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Would you smack your kids


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There is a world of difference between "Father beats child to death "and a sharp clip ,i get tired of hearing modern parents with their Ashley get here now .......right! 1..2..3..are you seriously saying todays young parents are better than years ago ,lack of disciplin in schools ,and at home and a generation on ,they hav,nt got a clue,and it will get worse .My teachers were Sir,and we didnt go around stabbing each other to death .

By the way ive never hit my kids ,just the threat was enough!

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right, i think we need a 'do you smack your wife' thread :lol:


i personally chose not to, but must admit the naughty step is becoming less and less effective.


I give her a damned good spanking from time to time..... but only if she derves it and asks VERY nicely

Edited by Vipa
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this does all make me smirk a little, not having any kids yet but being one of 4 we all had the odd clip when we were young. Now I have 2 nephews and a niece. My two sisters had a lot of influence from a friend who believed in "natural" parenting, cracking results have been had the friend has three of the worst behaved children possible and even better they all still sleep in the same bed as having had them in up to a certain age they can't break the behaviour with one being 5 I do find it amusing. Now having both of my sisters with the same predicament its rather comical, compared to the other nephew who has been brought up by my brother much in the way I would. Its fairly simple and the approach as said earlier with training dogs is so similar, let them get away with things and they will push and push. Lay the boundaries early on and in the long term things are far easier resulting in better behaved children / dogs. Worked for us and in reality some of us had more clips than others I believe mine revolved round finding plug sockets good things to stick fingers in :oops:

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I haven't got any kids yet but I believe there are sometimes good reason for smacking children.


I occasionally used to get a slippered etc from my dad but only when I had done something really wrong and I knew I deserved it, I certainly didn't do it again. I wasn't beaten black and blue but my backside was a little red for a while, there is a huge difference between abuse and teaching your kids right from wrong.


I'm not sure which way I'll go when I have kids, my wife favours not doing it but I expect there maybe times when it might be required. Kids need boundaries and need to know if they keep crossing them (after sufficient warnings) that they will be consequences.


Similarly to Al4x my older sister tried the relaxed parenting route (let first one call her by first name) and to be friends and not parent, result she had a very very badly behaved obnoxious child and then when the next one came along she copied the first one and then it was too late, the 3rd one is nice now but she will soon follow the same trend set by her siblings, why should she behave when the others are so rude.


In contrast my younger sister rules with a rod of iron, she follows up with punishments if rules are broken she takes no back chat and is very firm as a result she has 3 of the nicest well behaved lovely lads I've ever met. She also (as far as I know) doesn't smack them but does threaten it and shows them all equal amounts of love.

Edited by Dr W
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There is a world of difference between "Father beats child to death "and a sharp clip ,i get tired of hearing modern parents with their Ashley get here now .......right! 1..2..3..are you seriously saying todays young parents are better than years ago ,lack of disciplin in schools ,and at home and a generation on ,they hav,nt got a clue,and it will get worse .My teachers were Sir,and we didnt go around stabbing each other to death .



557.photo_.jpg You know what you sound like?back-in-my-day_design.png

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I have on occasion given each my two boys a smacked backside.


Not had to do it for a while, the threat of it now is enough if they are pushing the boundaries.


I draw the line at scruffing them or pulling their ears though and in spite of that they both walk nicely to heal off the lead...

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yeh have given both my kids a smacked bum before but only if it has gone to far then explained to them why they got it . i think you have to have a line the know they cant cross and stick to it. both my kid son 21 daughter 16 have great values and great manners now but its not always been that way .



i remember the first time my son swore at his mum all over home work and him playing the play station he was asked 4 time by his mum to turn it of and do his home work and he then swore at her big mistake. i came home to her in tears and him being a little **** i asked him once to turn it off and he said no so i turned it off with a hammer :oops:(it cost me in the end 6mths later i bought him a new one) but now at 21 if i ask him to do sumthing he does it no probs because he knows i wont mess about and he knows the line he cant cross . so sumtimes a smack on the bum is not the answer and other methods can be deployed but then there are times when it is needed to set a line they know they have crossed.


i must add when i have given them a smacked bum and i can only think of 5-6 times in 21 years it has hurt me more than it hurt them i love my kids to bits and would give my life for them but at times you have to do things you eather dont want to or find it hard to do for the best

but this is just my view each to there own

Edited by cocker3
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i totaly support smacking, a child has no sense of reasoning or the vocabulary to do so, most people who were smacked themselves as a child agree with smacking i bet.


Agreed! If I behaved as a child, I didnt get a smack. If I stood out of line, I had a stern word, if I *still* stood out of line, I got a smack. It wasnt difficult to work out when I was going to get a smack!!!!

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I'd smack my bitch up - coming from Essex (adopted) and being a lover of the prodigy.


Would not hit my kids - I wouldn't like the idea of a 14 feet high giant smacking me about as a comparison (they do drive me spare though and I have taken myself into another room and nutted the floor in frustration as a new dad before).

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Hopefully my 2.5 year old will not run out into the middle of the road again after the smacked leg she got for doing it today (probably the third time she has ever had one) Because it is a rare event, she is now under no illusion that what she did was very bad indeed, and actually told me off later for going too close to the road myself. Under those circumstances a quiet chat about the dangers of doing what she did would not have had anything like the impact of a smack, and anyone that thinks otherwise is either very naive or has never met a 2.5 year old. I didn't feel great about doing it, but I'm not that keen on her being hit by a stoned 17 year old in a Saxo at 80 either, and there are plenty of them around here. I would smack them much more often, given the opportunity, as I guess their parents never did.

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Never had a problem here no smacking both my girls in top sets at school work hard polite courteous and fun to be around. Just come back from youngests 15 birthday excelent mountain balling and clay shooting with her girlfriends and her new 20 bore a birthday present! She won the shoot off phew!

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yeh have given both my kids a smacked bum before but only if it has gone to far then explained to them why they got it . i think you have to have a line the know they cant cross and stick to it. both my kid son 21 daughter 16 have great values and great manners now but its not always been that way .



i remember the first time my son swore at his mum all over home work and him playing the play station he was asked 4 time by his mum to turn it of and do his home work and he then swore at her big mistake. i came home to her in tears and him being a little **** i asked him once to turn it off and he said no so i turned it off with a hammer :oops:(it cost me in the end 6mths later i bought him a new one) but now at 21 if i ask him to do sumthing he does it no probs because he knows i wont mess about and he knows the line he cant cross . so sumtimes a smack on the bum is not the answer and other methods can be deployed but then there are times when it is needed to set a line they know they have crossed.


i must add when i have given them a smacked bum and i can only think of 5-6 times in 21 years it has hurt me more than it hurt them i love my kids to bits and would give my life for them but at times you have to do things you eather dont want to or find it hard to do for the best

but this is just my view each to there own



and your obviously not mental!!! :rolleyes:

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and your obviously not mental!!! :rolleyes:

what it worked didnt it try it sumtime you should have seen his face (more to the point you should have seen the missus face what a picture of shock :lol::lol::lol: :lol Edited by cocker3
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