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I know when there is a lodge meeting as my local pub is full of guys with black suits gold watch chains and large brief cases (bigger the case the higher you are) no secrets there


The big cases are for the grand wizards hat and wand.


But in all seriousness, it's nothing to do with how high or important you are :)

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joking aside, I agree with huff huff and ack-ack.I have heard that it's a men's dining club that raises a lot of money for charity with a bit of tradition thrown in for good measure. there is no conspiracy. :good:


There is a new purpose built builing in the middle of Chippenham that is about the size of a small library, I'm guessing 3 floors of 400metres squared per floor. Only a few small windows and a small car park. The building has a Free Mason logo on the front of the building.


This is a prime site, so the rental yield for a building such as this would be a lot. The only activity is occasionally 10 cars are parked outside.


What on earth do they do in there? :yp:


I'd love to know. :blink:

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There is a new purpose built builing in the middle of Chippenham that is about the size of a small library, I'm guessing 3 floors of 400metres squared per floor. Only a few small windows and a small car park. The building has a Free Mason logo on the front of the building.


This is a prime site, so the rental yield for a building such as this would be a lot. The only activity is occasionally 10 cars are parked outside.


What on earth do they do in there? :yp:


I'd love to know. :blink:


The building that is the 'grid' in Spooks is in fact The United Grand Freemason's Lodge of England. So on that basis all Freemasons lodges are probably secret locations for MI5.

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There is some right twaddle posted here. The only way to really find out about Freemasonry is to join. Like all walks of life there is good and bad people in Freemasonry. A little research online reveals the massive amount of good work they do for charity; second only to the National Lottery. Anyone suggesting they represent a net negative contribution to society is 'avin a giraffe.

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how many people admit to being a freemason these days


Depends what you mean by 'admit' ... Some masons proudly announce it to all with masonic rings and car stickers, etc. others would never tell, even if asked directly ... then there are those in between.


I believe more people admit to being masons these days than did a few years ago. There has been some movement towards more openness about masonry in recent years, and anyone wanting to know something about it can easily find a lot of information on the Internet or by asking at their local lodge.


Mind you, this still doesn't curb the plethora of old jokes about goats, rolled-up trouser legs, funny handshakes, etc. that get rolled out whenever masonry is discussed in a public forum. ;)

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There is a new purpose built builing in the middle of Chippenham that is about the size of a small library, I'm guessing 3 floors of 400metres squared per floor. Only a few small windows and a small car park. The building has a Free Mason logo on the front of the building.


This is a prime site, so the rental yield for a building such as this would be a lot. The only activity is occasionally 10 cars are parked outside.


What on earth do they do in there? :yp:


I'd love to know. :blink:


Where abouts in Chippenham? Google isn't showing anything up, what road is it on?


It could just be a building that was funded by one of the many Masonic Charities?!?


Does it look like the roof slides back? It could be the docking port for when the mother ship comes?

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i know that most massons are doing a lot of good work

but the majority of them are only in it to grease there own pams

i lost it big time with a planning official who i knew was one over a stupid planning complant

(the complanie was a goat ******* as well )

i let fly with every insult i could and stranglly enough the complant was not taken any further


hate it when they use ((( the craft))) for ther own personnal gain




With respect thats total Rubbish.

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