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Would you smack your kids


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I had to discipline my eldest son in the supermarket by giving a sharp smack on the back of his legs . Got some busybodies asking what I was playing at but when I explained that his behaviour had been terrible since he left university they seemed to understand . ;)

Sorry , I never smacked my kid , the threat of a smack was enough . She never did anything bad enough and I could not have done it anyway .

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I have given my son a smacked bum for running off onto the road as we got into the car as he had been told to stand at the side of the car as we loaded things I to the boot, and once for throwing things in the supermarket, but that is about it, I don't think any more than a tap on the bum is needed and usually we use the naughty spot when he is bad, he is 2 1/2 and we usually see good enough results from the naughty step,


Whether it is a light smack or the naughty step we always explain clearly why he has been given into trouble.


To be honest we are lucky in the fact he isn't bad all that often at 2 1/2.





Edited by gixer1
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Nah... Don't see a point as it starts a slippery road.


They get to an age where you would have to really hit hard to have any impact (so to speak) at which point you would be bordering assault.


So why bother, a firm word and a reduction in privileges does just fine for me.

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difficult one this I come from an era when it was quite acceptable to hit kids, be it in the home or at school, the cane strap or slipper were a daily hazard of my school life, and should my father have found out that I had had any of the above a dose of his belt would be the reward.


Now I have due to remarriage had a number of kids my eldest girl being nearly 38 another two in their 30's plus my youngest girl who is 16 and still at school,I have also brought up another 3 belonging to my second wife, they are now all married and in their 30's.


the only one who has ever been cheeky or petulant is the youngest, the only one who would not stick in at school is the youngest, the only one who feels life owes her a living and that she only has to demand it and she will get it is the youngest, and guess what the only one that never got a clip around the legs if out-of-order is the youngest, she is by no means at all a bad kid but by heck she thinks no one matters but her, and she has little or no value for anything as its easy come easy go ( think the old term was spoilt)personally I think a little corporal punishment has a lot of value, however due to the modern way of thinking on smacking kids, we have lost the ability to differentiate a needed smack from unnecessary brutality,



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They are children!! yet some people still think its ok to cause them physical pain?? Look at it that way. Why would you want to hurt a person? To cause them pain for no reason?? Physical pain?????? A kid??? Nah, the world is a bad enough place with things like that going on. Its just abuse! Simple.

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They are children!! yet some people still think its ok to cause them physical pain?? Look at it that way. Why would you want to hurt a person? To cause them pain for no reason?? Physical pain?????? A kid??? Nah, the world is a bad enough place with things like that going on. Its just abuse! Simple.


funny when I got the stick at school or a belt from my dad ( even the odd clip from a copper once or twice ) I simply knew I had done wrong and deserved it, I strangely never felt "abused"

equally funny is that we never experienced teachers getting beaten up by pupils, or pupils parents,we also had discipline in class, but then again we did not know about attention deficit dissorder or the likes of dyslexia, we were then simply troublesome or thick?



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Yes within reason...


The little ******** need to be taught what is right and what is wrong....


I was disciplined by my father as was he by his, My 4 brothers similarly.


The Modern nanny state has turned many young children into an indisciplined rabble and the parents couldnt really give a toss. Sadly they have no respect for anything, particularly their parents, they call their teachers by the first name :o Would never happen in my day. When I was at school and got the cane on *** or knuckles I usually got a clip around the ear from my dad when I got home as well.


In the Animal Kingdom parents often dish out a bit of Physical chastisement to aid their development.

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funny when I got the stick at school or a belt from my dad ( even the odd clip from a copper once or twice ) I simply knew I had done wrong and deserved it, I strangely never felt "abused"

equally funny is that we never experienced teachers getting beaten up by pupils, or pupils parents,we also had discipline in class, but then again we did not know about attention deficit dissorder or the likes of dyslexia, we were then simply troublesome or thick?




You deserved physical pain?? inflicted by a parent??? REALLY??? What could make an adult feel so threatened, that they could find the need to injure a kid?

We see this every day on the news, and the kneejerk gang go off on one about "lets hang the ********", yet when we do it to our own, its called discipline. Im sorry, but your generation had it wrong! There was as much bad news back then, but there was not the media to report it. 'Father beats child to death' was he only trying to teach him right from wrong? There is more than one way to skin a cat (in a non violent way mind).

Many a wise man has quoted that violence breeds violence. There must be some truth in that.

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I haven't smacked them myself, but the Mrs has and I support her in that. Sometimes kids get themselves in a tizzy and need to be snapped out of it, a quick slap on the legs gets their attention and a stern word reinforces it.


I have carried them screaming upstairs and put them to bed, and laughed at them as they went bright red and stamped their feet.


My lads are now grown up, and I have a great relationship with both of them. They've left home, but always want a hug when they visit, which is kind of strange as they're both over 6'5" and I'm just 5'11" . They have keys and pop in like they still live here, sometimes it's nice, sometimes not.

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Don't confuse discipline with abuse - the 2 are very different. Children do not have the same rights as adults because they are children. The reason we don't let them drive is not just because they can't reach the pedals.


Boys, especially teenage boys, need a little nagging doubt in the back of their minds that if they go too far it will end badly.


Certainly that was about the only limiting factor when I was growing up. Naughty step? **** you with your naughty step mister I'm off to buy some fags.


