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got caught again


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I ordered a jacket from cabalas usa on the 2dec and told them to mark it as gift for son,Well today received a letter from parcelforce telling me they have my parcel and they want £16,73 on behalf of HMC&E £8.73 vat and £8 clearance fee,this is the second time now i have been stung by these greedy**** and feel its now not worth buying from overseas, In all honesty they probably had it sometime and held it back toget the vat increase.


just thought id share this with you

atb kenny

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So they are greedy are they?


Why didn't you buy the jacket in this country and then you wouldn't have to be ranting? Import duty is something set up to prevent you trying to cheat the system. Which you were trying to do by having it marked as a gift.

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I may be wrong but I always understood the whole 'gift' thing to only be applicable to items sent privately, not from a commercial outfit. So an item from a relative in the states can be marked as a gift and will most likely not attract a customs charge whereas an item shipped in a box stamped 'Cabelas" with an invoice and shipping note from 'Cabelas' is most likely to attract the usual round of charges.


Anything I've ordered from the states has always attracted a charge or two and in all honesty I would expect it to do so.

Edited by mick miller
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We bought a genuine Suzuki gel seat for our Bandit from America, but even after paying £30 odd quid, vat and handling fees, it was still over £200 cheaper than an identical genuine seat in the uk. So ours was a good experiance, the company that sold us the seat officially marked it up at half the normal selling cost, which I believe to be standard practice. :good: from Auntie.

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Import duty is something set up to prevent you trying to cheat the system.


No...its a tax pure and simple....hence we pay inflated prices over here for many consumer goods which are infinately cheaper elsewhere despite also being imported.


We are now amongst the most expensive countries to live in thanks to successive rip off governments...of all hues.

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No...its a tax pure and simple....hence we pay inflated prices over here for many consumer goods which are infinately cheaper elsewhere despite also being imported.


We are now amongst the most expensive countries to live in thanks to successive rip off governments...of all hues.



i tend to agree


I dont smoke but the ciggy thing is another such area, we join Europe market accomerdate people from other European nations on our welfare state at cost to UK PLC and the customs man want to charge you import tax for cigges bought in, the lot of them are Cock birds minus the bird bit!

Edited by pavman
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Just to put a slightly different spin on this....


Have you stopped to think that by taking business from uk retailers and importing yourself, you are contributing to the problem of inflated prices as the retailers have to increase thier margins to survive...


Another angle is that anything (other than exempt items) are subject to tax in this country, why should you not pay tax when the rest of us have to? While we're at it, do you want the rest of us to increase the amount of income tax we pay so that you don't have to pay any too??


The problem (mainly caused by Ebay) is huge and the manpower needed to process all these little piddly individual imports is huge and therefore justifies the additional handling fee.. remember, the same paperwork is needed for a container ship full of jackets as for your one jacket... Most of the issues with UK prices are to do with the poor performance of Stirling rather than high import duties.


Where is the greed??? The only greed I can see is you trying to steal... yes, that is ACTUALLY what it amounts to, from HMRC by 'trying' to cheat the system... especially as you asked them to specifically mark the item as a gift to try and avoid detection rather than receiving it minus the tax as an ommission on thier part... It's called tax evasion and is a criminal offence!


Cabelas are very good... you can choose a shipping option that includes all of your import charges and duties so there are no additional fees to pay when the item lands.


I, agree, we, as a nation are very highly taxed, rightly or wrongly, but we all have to follow the same set of rules, and no, I'm not a tax man but it really ****** me off when people try to break the law to avoid paying a pittance for something I have to pay and helping to damage our already fragile economy at the same time.....



Then you have the audacity to bitch about it on here!!!!! I really hope that, unlike me, some of my fellow shooters on here do work for HMRC and see this thread!!!




Edited by Vipa
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lol I was close to it Vipa :good:


Importing from outside the EU does attract Import duty and VAT, yes you can try the usual tax avoidance techniques but there are penalties for retailers and they can be harsh in the US so goods don't tend to be mis declared so much these days.

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From the perspective of someone in the US. Asking to mark a gift an item that was sold is illegal and considered fraud and mail fraud is a Federal offense here, which is very serious. Yes I know the chance of prosecution is fairly low but you are basically asking someone to break a law that carries a large fine and possible prison sentence. I realize that you don't feel it's fair and that's fine but don't get mad when someone here won't break the law on your behalf.

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They certainly seem to have started hitting a lot more things for import duty and VAT recently.


I have been buying things from overseas for many years, mainly for the huge cost savings due to some sole distributors operating like a cartel and charging extortionate prices.


When buying from abroad i alway factor in the potential VAT, Import duty and handling charge but it's still hugely cheaper.


In 10 years I never had a single package hit for either VAT or import duty, however in the last 4 months or so I have had 4 out of 5 where import duty and VAT were payable, with the current debt we are in I really can't blame them. As for asking them to declare as a gift it's a serious offence for the retailer and they won't take the risk.



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well thats definitely upset a few of you, you must be the most honest load of people ive ever came across never brought anything of the back of a lorry,cheap fags booze whatever fair play to all of you,As for fraud how do you work that out when you check out from cablas your ask if you want to add anything to the package which i did I was only telling the truth,I have been buying goods overseas for many years and only the last two times i have had to pay and was to inform people the way things have gone, If the item was on the market here i would have brought here full stop,As for trying to avoid tax i don't think so being a tax payer here and overseas for many years i pay my share believe me,The post was to advise people that's the way it is now so beware when buying overseas, I paid top doller for the postage and in my opinion that should have been it but no the government still want there cut, And as for the person or persons that told me i should spend my money in this country i suggest you really should mind your own business its my money and i will spend it where and when i like, So fellows pick holes in this as far as iam concerned this matter is closed


atb kenny

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I bought £700-odd worth of power tool from the States via Ebay a few years ago. The quoted price included all taxes & duties for UK delivery. A few wqeeks after I picked the very heavy package up from City Link (they must have had their slippers on and very thick gloves when they knocked on my door as I never heard a thing when they stuck the " we tried to deliver but you were out" card thro the door) City Link sent me an invoice for about £50 of import duty they claimed to have paid on my behalf. We swapped a few emails about this and then I asked to see details of the invoice from HMRC rather than one they had just knocked up themselves. Never heard another thing. I still don't know whether they were trying it on or just made a cockup. Surely if there was money owed to HMRC they would ask me themselves, or if the courier really paid they would try to get it off me before they let me have the goods? How does it normally work?

