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Some little ******** wrecked my set up....

Lancs Lad

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I have a nice little hide tucked away on one of my fields where I have been leaving some of my bits and bobs there.


You know what its like when your lugging all the gear...if you can leave a bit then it all helps doesnt it....


Well, I left a couple of bouncers and about a dozen decoys and some netting....


Went over last night.......


Someones been in, trashed the lot.....................



Next time, Ill have to lie up all nice and cammoed up and wait for them to come...........




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Thats a shocker mate, but I can't say I am suprised. I don't know what it is about the younger generation but for the most part they just break things, I just don't get it. Jealosy, boredom? I think mostly they are just little pricks to be honest. No idea when I turned into a grumpy old man but it seems to have happened :good:


Hope you find out who did it, but just be careful you don't confront them armed or you will end up in bother :lol:

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Lancs Lad,


Count yourself lucky that it stayed there at all, you couldn't leave a damn thing out in the fields around our way, you could even bury it 6 foot under, and it would probably still be gone when you came back the next day, and when you trudge back to your car, the wheels would be gone from that too...!!! :good:



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They would just get sent to the childrens court, get a slap on the wrist and told not to do it again. Its pointless phoning the police, just dont leave anymore stuff there.


I think they should be allowed to prosecute the parents.


Just about all the problems we have are because there is no fear anymore. Kids twoc cars, smash stuff up, start fights and all this ****, simply becuase they know 1) they probably won't be caught because the police have their hands tied behind their backs 2) The punishment if caught doesn't bother them.


If you get caught pinching you should get lashes. If you steal someones car you are banned from driving for life, if you are caught driving you go to jail for 10 years (no parole). That or hard forced labour fixing the roads, cleaning up the mess they have made etc.


If the punishment fit the crime, and was something they were actually afraid of, then we wouldn't have half these problems.


I was no angel when I was younger, but I wouldn't have dreamed of doing half the things kids get up to (and get away with scot free).

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I regularly shoot some quite out of the way places, but I would never leave anything in a hide, that I wanted to see again.


Its not just the possibility of kids roaming around, you have some walkers/ramblers that are anti shooting and I have even heard of some farm workers that have helped themselves to cammo netting and decoys left in a hide.


You can almost guarantee that if its worth something to you and you leave it laying about, someone will break it, or steal it.

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I gave up with Larsen traps as they ended up being kicked to bits.


Mindless vandalism has always been there, it's just that the sanctions that you can apply nowadays are ineffective.


If you catch anyone at it make sure that you do not have any form of firearm with you (stupid statement I know, but I hope that my reasoning is clear).


All you can do is to be 'firm' and polite.


If you are lucky you may know their parents and hope that they will see your point of view.......



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To smash the gear up takes some explaining. At least if it gets swiped you could say "oh well, hopefully it's a youngster getting into the sport and he can't afford to buy the equipment". Even then it's still a pain in the butt.


Don't be tempted to give them a slap. Legally, I don't think we have the right to defend our property, so you could find yourself in the brown stuff. Morally, I think we could learn from some of the Arab states where punishment for thieving, vandalism etc is concerned. There would be a few cars being driven with the sign "No Hand Signals"

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thats shocking,


if i was you i would set it all up again and then sit in a high seat with no gun but my mobile phone handy, when they come, phone the police, you can get them for trespass and vandalism. :blush:



is such a thing as trespass what would they get done. sod all.

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Lanc's Lad


I have often thought of leaving stuff like you, to lighten the load but have always been wary. As you have found there are some real t**ts about. Even on my friends farm where only me and my brother shoot you never know who is walking it with dogs day or night.


Word of warning to anyone leaving a cammo net up. When I started decoying a long time ago, I shot over a grass field and on leaving I left a cammo net up for the next day, don't laugh but the net was made out of dyed womens tights (a tip I read in a "John Humphrey's" book), I used to get them from the women I worked with as they saved them for me, and after sniffing them :good: (no dressing up mind) sewed them together, the farmer let stock onto the field after I left and a stupid lamb managed to tangle itself by the kneck, still alive but in hell of a mood. Lesson learnt never left a net up since.

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Check Sporting Shooter (page 6)..... 'The police officer who went to view the cage was very upset by what she saw. She released the birds and broke the cage up'


A policewoman destroys a (perfectly legal) Larsen trap. (Sussex Express)

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I thought that police forces had officers trained in rural affairs, They have specialists in other fields, pardon the pun, i.e traffic, fraud, vice etc. A trained officer attending a call-out concerning, in this case, a perfectly legal Larsen would have identified it as such. Likewise, they would also be able to detect a crime, if one were being committed, and hopefully bring the wrongdoer to book.

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That's very wrong and I hope that whoever owned that trap put a claim in against the police.


As for charging the parents when their kids do something, I agree, but can't help feeling that it's either going to be ineffective (1) or unfair (2).


The reason I said (1) is that half the time, the parents are just as bad as the children and won't give a toss about what their kids get up to. You can do whatever you want to and they will not really take responsibility for their, or thier kids', actions.


With (2), the parentys have tried their hardest to bring their kids up right, teach them right from wrong and generally make them a decent member of society. Then, for whatever reason, the kid goes off the rails. Charging the parents is unfair beacuse, despite their very best efforts, the kid does not listen and, thanks to the wonderful people we have in charge of the country, can't be adequately punished by their own parents.


What we need is to have people generally take responsibility for their actions and a return to the time when parent were allowed to discipline their own children (within reason) without fear of recrimination or prosecution.



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Upset another local pigeon shooter did we :lol:


Best way if it's kids or an anti is to lie in wait all dressed up in your cammo gear (especially the hood). Give 'em the fright of their life when you jump out on 'em :oops: Do what the antis do...take some pics or better still a video.

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