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You need to brush up on you English history the current splits are due to a fat king wanting to get divorced and re-marry with a few political flavourings thrown in. nothing to do with interpretations of a book.




Oh! I never knew Henry VIII discussed women priests. Do tell me more o wise one.

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Their main issue is the wars we've taken on in their countries which have displaced them and made them emigrate.

Sadly the site is there due to democracy but must be on the edge of being removed


Alex, thier issue is war against any muslim country because it's a muslim country (according

to the web site).


Most of them were born here AFAIUI.




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Oh! I never knew Henry VIII discussed women priests. Do tell me more o wise one.


:lol: :lol: What drugs are you snifling from the station eh?? What has female vicars and priests got to do with the fundamental reasons for religious divide within Christianity??? ************************************************

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:lol: :lol: **************************************************************************



come on fella no need for insults is there.... please keep it clean or it gets taken down and then we cant debate the issue as intended


thanks :good:

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come on fella no need for insults is there.... please keep it clean or it gets taken down and then we cant debate the issue as intended


thanks :good:




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he is a member of the constabulary I'd suggest he has been called worse, had his parentage questioned and all sorts and thats face to face rather than through a pc :lol:;)

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I dont see what you can get from such comments, dont get me wrong I am no saint and enjoy a little mafia baiting from time to time........ however we all know each other and its strictly harmless banter with no intent to offend, you are hardly showing yourself in a good light and I hope you dont get this thread closed.............


You are on my naughty boy to watch list :yes:


If all FEO had access to PW there may be a few less certificates in circulation

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:lol: :lol: What drugs are you snifling from the station eh?? What has female vicars and priests got to do with the fundamental reasons for religious divide within Christianity??? ************************************************


I appreciate that during the course of this thread you have not yet been proved wrong, except evidentially, and you have been able to explain away those discrepancies to your own satisfaction. I also appreciate that your view of the world from the park bench in Nelson as interpreted by your own worldly-wise intelligence is a far more honest version than that painted by government statistics or that portrayed by other poster's experiences like my own that are obviously flawed or blatently corrupt. However, please let me humbly point out that in the 450 years or so since Henry VIII was on the throne the Church of England has been through many a crisis including these current issues;


Church of England split over female bishops


Church of England may split over homosexuality issues


Unfortunately I have only been able to quote from unreliable and scandal-mongering sources as the BBC and Daily Telegraph, but I am sure in your extensive library you may discover similar material that you may have previously overlooked.


The pesky C of E lot are always falling out, quite unlike the Catholic Church who rallied round their pedophile priests and gave them all second and sometimes third, fourth and fifth chances to redeem themselves before paying out huge sums of money worldwide and finally acknowledging that there actually might have been a problem. At least when you are putting in your contribution on a Sunday you can be sure that some of it will be going to needy causes in England, Ireland, Belgium, Mexico and of course the United States where the compensation claims are being settled.

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I appreciate that during the course of this thread you have not yet been proved wrong, except evidentially, and you have been able to explain away those discrepancies to your own satisfaction. I also appreciate that your view of the world from the park bench in Nelson as interpreted by your own worldly-wise intelligence is a far more honest version than that painted by government statistics or that portrayed by other poster's experiences like my own that are obviously flawed or blatently corrupt. However, please let me humbly point out that in the 450 years or so since Henry VIII was on the throne the Church of England has been through many a crisis including these current issues;


Church of England split over female bishops


Church of England may split over homosexuality issues


Unfortunately I have only been able to quote from unreliable and scandal-mongering sources as the BBC and Daily Telegraph, but I am sure in your extensive library you may discover similar material that you may have previously overlooked.


The pesky C of E lot are always falling out, quite unlike the Catholic Church who rallied round their pedophile priests and gave them all second and sometimes third, fourth and fifth chances to redeem themselves before paying out huge sums of money worldwide and finally acknowledging that there actually might have been a problem. At least when you are putting in your contribution on a Sunday you can be sure that some of it will be going to needy causes in England, Ireland, Belgium, Mexico and of course the United States where the compensation claims are being settled.



Yes but the main point was the current problems which you stated here....




The current splits in the C of E can be seen as evidence of differences of interpretation. Not many follow the strict code of the Bible and only extreme sections of the Muslim world practice all the Koran's verses.





These issues are nothing to do with interpretation more to do with modernisation. So yes your wrong xxx


And what about those filthy lying rozzers who were involved in the Steven Lawrence case?? Does that mean all police are racist thugs??

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Yes but the main point was the current problems which you stated here....





These issues are nothing to do with interpretation more to do with modernisation. So yes your wrong xxx


And what about those filthy lying rozzers who were involved in the Steven Lawrence case?? Does that mean all police are racist thugs??


Obviously I am wrong, because you are always right. Except that for others these splits are actually caused by difference in interpretation. In the case of the female priests you can find an argument against here;


Urban Pastor


It is evidenced by interpretations of the Bible. Of course he is only an Anglican Priest and does not have your wordly experience.

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Join the mushroom/ukpoacher latent homosexual self appreciation society today


Can you join online or do you have to print out the application and fill it in? I hope you don't have to print out and application and fill it in, I don't want to print out and application and fill it in, I don't have the time. I mean who has the time to print out and application and fill it in? Then you probably have to send it off somewhere, and there's the walk to the post office, can't take the car because petrol is too expensive, and have you seen the price of stamps..?

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mushroom - any chance of a reply to the question I asked? I know it must be difficult - trolling and thinking - but have a go. Be a pal. :lol: :lol: :lol:


I trust you don't have a shotgun or firearm certificate, because your anti-police posts and confrontational attitude would place them in jeopardy. :yes: :yes: :yes:

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mushroom - any chance of a reply to the question I asked? I know it must be difficult - trolling and thinking - but have a go. Be a pal. :lol: :lol: :lol:


I trust you don't have a shotgun or firearm certificate, because your anti-police posts and confrontational attitude would place them in jeopardy. :yes: :yes: :yes:



Is there something wrong with you? And you reckon mushroom is being confrontational? He may well be, but how are you now any better? Perhaps he can't be bothered to answer you, and I don't blame him. Whosever views you agree with, be it ukpoacher or mushroom, they are both passionate and sincere in what they believe. It makes for fascinating reading, but you just seem to want to poke mushroom with a pointy stick. Can't see the point.

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rover - you are entitled to your view - I feel the same about you.


I worry about people saying they would hit Policemen. I presume it doesn't bother you. Perhaps it is a sincere view that you respect. For the record - I don't.


I detest racism.


Feel free to sit on the sidelines and snipe.

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Just because he's a policeman doesn't make him some sort of god. Mushroom is entitled to his opinion. Good on him for speaking his mind :good: Don't see anybody complaining when the Gypsies are getting bashed on here. Hypocrites.

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