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pigeon shooting

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I picked up some in Argos a couple of years ago. They were about £80. This was for 4 radios plus batteries and chargers.

I use them to keep in touch with the rest of the team when picking up and when pigeon shooting.

They are great for taking the **** out of the mate across the other side of the field who has just missed that sitter you saw dropping in with both barrels :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I bought a set of PMRs 8 channel ones for £10 in a sale and they are spot on.


I've been a naughty boy with them as i went to the Valley where they teach people to ride motorbikes and had a HEAP of fun with them.


They are on the same frequency as the intercoms on Motorbike training :thumbs:


So i was keying the button and (turn left and the next junction) and the instructor was going ballistic :blink:


Mine are good for about 1/2 a mile in built up areas but in the field they can go out to over one and a half miles no trouble.



Edited by Lord Geordie
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I use walkie talkies at work and when shooting. I find them much quicker and easier than using a mobile and it doesn't cost you to make the call.


A word of warning though, all the two way radios on sale in the shops are generally on the same frequencys.


This means that anybody within range that has a walkie talkie can and will hear your conversation so it pays to be a bit sensible when talking. We get a lot of interference on our radios from other people using thiers close by

and also get a lot of security firms and store detectives conversations over our radios and they must hear ours.



To buy a radio with a licensed private frequency costs a fortune.




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