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big game huntin?


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What next from this true ****ree man? I reckon he will start a thread on driven otter shooting

hey put me down for a day at that :lol::lol:


realy thou mods you cant ban this chap pw would go back to its normal (used v carefully) self off "what pigeon carts thread"

realy thou grue put some money where your mouth is we offer red stags stalked or highseat (if thats your youtube channle you need highseat) starting at about £500 a go up to £1000 plus for a meadle or real good trophy

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Due to popular demand, here it is:




Credit to Dazza, he found it.


And yes, it's the same person because he kicked off with this:




And no, you couldn't make it up.


Oops,went into his friends list on Youtube and im there????If i remember rightly he was on here a good while back as a different alter ego and i remember him putting a vid up of boning oot a pigeon.

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This is about the weakest troll attempt I think I have ever seen.


Isnt the point of trolling to cause a massive reaction/outrage/fighting on a forum while you sit back and laugh?


All 'Grug' has managed to do is get the whole forum united in pointing out that he is a throbber.



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  • 8 months later...

Due to popular demand, here it is:




Credit to Dazza, he found it.


And yes, it's the same person because he kicked off with this:




And no, you couldn't make it up.




oh lordy!! please stop :lol: :lol: :lol: my sides are hurting so much!! i cant take it!! :lol: :lol::lol: i tihkn ive even wee'd my pants :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


seriously, no more!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: thats the best thing ive ever seen :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



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