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left eye dominance.

air gunner

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Hi lads, im left eye dominant and shoot from my right shoulder. I normally close my left eye but find it annoying screwing my face up to wink, whats a good way to overcome this and be able to keep both eyes open? i mainly shoot pigeons so would also like my peripheral vision available along with less hassle closing eyes for the snap shooting involved. Will a easy hit type bead overcome the problem? all ideas would be much appreciated.

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Learn to shoot left handed......


I've done it just practice at home, with a shotgun you mount it aiming at a spot on a mirror, takes 2 weeks of solidly doing it 10 -20 times an evening, and not shooting! but its worth it! especially if like me your left eye is also your better eye!


I did have some professional help to set me on the right path and i reconemend a trip to a competent coach, fist few times it feels awful! then slowly gets better until it becomes natural, its important not to shoot while practising the left eye mount as you need to build the muscles, doing this with a coach gives you a great opportunity to get rid of all the bad habbits you picked up right handed but keeping your experience of lead and shot placement!

Edited by HDAV
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I did try this out mounting to my left shoulder etc, however strangely I found my right eye was then the dominant one....!!! As i was looking at the bead from right eye across. annyoing... YES!

you have to look at the far distance its normal to see 2 breach ends (but you're not trying to shoot them, are you?_


I am off to see Tracy Meeston who sells the Easy Hit "thingy" on Saturday to see if it does what it says on the tin


Will report back

BOught one tried it no help, also the "shot spots", vaseline and every other potion going I suggest you go see a world class coach (clay or game or pigeon) and get help from them rather than the sellers of gadgets (but I'm just odd like that)


There is a big thread i started some time ago here all about it and every option (it crops up regularly)


http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/index.php?/topic/117526-please-help-with-my-eye-issues/page__hl__eye+dominance Have a read!


This reply sums it up nicely!


Find a bloody good coach and have at least two hours with him/her, it will be money well spent.

I have to say though that not all coaches are good just because they teach shooting. I`v seen a lot of people that think they can coach and have made things a lot worse. :unsure:

Find one that has a seriously good reputation, not necessarily the one in the gun shop or at your local club.

And no I`m not touting for business as I`m a bit too far away for you I think.

Thats what i did and haven't looked back (except for winning a few pints from mates offering to swao guns with them and looser on that stand buys the beer! (you should see some "good" try and shoot a basic bird wrong shouldered!

Edited by HDAV
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Are you absolutely sure that your left eye dominant ?

When i got back into shooting i convinced myself that i was... but an instructer pointed out that in reality what i was doing was focusing on the bead, and my brain was switching my eyes back and forth trying to make me see what i wanted... total confusion !... when all i had to do was concentrate on the target and let the periphial vision take care of the bead.


Of course if you have checked that you are left eye dominant, then some of the suggestions allready stated may help.

I still miss just as many.... i just do it properly :rolleyes:



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Are you absolutely sure that your left eye dominant ?

When i got back into shooting i convinced myself that i was... but an instructer pointed out that in reality what i was doing was focusing on the bead, and my brain was switching my eyes back and forth trying to make me see what i wanted... total confusion !... when all i had to do was concentrate on the target and let the periphial vision take care of the bead.


Of course if you have checked that you are left eye dominant, then some of the suggestions allready stated may help.

I still miss just as many.... i just do it properly :rolleyes:




Agree with this, i found that if i glance at the bead for a second my eye dominance goes all over that place, switching from one eye to the other.



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Thanks guys, I did go to a world class coach to get an idea of what gun fit I needed, he pointed out after I told him i was right eye dominant that he thought i was in-fact left eye dominant... I will go and do some dry mounting and look at objects in the distance as suggested, I will also go and see the coach again so he can tell me what I should do and to work out my problem. cheers

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when i fitted my truglo easyhit bead or whatever it was called, i went through a stage of concentrating too much on the bead and not the clay, I also found i was blinking my left eye when trying to focus the bead on the clay etc


took some time to become use to having a glowing green dot on the end of the gun, still not sure if i'll be keeping on

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I did try this out mounting to my left shoulder etc, however strangely I found my right eye was then the dominant one....!!! As i was looking at the bead from right eye across. annyoing... YES!

i though you've only got one dominent eye .

i'm right handed and have to shoot left handed .

you'd be better of shooting left handed if your left eye dominent m8

you will hit more . you need to find your dominent eye as hitting thing's can be hard enough without haxing to think especially pigeon's


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hi here is my cure ,firstly i'm,when tested by COACH was right eye dom and right handed,cool,however I noticed that i see two ribs when looking with both eyes open so had to close left eye to aquire target.this was getting to be a problem.I got around it easily.

I bought some clear Beretta shooting glasses,£15 of e bay and at first I got some porous medical clear tape cut it into a circle about 3/4 inch ,then mounted the gun and with my left finger placed it in the field of vision on left eye until i saw the rib correctly through the right eye ,left a print then placed said tape over finger print and hay presto it just blures your central vision in left eye enough to make your brain chose right eye,instant cure.while retaining good vision and spacial awareness of left eye.I then bought some proper discs.advertised in back of Sporting Gun to do a proper job.

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i though you've only got one dominent eye .

i'm right handed and have to shoot left handed .

you'd be better of shooting left handed if your left eye dominent m8

you will hit more . you need to find your dominent eye as hitting thing's can be hard enough without haxing to think especially pigeon's


don,t understand why you swould go to the extreme of changing to left handed shooting that would take an age to master properly unless your a complete natural shot,


when a easy and simple thing to do is close your left eye as you mount the gun and look at the target your shooting simples.

