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no but my ears ring whistle 24 hours a day 365 days a year and can really get you down , so if your not using ear defenders then i would if i were you . Because i would move heaven and earth to turn back time to get rid of this ringing , its a living nightmare ( it really is )

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Don't shoot without ear defence. There are many on this forum suffering the permanent problems from doing so.


Look up tinnitus.


well put , think this tinnitus should have a stickey link so that more people could read into it and maybe never have to put up with it .

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I have been told that our hearing gets worse as we get older, we all need to preserve our hearing for as long as we can. I hate to shoot in the field with protection, I like to hear noise or perhaps people approaching or others shooting nearby, never happened but you never know some div might be out and shoot me thru a hedge ! I find using my semi 12G with only one ear plug in, the one on the stock side works well for me, but if I am shooting with a partner, we take turns I listen without hearing protection 10 foot or so behind my mate shooting and vice versa. But you cant beat wearing hearing protection, when we go and bust clays I put them on when we leave the car and take them off only when we are back at the car.

I have been told that ringing in your ears is a sign that you have damaged your hearing and from what I understand it is not something that can be replaced or made better, so if you damage your hearing, thats it you have kind of lost part of your hearing and if you continue to allow yourself to have ringings ears you may end up with tinitus as our pooor friend above has, a friends father who was a panel beater hax this and it is slowly sending his dad round the twist as he has a constant ringing noise in his ears 24/7, it must be a nightmare and cannot be repaired from what I gather. Best be on the safe side and wear them as often as you can.


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Well thats sorted. I will wear ear protection everytime. Never thought of tinnatus. I have heard of a chap that had such bad tinnatus in that it was like listening to a jet engine, he eventually committed suicide because of it. Don't want to do that as I want as many shooting days as I can in life (and beer and women).

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I had a real fright last year... was out pigeon shooting and forgot my ear defenders, but went ahead and shot about 20 carts. by the end of the day, I had a real ringing and a "squelchy", sound in both ears. Really made me think about what was going on in there! :blink:


Thankfully things went back to normal after a few hours, but never again :no:

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AT the end of the day like most things its a personal choice, however in my opinion you would be daft NOT to wear ear protection! No one can argue that a shotgun being fired less than 10" from your ears wont screw up your hearing!! When its gone its gone :(

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Another one to watch out for is high tone deafness, which I have from when I was in the army (uncovering one ear so you could hear what you were being told to do whilst firing :oops:).


I wont bore you with the details, but the net result is basically no more nights out for me, because the moment there is any sort of ambient noise (busy pub/music etc etc) I cant distinguish a word anyone is saying to me from the background hum, so I end up sitting there bored witless because I cant properly join in the conversation. The condition used to be so prevalent among squaddies and other noisy jobs like fast jet aircrew that when you left you got your "patio pay" (compensation) pretty much as a given.


DONT shoot without ear defenders :no:

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Another one to watch out for is high tone deafness, which I have from when I was in the army (uncovering one ear so you could hear what you were being told to do whilst firing :oops:).


I wont bore you with the details, but the net result is basically no more nights out for me, because the moment there is any sort of ambient noise (busy pub/music etc etc) I cant distinguish a word anyone is saying to me from the background hum, so I end up sitting there bored witless because I cant properly join in the conversation. The condition used to be so prevalent among squaddies and other noisy jobs like fast jet aircrew that when you left you got your "patio pay" (compensation) pretty much as a given.


DONT shoot without ear defenders :no:


Not to mention fast jet ground crew!


Deaf 'eads. Wear. End of.

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Gun headache is the warning!

I have tinnitus 24/7 it started when I was in my late 20's ( noisey rock guitar playing) so dont think its just an old age thing.

To pick up on one reply the chap that wears one plug on the gun butt side its the wrong side , if you mount right shoulder your left ear is the one that takes the most shock and vice versa for left shoulder mount.

Its no joke, 24/7 noise, sometimes difficult to sleep, hard to understand conversations in a social enviroment, sometimes difficult one on one for me (a slight bonus with the mrs) it does get worse with age.

And for me one of the worst is I cant always hear and understand what my grandchildren say.

It does have a high suicide rate and if you let yourself focus on the noise it can do your head in, the trick is to try and listen through the tinnitus ignoreing it.

Its permanent , no treatment no turning back , so best to protect them lugs :good:

Saying all that I dont always wear ear defenders now, a lifetime of being dumb is a hard habit to break.

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I have to echo the advice being given here - do yourself a huge favour and never shoot without ear protection.


I messed up my hearing in clubs/at gigs and, now have a constant ringing in my ears, accompanied intermittently by crackles, humming and popping sounds. Listening to loud sounds is now very painful and, I don't know what silence sounds like anymore. There are no cures and no amount of money can buy back your hearing once it's gone so, please, use some form os hearing protection as we don't need any more members in the tinnitus club!

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I would never shoot with out hearing protection, it's just not worth the risk of getting tinnitus. I have been caught out at the range a few times when i've pulled one side slightly off to hear the more softly spoken and somebody has fired a .308 or .50 black powder pistol and jesus christ it was loud and made me put the muff back on quickly!!


At the mo I use builders ones that come with all the EN markings etc and they work really well. I'm saving for a decent pair of electronic ones. The builder ones cost me £4.99 from Ebay so at that price is it really worth not wearing them.

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Yes I am suffering from 50 yrs of shooting often with no or poor spec defenders in the early days , got hearing aids now but I tend not to wear them in a social environment as they pick up too much background sound , a busy pub is a no no with them on.

I was diagnosed with hearing loss about 20 yrs ago ( then 40 ) and since then the shooting I have done is always with good quality protection , need electronic one to amplify speech and ambiant sounds .



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I have heard of a chap that had such bad tinnatus in that it was like listening to a jet engine, he eventually committed suicide because of it.

It might be frightening to know the real numbers who do this, it isn't uncommon.

I know of a couple of people who took their own lives after suffering from tinnitus.

By all accounts the sleep deprivation drives you mad - literally.


Don't want to labour the point, but have a read of THIS

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Isn't gun headache what you get when exposed to lots of loud gunshots in a short space of time?


Amazon are doing Silverline electronic ones that activate at 80 db's for 13.99 special offer at the mo, will be giving those a try as they seem to have all the EN numbers etc. Downside is they are a little large and look cheap with a see through plastic.

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