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Letters for asking Permission


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I myself would recommend that you go meet the Farmer face to face. :ernyha:

All the best anyway.





I've been down the letters through doors route and got nothing out of it. Face to face works far better, especially if you see a field being ravaged by birds and point it out to the farmer.


Don't go looking like you're expecting to get on (smart but casual) but have the necessaries out of sight in the motor in case he says "get yerself on now".



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I agree with this however at present i dont have time to go around visiting lots of farmers, so i thought sending letters is the next best thing

Ask yourself the question.


If I haven't got time to visit lots of farmers, have i got time to provide a regular service to the ones i get?


There's nothing worse than turning up one day and the farmer saying "aint seen you for ages, I've let someone else on"


maybe joining NPPC would be a better option for your circumstances??



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Im at uni at mo, so am looking to shoot over the summer mostly plus i will have my car up here at that point, making it easier to get and shoot on land,


just did a letter to Loseley Park estate but i think the letter could of been better, just had a letter back saying they are passing it on to the shoot manager who will get in contact with me shortly, but not sure if there are any shooting going

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Im at uni at mo, so am looking to shoot over the summer mostly plus i will have my car up here at that point, making it easier to get and shoot on land,


just did a letter to Loseley Park estate but i think the letter could of been better, just had a letter back saying they are passing it on to the shoot manager who will get in contact with me shortly, but not sure if there are any shooting going

best of luck kid

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I agree with this however at present i dont have time to go around visiting lots of farmers, so i thought sending letters is the next best thing

Use the time you would be using to shoot pigeons (if you had permission) to do your door knocking.


I haven't met a Farmer yet who likes "paperwork", its hard enough to get some of them to return a telephone call (until they really know you).


You have to work at it.

The thing I remember the most when asking someone for anything is, the easiest answer is "No".

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I have to disagree with you all. I sent off 20 letters to local farmers in the yellow pages. I spent a long time putting the letter together and printed it off the computer.

I got 2 positive replies straight away, one slightly later and I've just had a farmer knocking on MY door because he lost my phone number, (thats nearly 5 months after I posted the letters).

Nothing ventured nothing gained. I've now got about 2000 acres to shoot over and have a great relationship with all the farmers concerned. :) :thumbs:


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Wat i will do then is write letters for now, ill also put in some business cards sort of thing which I can make up with all my details on aswel, then if i hear no reply i can go around knocking on doors.


as i said b4 i have already done one letter with one reply within the week, with a maybe you can shoot but at least it wasnt a no :)

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Ask yourself the things that will be running around the farmers mind ... Like....

He wants to shoot the summer months......where`s he gonna be when the rapes hit hard/spring drillings.....

Another ******* letter......*sound of crumpled paper hitting waste bin*




Get some nice clean clothes and a business type card and knock on some doors,like the rest of us do and expect to get calls at 7-30am on a cold February morning when you`ve got a hangover TELLING YOU to get the pigeons shot on the rape.

:D Welcome to pigeon shooting :/

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I have managed to get three new areas in as many weeks, everytime it has been by seeing the farmer and asking, One was putting bird scarers out so i stoped and said do you need someone to shoot pigeons on here he said yes straight away although he has someone shooting on weekends. The other two took my card and have both contacted me one asking me to do a day for him and the other to check that i was intertested in mid week shooting.


I have had many no's as well but i feel asking face to face is the way to go.



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I go one further than your suggestion. L farmers have large scale maps of their land. I have never been refused copies. I colour the boundaries, footpaths, avoidance areas etc. and laminate the map, which is then kept i a file with then written permission.



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there is an airgun site with a sample letter that you can chop about a bit and use.

ive just got my licence back again after a 15yr absence from the sport, and im currently in the process of draughting up a letter with a shooting permission form attached, i'll send a lot of letters out with self addressed envelopes and knock on doors as im passing farms on my travels, i'll let you know how i get on. the website for the specimen letter isClick here: sample letter and shooting permission

good luck :)

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