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Supposidly clever people


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Mate of mine was a photocopier engineer and had a job in a school office - He had all bit's on table and teacher walked in and went Oh! "Is copier not working":? Yes said my mate - teacher came over and put paper in then after a few seconds said "it isn't working" - I told you that a moment ago :rolleyes: :rolleyes:




Ahahaha, I first read that as in he had his tackle out to photocopy and the copier didn't work and he was caught at it :lol:

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A university degree doesn't mean you know what a phillips screwdriver is.


My girlfriend got a 1st in Classics and she can translate Latin and Greek fluently, but I bet she'd not know the difference between a screwdriver.


I wish I had gone to University. Anyone who says about the 'University of Life' is ignorant and arrogant.

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A university degree doesn't mean you know what a phillips screwdriver is.


My girlfriend got a 1st in Classics and she can translate Latin and Greek fluently, but I bet she'd not know the difference between a screwdriver.


I wish I had gone to University. Anyone who says about the 'University of Life' is ignorant and arrogant.



no thanks...happy I did not go to uni..come out in debt and I was doing a job that you should have had a degree for bt since I had experiance I got the job...

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Don't think there is anything wrong with not going to University, it's not for everyone and the one of the worst things that T Bliar and New labour did was try to let everybody go to University.


All it did was encourage Universities to offer Micky Mouse degrees so they could get extra funding and meant that people got inot loads of debt and couldn't get a decent job at the end, it also devalued a University education.


In my opinion they should have created more technical acadamies for people to learn skills and trades and encouraged people to go there instead of wasting a few years doing A-Levels which weren't going to do them any good.

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Don't think there is anything wrong with not going to University, it's not for everyone and the one of the worst things that T Bliar and New labour did was try to let everybody go to University.


All it did was encourage Universities to offer Micky Mouse degrees so they could get extra funding and meant that people got inot loads of debt and couldn't get a decent job at the end, it also devalued a University education.


In my opinion they should have created more technical acadamies for people to learn skills and trades and encouraged people to go there instead of wasting a few years doing A-Levels which weren't going to do them any good.


This is so very true. My school pushed obvious future brick layers towards weak degrees. A few I know personally failed their first year and had no qualifications to show for their 6+K debt... Guess what they are doing now.


My university is top ranking for media (don't fret I'm studying a solid core science)so I am constantly surrounded by air thieving layabouts who have a sense of entitlement to a £40k+ salary for editing photos and blogging about their testicles.


University isn't for everyone, apprenticeships should be given to those who would do better at a vocational career. Sadly the colleges and sixth forms want to be able to boast about how 95% of their students go on to degrees....

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The concept of cleverness is weird. For example I've just been on a massive family weekend and one of my distant relatives is what you might call something of an 'intellectual,' but works in a shop on minimum wage not because they like it that way but because they are too damn awkward and militant to get anything else.


The 'clever' people I admire the most are the ones who can see through a situation, see how to make money from it, and do it when nobody else does. Like the guy selling the pick-axes at gold-rush time.

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The concept of cleverness is weird. For example I've just been on a massive family weekend and one of my distant relatives is what you might call something of an 'intellectual,' but works in a shop on minimum wage not because they like it that way but because they are too damn awkward and militant to get anything else.


The 'clever' people I admire the most are the ones who can see through a situation, see how to make money from it, and do it when nobody else does. Like the guy selling the pick-axes at gold-rush time.


Precisely. An educated person absorbs information and recalls it on demand. An intelligent person analyses it and applies it selectively.

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Difference between a screwdriver and...... a camel? a paperclip? or another "different" screwdriver?


Lest you forget, sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. You know exactly what I meant.


I would double check each post you make from now on. I'll be ready to come down on you like a tonne of bricks if you make a single grammatical error.

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True story-happened a few weeks back at the school where I work.I had a report that a car had been parked with the lights still on so I located the vehicle and was writing the reg number down when a Teacher walked over after noticing what I was doing.She informed me that she knew who's car it was so I asked her if she would locate the owner and let her know that her lights were still on."Not a problem" she assures me "But I dont know if she's in yet or not".................

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5 pages........


A degree means you have that qualification in the subject you studied, nothing more. You are not then automatically an expert in life, screw-drivers or women (unless of course you studied with God, Snap-On Tools or Peter Stringfellow).




Jesus wept.

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Good post Mark, how are you mate?


I used to think there were those with degrees who ridiculed those without and those without who ridiculed those with. I had to do a degree to get a full-time job at my place. Got first class honours in systems engineering from a Mickey Mouse university and discovered there was as third type - people with proper degrees who ridicule those with mickey mouse ones.


So, I went and did a Masters at Oxford in formal software engineering methods and got a distinction. Nobody at my work now looks down their nose at my qualifications but there would be people out there who did Oxford on a more conventional basis I.e. younger, full time and with a better college who would ridicule my achievements.


Bottom line is anyone having a POP at anyone else for trying to broaden their horizons and better their employment prospects is behaving wonky, well wonky.


Doing my studies later, started first degree part time at 28, definitely enhanced how much I learnt but if I'm honest I regret not doing it all full time and at a younger age.


I consider myself relatively well balanced between practical and theoretical without being particularly academic. I don't maintain a list recording all instances but know I've said some pretty stupid things in my time at work...


One thing I have learnt though is that in general, generalizations are generally not very helpful :)

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A lot of the graduate trainees I have had working for me think that the world owes them a living because they can pass exams which are much easier now than they used to be. You need much more than that to be sucessfull, including hard work,dedication, people skills, problem solving, applied common sense etc, etc

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Even though you may not be using it directly in the industry the skills you acquired whilst doing it you probably use daily without even knowing it.


I could not agree more, everything we do in life whether academic or "life experience" shapes our lives and influences whom we become & I had an exceptionally good time whilst at University. :good:

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