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Fisherman Mike

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Got another attack of Gout in my left foot....despite the fact that Ive been watching my diet as instructed by the quack and not eating the things I shouldnt..


Christ is it painfull or what..


Looks like it could be a hereditory condition and I need to take long term prevention treatment...


I hate taking any form of medicine though, even painkillers.


Any one offer any alternative advice.?


Cheers FM.


PS I asked the Doc for a second opinion he said ok youre a Fat ******* as well.! :lol:

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i had 2 attacks years ago,


doc put me on Allipurinol tablets, 1 a day


never been bothered since....


choice is take a tablet or deal with the pain which is as you know extreme




Youre not wrong..Ive got a pretty high Pain threshold....They used to call me Rambo at the Rugby Club :lol:


But this is Bloody Agony..

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I had my first attack at 27 years old, ill fitting boots/poor diet started it off and it's been there for a few years now. Most the time I'll be fine but every so often it'll flare up. I'm on the strongest anti-inflammatories before the life long tablets are needed. How often are your attacks is the main thing I'd be asking and how much have you changed your diet? Diets a funny thing, you may benefit from seeing a dietician before popping pills for the rest of your life.

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is gout the pain under your toes as if you have a stone between the toes ?? i often get this pain after heavy red wine sessions ? or im just overweight !



Its a build up of Uric *spelling* acid which crystalises between the joints in the toes normally.....its like walking on red hot spikes


and yes your overweight...lol....but not as much as some of us........



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I've had it now for about 3 years, it's a form of arthritis. As already said the body produces uric acid but in some people (gout sufferers) it produces too much.

This acid then forms into crystals which go into the joints causing pain.

I take allopurinol every day and declofenic for pain if needed.

I would honestly ask for medication, I waited too long before getting it sorted and now have irreparable damage in my left foot!!!

Gout is hereditary, and nothing to do with weight etc, I'm 13.5 stone, 6 foot tall, train 5 times a week, box and climb.

Gout has left me with full blown arthritis in my left foot which is a nightmare for winter climbing with crampons.


Get it sorted mate, what's one small pill a day compared to pain and hassle!!


Ps... Main sources of uric acid build up are a high protein diet and booze! ( that's my protein shakes and weekends then lol)

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I can totally sympathise with you, i had an attack about 2 months ago, the pain was unbelievable. The only thing that worked for me was to take diclofenac sodium 50mg following a visit to my GP. No further episodes since and i don't take the medication but always keep some with me just in case. As previous posters have said it is a form of arthritis, a build up of ureic acid crystals forming in the joints- particularly around the big toe. The most suprising thing for me was that i always associated gout with drinking lots of red wine and port but to find that drinking beer, being overweight and consuming shellfish were major contributing factors came as a shock. I lost a little weight but could not bear the thought of cutting out alcholol and sea food so what will be will be.

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its cranberry juice thats supposed to be good for gout, breaks up the crystals or something. The doctor thought i had gout for years, it looked like my big toe had been hit with a hammer, thought it might be broke. turns out i have small vessal vasculitis, so it might not be gout at all or maybe some sort of arthritis

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Thanks for the replies...tried self amputation last night but couldnt go through with it


How that Doctor managed to operate on himself in "Master and Commander " i will never know.


Been using Diclofenic but boy does that make me dizzy. Ive had some Cocodamine today and seeing the doc tomorrow to get it sorted.


Cheers all.

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Thanks for the replies...tried self amputation last night but couldnt go through with it


How that Doctor managed to operate on himself in "Master and Commander " i will never know.


Been using Diclofenic but boy does that make me dizzy. Ive had some Cocodamine today and seeing the doc tomorrow to get it sorted.


Cheers all.


If diclofenac is no good for you mate the best pain killer for gout / arthritic pain is Naprosan but make sure you get enteric coated to protect your stomach as they can be nasty for heartburn etc

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Been a sufferer for about 6 years now - thankfully all the worst attacks are way behind me now, and only get a twitch every now and then. I feel your pain tho chap - a fellow female sufferer at work said it's worse than giving birth!


Celery seeds, diclofenac and cherries is all I took when its bad. Ice cold water foot bath helps as well, once you stop screaming :blink:


As for the port and rich food thing - I only ever get it bad after drinking lot of heavy beer / stout, and what makes it really bad is Budweiser! :look: Actually drink more port these days than I ever did, and it makes it no worse :yes:


Chin up fella :good:

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