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Rabbit nests

henry d

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Earlier this week I couldn`t sleep and went for an earlier than normal walk with the dogs.

There were a lot of rabbits about and I noticed that one had a bundle of vegetation in its mouth,it looked like dried grasses and dockstems mainly and it just sauntered away before I could photograph it.

I`ve seen this once before a few years ago and I wondered if anyone had seen this before?

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Once upon a time, a young inexperienced ferreter went out in the Spring and got a lay-up, then had to dig for his ferrets, he found that most rabbits drag dried grass and stuff down their holes to make nests.


I ain't saying who the young, inexpeienced ferreter was. :welcomeani:

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anything like this Henry ??



I think its part of their make-up to prepare a little den before giving birth as with most things....

the rabbits above are a different wild breed so would share some of the same instinct, as it was the romans (don;t quote me on that) ? that brought them here in the first place.....


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Under certain conditions rabbits actually live above ground. Last year I came upon a pair of rabbits that were nested above ground. They were asleep and cuddled up togther. It wasn't until the first one looked up that I saw it was under the influence of mixy. Maybe this has a bearing on it :welcomeani:


I forget where I heard that they do nest above ground but when i do then i'll post the info'.

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anything like this Henry ??



I think its part of their make-up to prepare a little den before giving birth as with most things....

the rabbits above are a different wild breed so would share some of the same instinct, as it was the romans (don;t quote me on that) ? that brought them here in the first place.....



Got to say that them thar rabbits looks more loike hares to me boy ;-)))

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