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whats your favourite fox calibre?


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realistically if you answer the actual question most people who do serious fox control would say the 22-250 historically the fox caliber. .22cf's have become more popular due to being cheaper to shoot and barrel life but balistically the 22-250 is pretty similar to the .243 when you use lighter bullets


its funny because so far nobody has

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On the basis of a fox only round,you probably are correct as it being one of the best calibres solely for fox.I knew an old fella whose fox count would have astounded most folks,and he relied and swore by the .220 swift but again its all personal preference.


Yes it is and personal circumstances, thats the point of the thread its actually hard to argue against the swift, to my mind the only downfalls of it was silly downloading of factory ammo and the short barrel life of the full monty versions. Then again if you zeroed it then just killed foxes till it finally shot out the dead could make a big old pile

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pilot error has let it down on an occasion. not by me i might add.


Oh get lost! Who asked you anyway? :lol:


thats where pw gets really really boring as you get my hornet or .222 is the best caliber ever :rolleyes::/


But then when I come along and say my .17HMR, .17AH, .22H, .223, .243, 6.5x55, 7x57, 338WM is best I get laughed at because I keep changing things. Make your mind up man! :D


The recoil of the .243 is a very fair point. If it's not madly windy and you can get within a couple of hundred yards then the .223 really is a good one. :yes:

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39gn Blitzking - great ballistics - flat to 250 yds.


Can't buy the ammo so have to spend time = fun forming case and loading own ammo.


4,000fps and they don't know what hit them.


Nearly forgot custom barrel needed.





Agreed, dont load mine so fast though !!. They dont outrun 3500 !!. Devastating on impact even at 200 yards plus.



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i think all 22cf should be leagle for roe in england and wales!! bloody madness,

i think the best gun for foxing is the one that goes bang and kills the fox :good:

if ime stalking its the .243 just beacause its nice and light if its sitting out/lamping its the 223 so accurate its sick

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We use 22-250 for fox over here on a 2500 acre estate in the Netherlands; combined agricultural/forrest commission land. Nice flat shooting round. Used the 222 before, but found it dropping to much at longer ranges. Only problems I have with the 22-250 is wind travel when you shoot with sidewind and the BANG! since we are not allowed to shoot with a moderator... I use the barnes varmint grenade by the way.

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