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French Burka Ban


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There is facility for immigrants to apply for indefnite leave to remain in this country without applying for UK citizenship.


yes its called here's £20 get yourself to dover :hmm:



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There is facility for immigrants to apply for indefnite leave to remain in this country without applying for UK citizenship.



Aye "settlement visa" and they have to be here for between 2 and 5 years legally, most just marry in, or claim asylum. I really would love to see these figures then see just how many passports have been issued and correlate the figures I know which one I "think" will be higher :good:

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Are you having a laugh??? seriously?? They all want British passports and get them!!! How else do they manage to get education, healthcare, benefits etc???


People who know nothing about the subject being debated would be advised to stop posting rubbish. The above statement is totally removed from reality. Getting any of the above would not require a British passport. That is not an opinion - merely fact.

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People with ILR enjoy a range of benefits and MANY are naturalised as British Citizens eventually. There are a lot of people on this topic who are talking their own, and it has to be said very narrow, version of the truth. Entrenchment is happening, as is pedantry.


I think agreeing to disagree and move on may be an acceptable strategy here.

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I've stayed out of this thread for a few reasons.


1; It's france, and the people running this country will never have the balls to do the same.

2; Even if they did they'd be to many so called brits that are to blame for the country being ruined crying out for the muslims.

3; I think any person religous or not that's offending to the eye should be made to cover up, or better still only allowed out after dark.

4; I thought the thread would be closed by now.

5; There's some complete drivvle being spouted from both the for and against brigades.




6; Who cares what i think anyway :oops:

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I'm with pegleg - who cares what I think, but

In their own homes, as with us, they do as they choose, I feel strongly that whoever and wherever, one should try and integrate.

I would not allow the burkah as, to me (note), it is a symbol of descrimination against women. I'm not in favour of any descrimination.


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Hate to say this MM my old neighbour used to keep sending food over when she had been cooking similar pattie type things, I have no idea on hygiene but finding the first hair in them put me off for life. Used to be a standing joke in our house every time she came round with them


Wearing a Burka 100% of the time could have stopped this. :yes:

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who would kick everyone with a hint of a sun tan out of the country



thats a good starting point :yes:




Bigotry and intolerance at it`s finest :good:




Secondly, why is British a broad brush stroke?? are you not British?? English, Scottish, Welsh we are all British are we not as well as our native nations.


And no you are no better than them (whoever they are)You sir just want to argue about inconsequential rubbish.


Sorry it was pitched a bit high for you :/

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Integration is the key and it doesn't happen with many differing ethnic groups over here personally I like the French and dutch take on immigration. countries need to salvage their national identity somehow and make a stand with well thought policy on this. I would also like to point out that you can want to limit immigration without being deemed racist. People are so scared to say what they feel I mean let's face it the doors are wide open here.

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What identity do we have now though. Binge drinking low morals dole bludging society that we seem to be breeding. Half the issue is we are giving most of our identity up with no help


So far as I can tell the UK has always had binge drinking and low morals as issues. There have also always been skivers.


London voiced official fears over how the clean cut farm boys of the US Army would stand up against the onslaught of East End whores in 1943.

The original pub licencing laws were brought in to stop factory workers being late to work during WW1.


At one time the London mob was famous throughout Europe as a lawless riot just waiting for an excuse to kick off.


Don't think anything we do today wasn't done to death by our grannies in their youth.

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Im a bit late in this thread. But my view is when our women visit most muslim countries they have to cover their hair ( and legs) or face the consequences. So when they are over here, why not have to show their faces. As usual it seems to be one sided

And indeed, their hairy legs ;)

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Im a bit late in this thread. But my view is when our women visit most muslim countries they have to cover their hair ( and legs) or face the consequences. So when they are over here, why not have to show their faces. As usual it seems to be one sided


Just picking up on this, the British have got to be the worst people in the world when it comes to living in another country! The first thing we do is complain that everyone around doesnt speak english, build a pub call St George and eat fish and chips! All over europe you can see this!


When I lived in India the amount of slutty looking women walking around most of which were British was just unbearable and when they wear a bikini and hot pants in a temple it made me feel ashamed to be British/white!


We are very good at judging how people act when they come here but are the worst at it when visiting/living in another country!

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Just picking up on this, the British have got to be the worst people in the world when it comes to living in another country! The first thing we do is complain that everyone around doesnt speak english, build a pub call St George and eat fish and chips! All over europe you can see this!


When I lived in India the amount of slutty looking women walking around most of which were British was just unbearable and when they wear a bikini and hot pants in a temple it made me feel ashamed to be British/white!


We are very good at judging how people act when they come here but are the worst at it when visiting/living in another country!


The difference is we tend to clear off after a fortnight, dont claim benefit whilst there, and dont want to change the way of life of the locals, who in the main want us there due to the income we provide, a package holiday to a resort or country that relies on tourism for its economy is a somewhat different affair than for some who feel the benefit system we have to offer is so good its worth travelling through europe and then stowing away on the axle of a wagon to clear the last hurdle.



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Just picking up on this, the British have got to be the worst people in the world when it comes to living in another country! The first thing we do is complain that everyone around doesnt speak english, build a pub call St George and eat fish and chips! All over europe you can see this!


When I lived in India the amount of slutty looking women walking around most of which were British was just unbearable and when they wear a bikini and hot pants in a temple it made me feel ashamed to be British/white!


We are very good at judging how people act when they come here but are the worst at it when visiting/living in another country!

Are you describing Brits or chav brits?

I know what you mean though.

"I won't eat that foreign Muck" I've heard exclaim by chavvy brits whilst on my travels abroad.

"Then why did you come abroad?" is the question I burn to ask! :lol:

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Well chavy Brits are the worst! But they are bad enough here let alone when they get abroad! At least most of the people coming into the country work, unlike most chavy family's!


But then Ive seen a rather posh family in India taking photos of a poor Indian family washing in the river naked and wondered why they were getting disgusted looks from them :no:

Edited by Curly87
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The difference is we tend to clear off after a fortnight, dont claim benefit whilst there, and dont want to change the way of life of the locals, who in the main want us there due to the income we provide, a package holiday to a resort or country that relies on tourism for its economy is a somewhat different affair than for some who feel the benefit system we have to offer is so good its worth travelling through europe and then stowing away on the axle of a wagon to clear the last hurdle.




I suppose its a bit different to when we were building the empire, not sure they wanted us then and for sure we were out for all we could get :oops:

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I suppose its a bit different to when we were building the empire, not sure they wanted us then and for sure we were out for all we could get :oops:


yes and all of them have really stepped forward since they gained independance :hmm:



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