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FAC How Long


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took me 6 months.


however from having seen a few of these 'how long' threads, i would say you cant judge much on the time taken, it depends on so many variables; cleared land, previous experiance of applicant, if the local force are under staffed at the time, what your 2nd name begins with, as you will get sorted into piles and given to different officers (unlucky mr Smith :) )


Ring up the firearms Dept., ask for the moble number for the officer handeling your application and take note of it. Then every 2 or 3 weeks ring him up and ask how your application is coming along.


He will soon be sick of hearing your voice and get it done.

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Then every 2 or 3 weeks ring him up and ask how your application is coming along.


He will soon be sick of hearing your voice and get it done.

Or give you a rollocking, like they do over here. :lol::)

As for getting their mobile number, over here they would not take kindly to it. :lol:

The police in your country seem tame compared to us and polite.

Over here, they are like gorrilas at times, but not allways, their is the odd bobby that is helpfull.


Have you got your Howa .223 yet Nick?

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got the variation, just got to wait untill the importer has one in stock, Mid march they are telling me :)


Also still waiting for the stock, which should arrive at a similar time.



When i rang up to check on the variation i was given the officer who was dealing with its' number without even asking for it. they dont seem to mind being pestered, i certainly pestered on my initial application and everytime i rang up it was always "oh yes i was going to ring you this week.... do you happen to know if....."

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Over a year for a variation. The bloke in charge was called Kline so he is known locally as "Decline" as you don't have a cat in hells chance of getting it.


It takes for ever, their policy is one that reduces gun ownership, bloody hard work.



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Any nice houses for sale near to you stu?  :P



Now here's the downside of this area..


'Nice' houses round my way sell for about the same price as a medium sized village in other parts of the country :yp: ;)


This one is a snip at 3.5 million and it probably floods in the winter


And NO, that isn't my house :D


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  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome to the site Mungler,

I am not sure how long Essex take, all i can say is,

dont be afraid to ring your FLO ,from time to time and ask how its going,

I sometimes think doing this keeps your application nearer the top of the pile and prevents it getting stuck in someones tray for weeks on end.

I think most on here will agree that about 3 months is the "norm" for SGC but dont quote me on it, some are a lot quicker and some arn't.

Good luck with it.

Regards Sutty :)

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I would always ring just to let them know are keen, don't hassle them just a polite call. I rang after a week or so just to make sure all my paperwork had got there OK (as I foolishly just stuck it in the post) and they took that as me chasing them up, my FEO called me back a couple of hours later to make an appointment!

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Thanks all for that - I will give the firearms officer a buzz under the pretense of checking that he got my application safely. I have just spent the best part of the weekend bolting the safe in and have already bought a 2nd hand Beretta 686 30" multichoke from the local gun shop (where it resides until the cert comes)... I have no patience. Fingers crossed I haven't cursed my application now...


I will be flogging off a couple of airguns in the next week - where's the best place to sell?

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