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Closed season

The Duncan

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This old chessnut raises its head every year.


The wood pigeon is an agricultural pest; we shoot it under the conditions of a general license by way of crop protection.


Whats the sence in having what is in effect a closed season on woodies?


In reality the pigeon do get a rest from shooting, but not in such an organised or dictatorial way.


Pigeon shooters do take holidays, generally in the spring and summer months when the woodies are breeding the most.

Access to some crops and fields is restricted, there is little point in shooting pigeon on the grounds of crop protection if the shooter is doing more damage than the pigeon.


Overall its a decision of consiense, no one says that you have to shoot woodies when they are breeding, but if you choose not to, don't be too surprised if another shooter fills your vacant boots.



Edited by webber
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we personally don;t shoot that many during the winter months,only bag a few on spring drilling..and very little shot in early summer so the birds have had a rest in that time.

but as soon as any laid crops become available about end of june we start shooting them proper up to end of november on the last of the stubbles.

so in the space of a year they get a lot of breaks were they are not shot at all;so have there own closed season when not being shot..

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As webber said, this old chestnut comes up every year.


My main reason for thinking its not necessary, is that there are so many "No-Go" areas for pigeons shooters that act as sanctuaries for the wood pigeon, that shooting all year does not affect their numbers that adversely.

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I shall stop chasing them soon and concentrate on the young bunnies with my airgun :good:


Still be looking forwards to the harvest though :yes:

I was thinking the same myself today - chase what can be caught! I saw a good number of bunnies frollicking and enjoying the suns rays and warmth as I drove today. A few groups of woodies in the fens (50-100 ish birds) on what looked like Kale and spring cabbage. Slim pickings otherwise.


Funnily enough, I'm having a crack at ferreting this weekend with 308dave and I'm looking forward to it immensely. Some with SG, some without but I can't wait!


Roll on June from what Yickdaz said!


Cranfield : "My main reason for thinking its not necessary, is that there are so many "No-Go" areas for pigeons shooters that act as sanctuaries for the wood pigeon, that shooting all year does not affect their numbers that adversely."

That makes a lot of sense Cranfield - Webber also raised a good point about doing more damage to crops at certain times ot year than the Woodies make!

Looks like ferreting/ambushing bunnies with air rifles for a bit - it's a hard life lol!



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