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Channel 4 fox release

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I'm not convinced city foxes are as verminous as rural ones. In fact they clean up a lot of foodstuff some people dump on their way home from the pub. I think it's quite appalling how much food gets thrown away these days.

i was surprised at the amount of mange in the urban foxes. the rspca dump urbans on my permission boundary, but ive never shot one with it that bad.

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my vue is watever you have a city fox or a countryside fox they are all natural born killers (destructive)and they all need controlling simple as,and for them to release that fox which killed all them chickens only streets away was appauling.all these do gooders aint got a clue :no: wat a lovely animal NOT,cant wait to see the next episode ......keep this thread going lads some very interesting points :good:

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I don't get the point of the program, I presume it is just filling screen time, what is it out to achieve?


Here is one I caught last Monday, in Reading, post-20848-0-41221600-1335822398.jpg post-20848-0-56777200-1335822579.jpgthey are not all shot on sight/site, sometimes I have to take them away live, then shoot them!


I'm simply not understanding this malarkey of releasing them in urban communities!



Yes, I know, it looks sweet and innocent................... until you get your hand anywhere near the cage!

Edited by Dekers
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I don't get the point of the program, I presume it is just filling screen time, what is it out to achieve?


Here is one I caught earlier, in Reading, post-20848-0-41221600-1335822398.jpg post-20848-0-56777200-1335822579.jpgthey are not all shot on site, sometimes I have to take them away live, then shoot them!


I'm simply not understanding this malarkey of releasing them in urban communities!

yer i dont get the whole catch and release thing. id be pretty peed of if i was the chicken man.

i saw something on the box were a munti had been hit by a car, so they caught it,treated its leg,x rayed it and give it a ceserean and set it free. why


my vue is watever you have a city fox or a countryside fox they are all natural born killers (destructive)and they all need controlling simple as,and for them to release that fox which killed all them chickens only streets away was appauling.all these do gooders aint got a clue :no:wat a lovely animal NOT,cant wait to see the next episode ......keep this thread going lads some very interesting points :good:

explain that comment to me please.

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wats there to explain mate i cant put it across in any other way ive spent along part of my life working on a farm ive seen all the damage these things do and to see that bloke taking one for a walk on a lead and for everybody to say ohh aint it cute i want one, makes my blood boil :yes:

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At least they released the one back into the town.

We get them dumped around our countryside, then they head for the nearest dwelling, usually a farm with poultry or lambs this time of the year.

And they are easy to shoot, bait them with an old takeaway carton, it's cruel to dump them in strange country, but it's done.

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I'm not convinced city foxes are as verminous as rural ones. In fact they clean up a lot of foodstuff some people dump on their way home from the pub. I think it's quite appalling how much food gets thrown away these days.



i live on the outskirts of manchester when i drive into work at about 5.30 am i must see at least 3-4 foxes every day, they have no fear of humans...they are even on my lawn some mornings..


couple of days ago a skip was on my close as a neighbour was having a new roof, as i have a wood fire i asked him could i have the lats to use, no problem was the reply as i started to pull the wood out and chop it up a decent fox dove out of the skip and ran like mad .... :good:

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Yes just watched it, what a load of twoddle.


Lets record and show on live TV mangy Fox's about town, knowing that they aint doing to well on the healthy ladder, but we will watch them any way. Have a chat with some bloke that keeps a few chickens that looks like Stig of the Dump who's lost his chickens, he didnt seem that bothered about loosing them, He, needs reporting to the RSPCA for neglecting to look after his live stock.


Sorry but a complete load of poo.

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silly question but is it against the law to relese a fox after its capture ?. or is it just vermin this is relivent to or im i wrong on both counts ?

I'm sure that someone will put me right if I am incorrect but I thought it was perfectly legal to release captured foxes as long as they were released within 1 mile of where they were captured.

I personally prefer to bury them within 1 mile of where I capture them, usually weighing 40g heavier and carrying a .22LR "pill"!

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they are vermin, i enjoy shooting them if i was told i could only shoot one animal it would be the fox.

but just because theres a program on tv about foxes your all sat there shouting shoot it shoot it to the other half.


If there was only animal I was allowed to shoot I would make sure it was one I could damned well eat! Rabbit or Pigeon, either of those but not fox! I like to eat what I kill and I am not eating one of those mange ridden things!

I also thought it was against the law to release vermin into the wild!

Edited by secretagentmole
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If there was only animal I was allowed to shoot I would make sure it was one I could damned well eat! Rabbit or Pigeon, either of those but not fox! I like to eat what I kill and I am not eating one of those mange ridden things!

I also thought it was against the law to release vermin into the wild!



I think it only against the law to release NON native vermin...

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