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Fac air. What are they good for

team tractor

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I had FAC air but swapped it for rimfire. IMHO I don't see a gap between 12fpe air and .22LR.

Where the rimmie is too much gun, my pcp does fine and beyond the comfortable range of my 12fpe pcp, the rimmie shines.

Some buzz lightyear or other will tell you they can drop a coney at 300 yards, but tbh you're better off with the rapid bullet expansion of a subsonic hollow point bullet than a heavy pellet at longer ranges.





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I have 12ft lb, FAC Air, .22lr, .17HMR, .22WMR, a few centrefires and a few shotguns as well.


That is because I am what is jovially known as a professional, I shoot a lot of different quarry on a lot of different sites in a lot of different situations, I use them ALL.


For the majority of people I would suggest .22lr, it is VERY versatile, from about 30-200+ ft lb and shotshells as well!


And do not even think about 80-ft lb air, you are just looking at a whole heap of cost, trouble, inconvenience, inconsistency, grief and pain!



Edited by Dekers
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After shooting with my mates hmr and lr i wondered how good fac air is.? Whats the maximum range of lets say 40ftlb and am i better off with a rimfire? If i had 20ftlb and 80ftlb whats the range of each etc.


Good enough to shoot within 1/2" point of aim above or below out to 50 yds and at that range minimum wind drift with bis mags .22 cal sub 30 ft lb think in terms of good 1" groups at 55yds with no or little hold over. fall out range shot upwards limited to 400 yds with these levels, ricochet potential massively less and also less potentially harmfull. Lower power .22 lr stuff can't touch the likes of the rapid in terms of accuraccy. you can shoot it into trees etc. which is crazy on most ground with a .22 subsonic

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Good enough to shoot within 1/2" point of aim above or below out to 50 yds and at that range minimum wind drift with bis mags .22 cal sub 30 ft lb think in terms of good 1" groups at 55yds with no or little hold over. fall out range shot upwards limited to 400 yds with these levels, ricochet potential massively less and also less potentially harmfull. Lower power .22 lr stuff can't touch the likes of the rapid in terms of accuraccy. you can shoot it into trees etc. which is crazy on most ground with a .22 subsonic




What he says :)


My FAC rapid is used more than any other gun I have and I would never part with it, but would quite happly get rid of my .22lr :) :)

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Its different for everyone. WHat ive found for my shooting areas is that anything over 60 / 70 yards is fine for the HMR and rarely ricochetts and covers me for my rabbit, fox and crow out to 120yards.

And from 10 to 65-70 yards the FAC air does my rabbit, squizzer, pigeon and corvids with far less ricochetts than the .22lr.


I had a .22lr and it was my favorite rifle but it had to go as it didnt suit my grounds and so I sold it to clayman who had it for his mate and am sure he will confirm what a great tool it was but sadly no place for it in my cbinet !


Horses for courses ! :yes:


I would say with a HMR and a air rifle sub or FAC you should be able cover 95% + situations of quarry upto and inc fox (where allowed with HMR)

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