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Well i hope santa brought everyone what the wanted he certainly did with me i finally received my SGC after 15 weeks.

I am now in the very happy situation of deciding on which gun to purchase. I have decided to go for a Caesar Guerini Magnus game gun. The problem that i face is what lenghth to decide on? I will be mainly using the gun for game shooting but i will want the option to shoot clays a couple of times a month. Unfortunately the only lenghth available is 28'. The dealer has suggested that if i were to have some extended chokes i could have the best of both worlds?. He also has offered to swap the barrells for 30' if was not happy with the 28'. What would be your suggestions should i go for the 30's or try the 28' with the extended chokes?

I must say that the dealer has been very helpfull but i would like an independant opinion.

I look forward to your responses and wish everybody a happy and prosperous new year



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:hmm: Just how high is the average bird your shooting ?

If your going for high birds at 60+ yds then the 30inch will help a little. ;)

Flush chokes look better at game shoots, personally I don't mind what I use because you never look at the gun anyway when shooting.

Edited by COACH
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If you're 5'6" or shorter 28" might be OK, if your 5'8" or taller 30" should be more suitable. I know that if you decide to resell 28" are not a very popular size to sell.


There are a lot of guns out there with 28" barrels that are a lot heavier and more ponderous than a decent 30" barreled gun.

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I'm a short **** and get on so much better with guns with sub 28 inch barrels! Just a preferance thing with me, but my old Betinsoli, lovely as it was, was just too long for me to swing quickly with. I can now shoot faster and mount the gun quicker with the shorter onyx. All about personal preferance I think!

Edited by cant hit rabbits 123
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Hi Joe,

First off i see you seem to have made a choice of gun. Does it fit though or is it because you like that particular gun. Making sure that your choice of gun fits is very important,because if it does'nt it will affect your success and ultimately will end up with you probably having to make another purchase :hmm: Have a try of other guns from other manufacturers just to be sure and before you part with your cash :yes:

As regards to barrel length i personally prefer 30" as i think the gun tends to swing a little better with the longer barrels. That said though, you say that the majority of your shooting will be game. Therefore i think the 28" would probably suit your needs but again its how you feel when you try the gun. At the end of the day though if you're only going to shoot clays occasionally the 28" will do the job. Probably a good "all rounder" tbh. Good luck with you purchase :good:



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Hi Joe,

I would get a sporter as appose to a game gun. I’ve owned both and switched from a 28” game to a 30” Sporter with Teague extended chokes. Although I paid the price, It was the right move to make.

My game gun was 28”, It didn’t swing as nicely due to being lighter & shorter, nor manage recoil anywhere near as well.

Many use sporters for game shooting just because they are so versatile.

If you are planning on using 30g + fibre carts (which you will with game) you will be glad to have that little extra weight.

What ever you get, be sure it’s the right one for you, don’t make the same mistake as me…

All the best,


Edited by Beretta Italy
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Thanks for all the good advice, the decision has been made.

Going for the Magnus with the 30' and m/c. The fit is spot on and feels fantastic in the hand. Going to have a recoil pad properly fitted for those clay days so all should be good.

Many thanks for all the good advice and a happy new year to all.



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