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I have been working on a fox pelt that I have tanned. I plan to use it to draw in Crows and Magpies. Although the 'fox' looks, and is, flat in appearance, you have to look at it from a 'bird's eye' view. By the time the birds are close enough to have a better look, it will be too late for them.

As can be seen in the photographs, I have secured a frame to the inside of the pelt, and have fixed spikes (metal coat hanger) to the legs. These can then be inserted into the ground. The legs can also be positioned at any angle, as can the tail and head.

I've no doubt that this will work, especially as I intend to place it near a fence, with crow or magpie decoys looking down on it from the fence. Photographs were taken in my garden, and would obviously look more natural if taken outdoors in a field etc.

I'll report my findings in due course.



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I know what your doing in your shed all the time know. Watching re runs of Blue Peter lol. Didn't see any double

sided sticky tape though mate lolololol. Looks a good job Steve fair play, hope you get the results you want with it.


Well at least I did'nt say' 'And this is one that I prepared earlier'! :lol:

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looks great, had wanted to do the same myself, but couldent find a pelt, so opted for blue peter number two effect



from this





to this



as you have stated, Im sure these put in long grass in corner/edge of field, will be enough to entice them down for a look

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That looks like a great idea Steve and you've done a good job on it mate, well done! It will be interesting to hear what sort of results you get from it, especially if you can set it up in or on the edge a rookery! :good::good::good:

I wouldn't mind trying something like that myself but I suspect that "she who must be obeyed" might have something to say about the idea of me having a fox skin in the flat. Her nose is so sensitive she can even tell if I have had any shot rabbits (Wrapped in a bin bag) in the 4X4 onernight and mumbles about them - She's got a better nose that a springer spanniel, which is a shame 'cos she won't have anything to do with the idea of me training her to sit and retrieve on command! :lol:

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