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lol at all the support for the taxman. they don't call britain treasure island for nothing.

nothing wrong with paying ones way in life but with so much public money being lashed up the wall in africa etc why give them more money to waste.



its not that its every time you buy from abroad the sites will state you are responsible for any duties and taxes levied so yes you get caught but its not exactly unexpected. A lot of the customs systems have gone online fairly recently and that is why its getting more regular especially with the likes of the larger online retailers. If you don't provide a commercial invoice with the shipments they usually get held full stop.

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well thats definitely upset a few of you, you must be the most honest load of people ive ever came across never brought anything of the back of a lorry,cheap fags booze whatever fair play to all of you,As for fraud how do you work that out when you check out from cablas your ask if you want to add anything to the package which i did I was only telling the truth,I have been buying goods overseas for many years and only the last two times i have had to pay and was to inform people the way things have gone, If the item was on the market here i would have brought here full stop,As for trying to avoid tax i don't think so being a tax payer here and overseas for many years i pay my share believe me,The post was to advise people that's the way it is now so beware when buying overseas, I paid top doller for the postage and in my opinion that should have been it but no the government still want there cut, And as for the person or persons that told me i should spend my money in this country i suggest you really should mind your own business its my money and i will spend it where and when i like, So fellows pick holes in this as far as iam concerned this matter is closed


atb kenny



I'm sorry Kenny, if I upset you, that wasn't my intention... I'll tell you what, I'll mind my own business.....


Right.... on to my business...


You are defrauding the taxpayer... i.e. ME (not you, ME.... ME, well actually, as a taxpayer, you ME too! lol).... by actively seeking to avoid paying tax that you should quite rightly pay and that the rest of us have to pay. You are right, it is your business to spend your money as and how you want but don't come on here whinging about getting stung for a tax that you should be paying like the rest of us... Are you some sort of special case who deserves to be let off from paying tax???


And as for your other comments... No... Actually, I have never bought anything that has 'fallen off the back of a lorry' or 'cheap fags and booze' THAT WOULD BE 'RECEIVING STOLEN GOODS' Oh... so you are a special case.... hmmm... It's on the tip of my tongue... hold on.... it's coming.... That's it... the word is.... is.... criminal!!!


You really are not painting a very good picture of yourself here! Tax evasion, receiving stolen goods.... smuggling too?

Edited by Vipa
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well thats definitely upset a few of you, you must be the most honest load of people ive ever came across never brought anything of the back of a lorry,cheap fags booze whatever fair play to all of you,As for fraud how do you work that out when you check out from cablas your ask if you want to add anything to the package which i did I was only telling the truth,I have been buying goods overseas for many years and only the last two times i have had to pay and was to inform people the way things have gone, If the item was on the market here i would have brought here full stop,As for trying to avoid tax i don't think so being a tax payer here and overseas for many years i pay my share believe me,The post was to advise people that's the way it is now so beware when buying overseas, I paid top doller for the postage and in my opinion that should have been it but no the government still want there cut, And as for the person or persons that told me i should spend my money in this country i suggest you really should mind your own business its my money and i will spend it where and when i like, So fellows pick holes in this as far as iam concerned this matter is closed


atb kenny


You knew the risk and got caught ,**** happens every one loves to save money were they can,I am sure loads of people do the same!don't beat your self up over it,

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its not that its every time you buy from abroad the sites will state you are responsible for any duties and taxes levied so yes you get caught but its not exactly unexpected. A lot of the customs systems have gone online fairly recently and that is why its getting more regular especially with the likes of the larger online retailers. If you don't provide a commercial invoice with the shipments they usually get held full stop.


i totally see you point of view all i am pointing out is that we are taxed to the hilt. i do agree that if you chance your arm and lose out it should be expected.

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I bought £700-odd worth of power tool from the States via Ebay a few years ago. The quoted price included all taxes & duties for UK delivery. A few wqeeks after I picked the very heavy package up from City Link (they must have had their slippers on and very thick gloves when they knocked on my door as I never heard a thing when they stuck the " we tried to deliver but you were out" card thro the door) City Link sent me an invoice for about £50 of import duty they claimed to have paid on my behalf. We swapped a few emails about this and then I asked to see details of the invoice from HMRC rather than one they had just knocked up themselves. Never heard another thing. I still don't know whether they were trying it on or just made a cockup. Surely if there was money owed to HMRC they would ask me themselves, or if the courier really paid they would try to get it off me before they let me have the goods? How does it normally work?


Depends on the courier being used but they all collect any duties payable on behalf of HMRC and then batch pay them, presumably on a monthly basis, I would have thought it an admin nightmare to pay them on an individual transaction basis, we are talking hundreds of thousands of transactions if not millions per day.


If the postal route uses Royal Mail or Parcel Force (tends to be the case if the goods were shipped from the States via USPS) then they will hold on to your goods until you have paid the duty and admin fee. If it's one of the big carriers (only have experience of DHL, Fedex and UPS) they deliver the goods and then invoice you a few days to a week later. :good:

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