothing beats being out there with your dog a flask of tea and a couple of home made door steps even better when they are coming in and dropping with each shot.


Not so good when you shoot and miss they laugh as the fly away and you think you have no shot in your carts and swear your barrels are bent.


Best thing is getting out of the house away from the nagging and putting off those chores she has lined up for another day :thumbs:


Please do not forward on to her in doors as I may have to evict the dog so I have a cosey place to sleep.


Rab eye

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