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Humane game bird dispatcher.

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There have been requests in the past for advice on the correct method to use for dispatching wounded birds. Armadillo have the answer:


www.birddispatcher.co.uk Priced at £37.95 their tool will be launched at the Game Fair. Check Sporting Gun magazine, page 121.

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There have been requests in the past for advice on the correct method to use for dispatching wounded birds. Armadillo have the answer:


www.birddispatcher.co.uk Priced at £37.95 their tool will be launched at the Game Fair. Check Sporting Gun magazine, page 121.

how much do it with youre hands it cheaper :good:

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Red handle with a hook over a cup or ring. It looks as if you open it, by depressing the handle, then after placing the bird's head in the jaws, let go!! In the picture the handle seems to be squeezed shut with the hook hovering over the cup/ring.


I wouldn't buy one because I've dispatched wounded birds over many years. In the old days you were taught how to do it and I believe you owe it to your quarry to learn how to do it quickly and efficiently.

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i think £40 is a fair amount of money to spend just for dispatcching birds, i remember a old boy taught me once how to humanly dispatch pheasents by plucking one of there main fethers and pushing it in at a certain spot in the back of their skulls, kills them instantly.


or just use a preist or sorts, you can make your own for nothing

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Save your money.Hold your quarry in your left (or right hand) ,with wings held down,

then with your free hand turn its head about 2 1/2 times until you feel a click,and that is that.

I have done this thousands of times ,quick and effective.




shows how good you are if you have 1000's of wounded birds :good:



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Guest jonrms

I think its the same with any quarry... if for any reason you shoot at it and it injures/wounds it.... then you have to learn hot to put it out quickly...


a rabbit for instance.. you can hit them dead in the head and most of the time they back flip and drop... but sometimes.. and only sometimes... they run in circles.... despite it going into its skull...


you have to learn to break there necks quick. by hand is by far the most sensible thing to do.... be carefull... if you shoot it then you cant be that scared to pick it up.. and that means you can just break its neck.... it doesnt take much... a pull or twisting some even know how to do the karate chop method... which is what i use as a quick and easy kill.....

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rabbits/ hares foot on back of head/neck pick back legs up. till resistance thena litle more, the necks broke. nice easy minimal of mess or stress.


birds grab the head beak facing between middle and index finger, role your wrist in a small verticle circul, that will flip the bird over and will break ins neck by its own weight. do it quickly with minimum of fuss.

doing it slow causes the bird to flap and struggle in stress.


just be brave wear glove the first few times if you don't feel confident. short sharp thats the key.


i'd say it be quicker and more human to do it this way than useing a dispacther

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I can never understand why anyone would want to buy a dispatcher.


If you've shot and wounded an animal give it a few minutes to calm down and let some of the adrenaline run out of it's system otherwise you are going to cause it more stress by running after it.





Rabbits with one hand pick up just below the scruff of the neck and give a good chop at the neck


Pigeons. Pick up neck between thumb and forefinger and give a quick flick - once you master the technique it's easy. Or failing that just pull the head off.




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''If you've shot and wounded an animal give it a few minutes to calm down and let some of the adrenaline run out of it's system otherwise you are going to cause it more stress by running after it.''


I like to dispatch a wounded animal as quickly as I can.

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Bite the back of the head with your teeth, tried it once, never going there again, LOL


Alex ???


My favourite way :good::)


The only problem with it is that my canines are now longer than the dogs.


Oh, and I hate the light, and I can only work at night.


Being trying to get a black cape on E bay for ages ?????????



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''If you've shot and wounded an animal give it a few minutes to calm down and let some of the adrenaline run out of it's system otherwise you are going to cause it more stress by running after it.''


Not to good if your in a field of wet kale in a line of walking guns ??? . Anyway that is what the dog is for :good: .


May be OK to use one of these for the bigger wild fowl ie mallard or geese, espeacailly if it can be done single handed so you don't have to put the gun down in the mud.


Haven't used one and dont think I would pay that price, but have had a couple of times where thing I thought were dead have started flapping or thumping in the game bag.





Save your money.Hold your quarry in your left (or right hand) ,with wings held down,

then with your free hand turn its head about 2 1/2 times until you feel a click,and that is that.

I have done this thousands of times ,quick and effective.




shows how good you are if you have 1000's of wounded birds ???




Also could just be a picker up on a big game shoot. Nothing says he wounded them him self :)

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