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"He had already pleaded guilty to possing a FIREARM with intent....."


An air rifle is not a firearm! He should have challenged that! Its a "toy" in the eyes of the law.


Any time an air rifle is used illegaly it is covered under fire arm rules :good:

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The victim's mother, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, wept outside of the court. She said: 'I am gutted, absolutely devastated.

'The whole incident could have been a lot more serious. The pellet went in to my sons neck right next to his jugular. He is now left with a one inch scar.

'He doesn't even play out that much. We had been for a family meal that night and he had only been out with his friends about half an hour.



He might have only been out with his "friends" for about half an hour but that was plenty of time to terrorise the elderly and cause criminal damage!

If he wants to play the hard man/chav/ idiot trouble maker then he has to learn to accept the consequences when he gets caught out and things go belly up!

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Seems the scrotes can do as they please and the law does twit all, a victim makes a stand and injures one of these toerags accidently or otherwise and the law jumps on him with big muck boots on.


Theres never been a better time to be gone from here just wish I had the wherewithall to do it.




Typo correction!!!

Edited by Sha Bu Le
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During the bad snowy conditions in Dec 2010 we had a couple of scrotes young ones about 10 y.o. throwing ice balls at our front window.

My wife had not told me they had been doing it all week, night it happened when I and my son were home we went out but they'd done a runner. Being intelligent young citizens they forget they had to pass our house to get home. My son 6'1" watching from his window clocked them and came charging downstairs. Guessed what was happening picked car keys up (cos I aint running after little twits they'll win every time). we jumped in motor headed them off at the pass and caught one of the little dears.


He cried like a girl, told him his mate was a tart for leaving him and I'd be up to see his dad later. Should have followed him home to find out where he lived.



Not heard a word or seen them since.



another typo!!

Edited by Sha Bu Le
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Victory for commone sense my harris. Only reason he got off was because they charged him with the wrong offence. Had he been done for section 47 he would be busy with a suspended sentence. Shooting someone with an air rifle is simply not appropriate to protect a fence panel.

Edited by guest1957
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During the bad snowy conditions in Dec 2010 we had a couple of scrotes young ones about 10 y.o. throwing ice balls at our front window.

My wife had not told me they had been doing it all week, night it happened when I and my son were home we went out but they'd done a runner. Being intelligent young citizens they forget they had to pass our house to get home. My son 6'1" watching from his window clocked them and came charging downstairs. Guessed what was happening picked car keys up (cos I aint running after little twits they'll win every time). we jumped in motor headed them off at the pass and caught one of the little dears.


He cried like a girl, told him his mate was a tart for leaving him and I'd be up to see his dad later. Should have followed him home to find out where he lived.



Not heard a word or seen them since.



another typo!!


It's surprising just how "hard" they are when they are on their own isn't it! Well done!

As for the pensioner that shot the little pr@t, true he might not have got away with it if they had charged him with the right offence but I'll bet the little scroats thing twice before they mess with him again! Whilst we can not condone intentionally shooting someone (under any circumstances except active service) I still say "Good luck to that man, he deserves his freedom"!

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