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John Prescott


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What do I think??


How many characters can one fit in a single post?? :good:


I despise the man


He is Fat rude ugly obnoxious a Biggot a Fraud a Walking advertisement for ABORTION


I feel sorry for his wife :lol: Not just because of what he did but because she has to wake up to that flabby half sucked lemon of a face every morning.


A bull dog chewing a wasp?? I think THAT dog swallowed it :blush:


He is the Most egotistical pompus (did i mention FAT) freaked out space cadet this country has every known and i say KICK the gimp out of office :ermm:


Same goes for his friend Mr Clark


I don't think they have a combined IQ of more than 1


Even a 1/2 watt lightbulb out shines them.


And THATS keeping it POLITE because there are LADIES present.


Well you DID ask :lol:



Edited by Lord Geordie
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How do these fat old ugly blokes do it?

I know they say power is attractive, but jeesus christ!! :blush:



I just rely on my charisma (no not the awful jap car version) but if its down to that gawd knows how a scum bag like presser gets away with it. That he is deputy prime monster tells you a lot about the state of our country innit ?

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What can I post that hasn't already been said?


It really makes you want to go out and vote labour doesn't it. I can't wait until out local elections, There is always some do gooder standing outside asking if you will vote labour. I look forward to answering "You MUST be joking"








I think you missed out that he is FAT :blush::good::ermm::lol:

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What do I think??


How many characters can one fit in a single post?? :good:


I despise the man


He is Fat rude ugly obnoxious a Biggot a Fraud a Walking advertisement for ABORTION


I feel sorry for his wife :lol: Not just because of what he did but because she has to wake up to that flabby half sucked lemon of a face every morning.


A bull dog chewing a wasp?? I think THAT dog swallowed it :blush:


He is the Most egotistical pompus (did i mention FAT) freaked out space cadet this country has every known and i say KICK the gimp out of office :ermm:


Same goes for his friend Mr Clark


I don't think they have a combined IQ of more than 1


Even a 1/2 watt lightbulb out shines them.


And THATS keeping it POLITE because there are LADIES present.


Well you DID ask :lol:



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Guys - & Gurls,


Download a simple Cross-hair circle target from say Targetz.com

(They already do one with Osama bin Bag and Saddam Hussein).


Then go to one of John Prescott's website (bound to be 2 of 'em :ermm: ).

Copy / download a picture of our slim, handsome Minister. :good:


Insert the pre-printed Target sheet into your printer.

Now print the John Prescott picture on top.


Now do some Target shooting. :blush:

Feel Better ?


the Lizard

Edited by the lizard
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What do I think??


How many characters can one fit in a single post?? :good:


I despise the man


He is Fat rude ugly obnoxious a Biggot a Fraud a Walking advertisement for ABORTION


I feel sorry for his wife :lol: Not just because of what he did but because she has to wake up to that flabby half sucked lemon of a face every morning.


A bull dog chewing a wasp?? I think THAT dog swallowed it :blush:


He is the Most egotistical pompus (did i mention FAT) freaked out space cadet this country has every known and i say KICK the gimp out of office :ermm:


Same goes for his friend Mr Clark


I don't think they have a combined IQ of more than 1


Even a 1/2 watt lightbulb out shines them.


And THATS keeping it POLITE because there are LADIES present.


Well you DID ask :lol:




Now come on LG, don't hold back, say what you really think. :lol::lol::lol:


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The stupid thing about it is when people go out to vote they vote for the party and not the actual person standing. They could put Stalin up for election, standing as labour and guess what? People would still vote for him. :blush:


That is how John Prescott is sitting in the house of commons just now laughing at us.


What ever happened to accountability? How can:


Sleazy John Prescott go un-touched having admitted this? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/4945170.stm

Magician Charles Clarke get away with making 1023 dangerous foreign prisoners disappear? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/4946566.stm

Sleazy Galloway not declaring political donors? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/4947274.stm

Sleazy David Blunkett get away with abusing his powers of Home Secretary? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_depth/uk_pol...gns/default.stm

Naive Tessa Jowell get away with not knowing about dodgy dealings by her husband? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/4781370.stm

War Criminal Tony Bliar get away with an illegal war which purpose was regime change?


Carry on in politics?


And labour say that the Torys are a bunch of fools. There all as bad a one another.

Edited by il cacciatore
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You could always try this :





1. Open a new file in your computer.


2. Name it "John Prescott, Deputy PM".

you could also name it “John 2-Jags Prescott”, “John 2-***** Prescott”, “John 2-bellies Prescott”

or variations on that theme… :good:


3. Send it to the Recycle Bin.


4. Then empty the Recycle Bin.


5. Your PC will ask you, "Do you really want to get rid of "John Prescott, Deputy PM" ?”


6. Answer calmly, "Yes,"

and press the mouse button firmly.


7. Feel better.……… ? :blush:



the Lizard

P.S. the old ones are the best.

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The guy is nothing but a overweight self mastubater (keeping it clean no swearing)


He is as much use as a Pork pie at a Jewish wedding and just as welcome.


We should open a new Section of the Wildfowl act and bring Prescott into the picture as a NEW species of PEST bird.


Trouble is even BUCK shot wouldn't penetrate the Cellulite


Better still drop him in the sea off china and let the Whalers sort him out.


Get a few lamps lit from THAT blubber :blush:



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Mr. Prescott





and ..........









Mr. Pigeon



YES - easy, wasn't it ?

Mr. Pigeon is NOT WEARING A TIE.


Otherwise they are identical - especially their I.Q.



the Lizard


Poor old pigeon, what's he done to be likened to an **** wipe like Presser !!!


I respect the pigeon as a very valued quarry species whereas I'd quite happily see the other in the bottom of a quarry. :P:lol:

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I remember when Prescott was questioned by a reporter years ago about his two jags and why his Mrs (not a high security risk by any stretch of the imagination) took a chauffer driven car the 100 yards from their hotel to the party conference. Prescott went potty and berrated the reporter for asking ridiculous questions - he actually confirmed that the reason his wife took the car was not to mess her hair up. He is a rude arrogant **** who like all politicians is a little too used to spending other peoples' money.


Old Prezza doesn't have that many friends in the media and this should run nicely.


I am also looking forward to see how that jug eared clown fairs over the next few days.

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I remember when Prescott was questioned by a reporter years ago about his two jags and why his Mrs (not a high security risk by any stretch of the imagination) took a chauffer driven car the 100 yards from their hotel to the party conference. Prescott went potty and berrated the reporter for asking ridiculous questions - he actually confirmed that the reason his wife took the car was not to mess her hair up. He is a rude arrogant **** who like all politicians is a little too used to spending other peoples' money.


Old Prezza doesn't have that many friends in the media and this should run nicely.


I am also looking forward to see how that jug eared clown fairs over the next few days.


Jug eared clown>??


MUST be Charles Clarke :P



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