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don,t understand why you swould go to the extreme of changing to left handed shooting that would take an age to master properly unless your a complete natural shot,

as someone that's done the "age" is 6 weeks it really isn't that hard. There are people who are centre dominant a mate of mine is, or those who have slight dominance, the CD test is enough to give you an idea, I have always been strongly left eye Dom for as long as I can remember you can always train the eye dominace out, lots of pointing at things but having both eyes open certainly helps!

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as someone that's done the "age" is 6 weeks it really isn't that hard. There are people who are centre dominant a mate of mine is, or those who have slight dominance, the CD test is enough to give you an idea, I have always been strongly left eye Dom for as long as I can remember you can always train the eye dominace out, lots of pointing at things but having both eyes open certainly helps!

yeah me too always strong left eye,i practise dry mounting with both eyes open but just can,t get any sight picture at all just blurred vision and no awarness of where the muzzles are but close my left eye and bingo everything looks right.

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Try dry mounting eyes closed and then open them looking at distance not the bead (better still go see a proper coach)

all due respect and i,m not a top shot by any stretch but i don,t do to bad as i go, shoot around 75 on average on the clays best being 87,quite afew 25 straights on skeet and shoot one or two pigeons missing very little with the way i shoot but we are all different what works for one won,t work for another :good:

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This is a very complex & vexing situation, possibly there is no one-fix suits all.

But to correct a problem we must first of all CORRECTLY diagnose the problem.

Many people believe and indeed, are told that they are eye dominant, when in fact they may be central vision or even indeterminate. Many youngsters and indeed many people will switch eye dominance depending on which hand is doing the pointing.

I believe that the only true diagnosis can be identified if you are watched whilst shooting at a pattern plate, a straight going away or straight incomer and observed whether you are centering your shot or shooting up one side or the other.

The method you then choose to cure/aid/ or assist will be dependant on what suits you, not your coach, not your mates, but you. It is you that has the problem and it is you who requires help, NOT Johnny Knowall mate.

Easy hit beads or similar MAY suit you, but beware of relying too much on looking down the rib, barrels & rib should be seen in your peripheral vision, not hard focus.

If your off-eye ( the one opposite your gun-mounting shoulder) is causing visual disturbance you may benefit by disturbing its visual acuity. That is, by blurring its picture using, vaseline, lip salve, paper dot or fogged sellotape.

The most important advice I can give is focus on what you are actually going to shoot at, and as I said earlier practice, correctly identify if you have even got a problem BEFORE you attempt to cure it.

Now go out there and hit what your shooting at.

Edited by Salopian
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hi here is my cure ,firstly i'm,when tested by COACH was right eye dom and right handed,cool,however I noticed that i see two ribs when looking with both eyes open so had to close left eye to aquire target.this was getting to be a problem.I got around it easily.

I bought some clear Beretta shooting glasses,£15 of e bay and at first I got some porous medical clear tape cut it into a circle about 3/4 inch ,then mounted the gun and with my left finger placed it in the field of vision on left eye until i saw the rib correctly through the right eye ,left a print then placed said tape over finger print and hay presto it just blures your central vision in left eye enough to make your brain chose right eye,instant cure.while retaining good vision and spacial awareness of left eye.I then bought some proper discs.advertised in back of Sporting Gun to do a proper job.

Been advocating this cure for ages but this is the first time I've ever known anyone actually do it. The advantage is, assuming you have your glasses, it really is a fix and forget cure. It should be possible to reduce the blanked area down to about half an inch thus retaining 3D vision right up until the gun comes into the shoulder and you are about to pull the trigger.

However, two points worth noting: Firstly, make sure the position of the "blank" covers all gun mount angles with particular attention to the overhead. Secondly, and the most important is as Salopian says, make sure that you actually have the problem before messing about. As an example, too low a comb height can force the other eye to take over as the one that you're hoping to use has its vision blocked. Leaving the gun locked in the cabinet and using the common or garden pointy figure method will give a far better assessment that something may or may not be amiss. Although having a dominant right eye and shooting from that shoulder I've always suffered from that confounded two finger syndrome to a greater or lesser degree. Have to wear prescription glasses now anyway so the glasses are even less of a problem.

One final point: Do not drive with these glasses on. If you reverse your brand spanking new Shogun over your left shoulder and shoot from your right, you are not going to see the beat up old Land Rover behind you.

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Have just spent a couple of hours with a coach who used this method i.e. a small opaque disc placd in the correct place on my glasses


and wow what a difference


She also adjusted the comb up and out a touch which left me smashing everything she through up

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Have just spent a couple of hours with a coach who used this method i.e. a small opaque disc placd in the correct place on my glasses


and wow what a difference


She also adjusted the comb up and out a touch which left me smashing everything she through up

Good news, it's impossible to remotely correct but a good Coach can do wonders (i was a definite RH shooter till i met a good coach), went out this morning with a friend who has just a new beretta tried RH missed sitters on the beginner stand. tried if left handed did better but it felt awful and nothing like my Browning the fit was awful for me but spot on for them and everytime i pulled the trigger it felt terrible! Don't under estimate the importance of gun fit and that is what a coach can do identify the (multitude of) issues as using this beretta my sight picture was terrible and causing blurring and all sorts. I was shocked at how different everything looked!

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