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Your thoughts on this???????

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I came across this video while I was browsing thropugh Youtube and watched it all the way through. I would be extremely concerned about having someone out with me shooting the way that Tsara did, and I would be equally concerned about the guides encouraging her to take such wild shots.

Personally I think the woman should not be allowed to shoot again untill she has been taught some marksmanship skills and an awful lot about firearm safety. As for the guides - What were they thinking of, certainly not safety or humane kills.

Towards the end she says she "Certainly kicked ****", if she had shot like that with me I would have kicked her ****!

Thank God this was not in the UK or the ANTIS would have a field day!

P.S. Pay particular attention to the latter half of the video where she is shooting at the goats!



Edited by Frenchieboy
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Cant see any video link ?

It's definitely there Lumpy old mate, as everyone else that has viewed this page will verify!

Are you using one of those new fangled mobile iphone-a-ma-bobs that doesn't like videos or is another visit to SpecSavers in order mate? :hmm::lol:

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I came across this video while I was browsing thropugh Youtube and watched it all the way through. I would be extremely concerned about having someone out with me shooting the way that Tsara did, and I would be equally concerned about the guides encouraging her to take such wild shots.

Personally I think the woman should not be allowed to shoot again untill she has been taught some marksmanship skills and an awful lot about firearm safety. As for the guides - What were they thinking of, certainly not safety or humane kills.

Towards the end she says she "Certainly kicked ****", if she had shot like that with me I would have kicked her ****!

Thank God this was not in the UK or the ANTIS would have a field day!

P.S. Pay particular attention to the latter half of the video where she is shooting at the goats!



This is all i'm getting mate :hmm:

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Regardless of everything else the final part shooting the goats was appalling IMO.

I have never stalked a deer or goat but that was just firing at the animal for the sake of it...like been said think the guide needs a boot up the backside for telling her to keep shooting

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Very poor no need for any of it!!


The hunter letting her shoot the goats like that is as much to blame!


The back stop on I think the 2nd shot Fallow or lack of was a disgrace!


All in all a very poor advert for NZ hunting! No care for the animals at all.



Edited by Shotgunspud
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Calm down, calm down, an example of bad practice in a country the other side of the world, probably not subjected to our FAC regulations, or codes of practice.

I didn't get the impression the shooter was being officially "Guided", it looked like a mates day out to me.

It didn't happen in the UK, so I doubt the UK "Antis" will be that bothered.


Whilst nobody would condone the behaviour in the video, YouTube is full of acts of stupidity from various parts of the world.

Please don't post them all on here just to raise everyone's blood pressure, they are hardly "Sporting Shooting Videos", which is what this section is for.

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I take your points Cranfield and, to an extent I agree with most of them! I did not put this video on to raise blood pressures or to start a raging debate, I just thought that it was one of the worst videos of deer and goat shooting I had come across and felt that it was worthy of asking others opinions.

I did, in my original post make it clear that it was not in the UK, maybe I should have added that our guidelines,laws, regulations and "practices" in the UK could well be different to over there where the video was shot.

With regards to me putting it in the "Sporting Videos" section, I personally would have classed a Sporting Video (All be it not very "sporting" at all) but maybe others see it or class it differently to me.

However, having said that I have no wish to offend anyone nor have I any desire to be the cause of any major controversy or embarrassment to PigeonWatch so if you feel it is inapropriate for PigeonWatch it might be better to delete the complete thread to save any possible or potential problems.

I offer my unreserved appologies if posting this has offended or upset any members, that was not my intention.


Edited to correct some spelling mistakes.

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I take your points Cranfield and, to an extent I agree with most of them! I did not put this video on to raise blood pressures or to start a raging debate, I just thought that it was one of the worst videos of deer and goat shooting I had come across and felt that it was worthy of asking others opinions.

I did, in my original post make it clear that it was not in the UK, maybe I should have added that our guidelines,laws, regulations and "practices" in the UK could well be different to over there where the video was shot.

With regards to me putting it in the "Sporting Videos" section, I personally would have classed a Sporting Video (All be it not very "sporting" at all) but maybe others see it or class it differently to me.

However, having said that I have no wish to offend anyone nor have I any desire to be the cause of any major controversy or embarrassment to PigeonWatch so if you feel it is inapropriate for PigeonWatch it might be better to delete the complete thread to save any possible or potential problems.

I offer my unreserved appologies if posting this has offended or upset any members, that was not my intention.


Edited to correct some spelling mistakes.


Frenchieboy dont do that!! It is a good video showing poor shooting methods and safety!!


Jumping in saying hang on!! hang on!! lets not get on at the NZ methods shown! be it with a guide or not it was poor full stop, this Forum gives us the right to say what we think on shooting methods. If one of us on this site had posted a video of poor back stops and 200 plus meter head shots or D-Days on goats every member on here would jump in.


Videos like this sick in hunters minds and reading other stalkers comments on poor practice like this shows how UK hunting good practice come's through.





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Frenchieboy dont do that!! It is a good video showing poor shooting methods and safety!!


Jumping in saying hang on!! hang on!! lets not get on at the NZ methods shown! be it with a guide or not it was poor full stop, this Forum gives us the right to say what we think on shooting methods. If one of us on this site had posted a video of poor back stops and 200 plus meter head shots or D-Days on goats every member on here would jump in.


Videos like this sick in hunters minds and reading other stalkers comments on poor practice like this shows how UK hunting good practice come's through.





Agreed it was a poor show.

Probably doesn't reflect N.Z. shooting on the whole?

And spud yes i fancy a bash................ <_<:hmm: :blink:

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It was guided (or misguided as the case may be). The laws, regs and codes of practice are indeed different in New Zealand. However, taking pot shots at the goats was a horrid thing to watch.


If you bother to read the comments on youtube page, you will see the 'guide' responding to similar questions/accusations as this thread. Have a look there.


Still, it doesn't put NZ shooting in a good light at all (but maybe that's just 'our' view on it)

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Agreed it was a poor show.

Probably doesn't reflect N.Z. shooting on the whole?

And spud yes i fancy a bash................ <_<:hmm: :blink:



Agree John! I am sure other NZ stalkers may look on and think OMG:crazy: :crazy:


And again it doesn't matter who it was or where they come from POOR show no ethics.


Bash away mate.LOL

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