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BASC Betrayal

8 Bore

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Thanks for that - I have been given some additional info privately by a friend so I will await further developments.


P.S. Is it that BASC membership for wildfowling clubs is mandatory, preferred, or just a throw back to WAGBI.

Seems a touch sad that no-one else can enjoy coastal wildfowling in the best spots ?


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Its a throwback to WAGBI and what they did for wildfowling, as I see it if you wildfowl you have to join BASC. I'm not sure there is anything wrong with that and shows one group of shooters supporting them without exception

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The situation on the Humber is unfortunately more complicated than suggested by those that have put posts on the forum.


There are some serious issues that need to be addressed and these are being resolved through the courts, so I cannot go into detail.


Our intention is to ensure that all wildfowlers on the Humber have access to their wildfowling as in the past. We have no intention of making wildfowling available to anybody other than the members of the 10 clubs on the Humber.



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The situation on the Humber is unfortunately more complicated than suggested by those that have put posts on the forum.


There are some serious issues that need to be addressed and these are being resolved through the courts, so I cannot go into detail.


Our intention is to ensure that all wildfowlers on the Humber have access to their wildfowling as in the past. We have no intention of making wildfowling available to anybody other than the members of the 10 clubs on the Humber.



you have my support, thanks for saying as much as you can. it seems some just want to knock our biggest and longest established shooting association. As a member i have to add BASC need to be carefull with the leases it does control

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Its a throwback to WAGBI and what they did for wildfowling, as I see it if you wildfowl you have to join BASC. I'm not sure there is anything wrong with that and shows one group of shooters supporting them without exception

Not sure about this anymore, hence the question: In theory could you be prosecuted for being on and carrying carrying a shotgun on Crown land (ie, the foreshore) if you are not a member of WAGBI/BASC?

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I know the Humber is a BIG river but 10 clubs??? Between them they must have one hell of a lot of land to shoot over so why don’t they amalgamate and then all the members can enjoy all the shooting? United we stand and all that!


I know there are a number of issues with clubs on the Humber and no doubt there will be a different opinion from each and every member as to what’s going on and what should be done about it and for PW members to throw their pennyworth into the ring as well isn’t going to help much.


BASC is THE wildfowlers organization (as well as supporting live quarry shooting in general) and are probably the best placed to try and sort out the mess caused by so many factions with their own ideas. There are always two sides to every story and in this case probably far more than that but we’ll not settle it here so will just have to wait and see what comes of it all.


If it’s seen BASC have taken a wrong turn (as they seem to have done over a couple of matters of late) then members will no doubt vote with their feet. However like all these organizations they are only as good as their management and those jobs plus the various regional posts are always open to new blood. If you’re so inclined and if you think you’ve something useful to contribute, rather than winge from the wings get stuck in!


Remember though, for all BASCs faults, they are the one and only organization dedicated to live quarry shooting sports with the clout to fight our corner at the highest levels at home and in Europe. And THAT rather than just the insurance is why you should support them. I believe I’m right in saying that it’s due to BASC/WAGBI that we can shoot the crown foreshores and many of the wildfowling areas we do.

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Interesting that 8 bore has only made a handful of posts on this forum before assaulting our senses with his long list of BASC`s latest imagined crimes against wildfowling.


Yet again it seems that the Humber is a hotbed of dissatisfaction amongst fowlers. Could it be that that their chosen route to Nirvana, that of repeatedly using the services of a consultant from outside BASC, for which they pay handsomely whilst the BASC one is free, plays a significant part in these allegations.


Why is it that some people having had their expectations repeatedly raised, and as often dashed,would continue stubbornly along the same path of reinforcing failure. I`m not sure I can answer that but I`ve met enough Yorkshiremen to know that they will relentlessly pursue their chosen path, no matter how poorly reconnoitered it is, and no matter how much clearer heads advise them to take a different route.


Curiously,this seems like a tactic employed all too often by the CA who will doubtless,since they are the salvation of shooting, be along sometime soon.


It might be worth enquiring whether the consultant used by the Humber clubs has ever worked for the CA.


A distressing tactic, which I might be imagining,is to promise a fowling club everything. then monumentally fail to deliver it, and then palm the blame off on BASC.


Has that happened here? Watch and learn as the saga unfolds.

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Interesting that 8 bore has only made a handful of posts on this forum before assaulting our senses with his long list of BASC`s latest imagined crimes against wildfowling.

Well observed, in fact some of the contributers to this thread were in fact the same person with multiple registrations, obviously with a large axe to grind.

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Thanks for the nod Webber. Had a good read up. I'm with BASC.


Google aside - David BASC comes across as professional and objective.


The original post comes across as a rambling rant, which I suspect weakens their case.

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I did reply earlier in day thanking you for changing your avitar - I don't know where it went unless I hit back button instead of post - No offence was intended. - I just skipped past any reply with that avitar.



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To clarify the situation somewhat, three of the contributors to this thread (Wildfowler, 8 bore and Pinkfoot) have been found to be a single individual using multiple accounts.


As has been noted, a number of the posts (including the original post on this thread) coming from the accounts in question were attacks against a shooting organisation.


There have been many debates on the virtues and failings of almost all the organisations. That is fine as long as people treat one another with respect and act openly and honestly in putting their views forward. This has not been the case with this thread.


Using multiple accounts is against the house rules. Given the actions of the OP and the obvious negative alterior motives behind the thread, it is now closed.

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