My eldest did hit me once. Hurt his hand and me laughing at him and not laid out in cartoon stylie shocked him back to reality :lol:

Edited by MaybeNextTime
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Yes I would if I thought it was required. My old man slippered me until the age of about ten at which point other punishments were used, mainly grounding or loss of tv or whatever. I never felt abused either, I knew I was in the **** and deserved it. Classing smacking as abuse is a bit like.classinf the naughty step as a stress position and solitary confinement - ie torture. Lets be realistic, shall we...


Quick edit to say I also have a great relationship with my dad, we really are good mates.

Edited by J@mes
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You deserved physical pain?? inflicted by a parent??? REALLY??? What could make an adult feel so threatened, that they could find the need to injure a kid?

We see this every day on the news, and the kneejerk gang go off on one about "lets hang the ********", yet when we do it to our own, its called discipline. Im sorry, but your generation had it wrong! There was as much bad news back then, but there was not the media to report it. 'Father beats child to death' was he only trying to teach him right from wrong? There is more than one way to skin a cat (in a non violent way mind).

Many a wise man has quoted that violence breeds violence. There must be some truth in that.


sorry MM but what a load of tosh, when I got a clip I got for a reason, not just for the sake of it, I genuinely liked my teachers and I liked school but a times I deserved a clip usually for doing something daft in the science lab, or starting the push chain at assembly( always good for a laugh) I never threatened any adult never wanted to, I respected them , something sadly lacking from your "tolerant society" my dad died when I was 17 he was a hard man who worked litterally till he dropped, but he was fair and I still to this day miss him terribly

and the clips I got off him , in fact when I think about some of the things I did and got a clip for it reminds me of HAPPY times not the oppressed society your make believe violent world would have me in?


cheers KW

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As a child I was (very rarely) given a smack if I'd over-stepped the mark and I always felt as though I had deserved it, but the thing that really hurt was the feeling that I had (knowingly) taken it too far and upset my parents - and not the physical pain I felt.


Before I had kids of my own I belived that I would, if necessary, smack my kids, but when I had them I didn't want to use violence to discipline them and have never, ever felt that I couldn't deal with any situation in other, more positive ways.


Sometimes kids can be annoying, stupid, thoughtless, irresponisble, mean and illogical, but they are kids and they need to be taught how to behave in life, and how to react to situations that they don't like. As a parent I think we should strive to teach our kids by example and not by violence.


In my opinion, it's much better to earn respect than to force respect.

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Don't confuse discipline with abuse - the 2 are very different. Children do not have the same rights as adults because they are children. The reason we don't let them drive is not just because they can't reach the pedals.


Boys, especially teenage boys, need a little nagging doubt in the back of their minds that if they go too far it will end badly.


Certainly that was about the only limiting factor when I was growing up. Naughty step? **** you with your naughty step mister I'm off to buy some fags.


My eldest did hit me once. Hurt his hand and me laughing at him and not laid out in cartoon stylie shocked him back to reality :lol:

Hmmmmm, you hit your kid and what did he learn?......How to hit.

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sorry MM but what a load of tosh, when I got a clip I got for a reason, not just for the sake of it, I genuinely liked my teachers and I liked school but a times I deserved a clip usually for doing something daft in the science lab, or starting the push chain at assembly( always good for a laugh) I never threatened any adult never wanted to, I respected them , something sadly lacking from your "tolerant society" my dad died when I was 17 he was a hard man who worked litterally till he dropped, but he was fair and I still to this day miss him terribly

and the clips I got off him , in fact when I think about some of the things I did and got a clip for it reminds me of HAPPY times not the oppressed society your make believe violent world would have me in?


cheers KW



If you saw an adult throw a can on the ground, you wouldnt walk over and punch them in the face, you know, just to make sure they understand. Im not directing my post to your personaly KW, its just that yours are the easiest to read. ive never suffered any kind of oppression or anything, but i personaly dont like the idea of physical violence as a whole, not just against kids. The problem i have with people hitting their kids, is that it conditions them into thinking that violence can be used to alter behaviour. Well, it can, but so can electric therapy. Just because we can, does it mean we should? Somtimes the ways of the past are best left just there. I know that sounds a bit Michael Jackson of me, but im a non violent person, and believe the world should be that way. Only problem is, is that if we were all the same, it would be like living in Germany :oops: (joke)

"Well, my dad walloped me, so ill do it to mine!", yeah, but he also used to service your mum, so dont be going all Josef Fritzl on us now. Personal views are just that, that what makes the world go round.

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I've never smacked my wee lass, and I won't ever do it. There are far better ways to teach them the difference between right and wrong.


I think having a child who has a serious, life-threatening illness also helps you stop and think about things.


They're so precious.


I never want my wee girl to look at me with fear in her eyes.

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If you saw an adult throw a can on the ground, you wouldnt walk over and punch them in the face, you know, just to make sure they understand. Im not directing my post to your personaly KW, its just that yours are the easiest to read. ive never suffered any kind of oppression or anything, but i personaly dont like the idea of physical violence as a whole, not just against kids. The problem i have with people hitting their kids, is that it conditions them into thinking that violence can be used to alter behaviour. Well, it can, but so can electric therapy. Just because we can, does it mean we should? Somtimes the ways of the past are best left just there. I know that sounds a bit Michael Jackson of me, but im a non violent person, and believe the world should be that way. Only problem is, is that if we were all the same, it would be like living in Germany :oops: (joke)

"Well, my dad walloped me, so ill do it to mine!", yeah, but he also used to service your mum, so dont be going all Josef Fritzl on us now. Personal views are just that, that what makes the world go round.

Very good.

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