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Robbing ********

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Just a rant as I'm really ****** off, woke up this morning at 8,20 to get my bike out the garage ready for a trip to Wales. When I noticed the garage door unlocked. At first I thought I must of left it unlocked and to my horror as I opened the door there it wasn't. Some thieving piece of **** has nicked my bike. I only got it at Xmas.


But worst of all was that my dads golf clubs had been nicked. He sadly passed away 5 weeks ago and it was one of the few items of his we had.


I know it's a long shot but it's better than not doing anything so if anyone gets offerd or sees advertised a set of wilson fat shaft clubs in a White powercaddy bag around the Manchester area please get in touch. Also the bike is a orange g3 2011 in silver. The bike is the most valuable but would much rather have my dads clubs back.


Like I said I know it's a very long shot as they have probably been sold for a bag of smack by now but any info to the whereabouts would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks 425

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Any local car boots?


******** did my garage last year,


Took bike, left 2 sets of golf clubs (1 tatty, 1 ok) snap on toolbox with tools, decoying equip (decoys, magnet, hide and poles)


They did about 10 garages that night, only took bikes, they were arrested but as my bike wasnt found I heard nothing else.





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thieving scum!


my Dad had his garage done a few years ago scumbags took all his split cane salmon rods my grandad left him, after 50+ years fishing he never went again


worth trying any secondhand shops locally/car boot/local free ads?


hope you get yer clubs back,

Edited by Badgerpig
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I'm not normally one to condone or encourage violence but in cases like this if and when the culprits get caught (Highly unlikely unless they are actually caught in the act) the really deserve their hands chopping off, they deserve a damned good kicking, it is the only language they are likely to understand!

The sort of people who do this sort of thing obviously have no respect for other people or other people's property so why in heavens name should we show the slightest bit of respect for them!

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Thanks for all the replies guys. I'm going to have a look in some second hand shops 2moz but I don't hold much hope. I will be checking flee bay and other used goods sites and will have a mooch round some car boot sales next weekend.


There will be no good outcome because if I catch them I will probably end up loosing my licence, and if the police catch them they will get a slap on the wrists. There really isn't a good deterrent to stop these theiving pieces of **** from repeat offending.


If they brought back firing squad as punishment I would be the first to sign up.

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Last year I worked loads of hours driving a tractor to buy a reasonable bike so I could save money on diesel. Paid £300 quid for a Claude Butler.


Three months later I went on holiday for a fortnight and when I came back my bike, and my wife's which was chained to it, had been nicked.

They were in a communal bike shed and the lock wasn't forced so it was someone with a key.


In a small community, over time, all thing become known and I'm very patient. :hmm:

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that's a rough deal, sorry to hear about it. the thing is, i was having a "conversation" with this guy on site a few years back, he seemed to think it was ok to nick stuff, and if it was locked or chained up, it was equally ok to bust the carp out of it, my only response was "if anything happens to my gear now or in the future, you're the one i'm gonna come looking for".

It's just their mentality that sickens us, sub human sums it up :hmm:

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that's a rough deal, sorry to hear about it. the thing is, i was having a "conversation" with this guy on site a few years back, he seemed to think it was ok to nick stuff, and if it was locked or chained up, it was equally ok to bust the carp out of it, my only response was "if anything happens to my gear now or in the future, you're the one i'm gonna come looking for".

It's just their mentality that sickens us, sub human sums it up :hmm:


I also know the type, a lad i went to school with who thought it was okay for people to steal if they were in need of it because they had no job. I gave him a right mouthfull and so did half of facebook

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It is very upsetting having personal things like that taken but let's not go overboard here.

Replies like this really P me off these people that go around stealing stuff that does not belong to them, first offence they should have a hand taken off, i bet they never do it again and the rest of the thieving scum will think twice.But really the only people who should be put up in front of a firing squad are one handed.


PS the hand should be removed one bone at a time with bolt croppers without any pain relief

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Replies like this really P me off these people that go around stealing stuff that does not belong to them, first offence they should have a hand taken off, i bet they never do it again and the rest of the thieving scum will think twice.But really the only people who should be put up in front of a firing squad are one handed.


PS the hand should be removed one bone at a time with bolt croppers without any pain relief

Bloody hell!

I hope taking things out of skips doesn't count :lol:

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Replies like this really P me off these people that go around stealing stuff that does not belong to them, first offence they should have a hand taken off, i bet they never do it again and the rest of the thieving scum will think twice.But really the only people who should be put up in front of a firing squad are one handed.


PS the hand should be removed one bone at a time with bolt croppers without any pain relief


Then I'll happily p you off all day with cretinous and macabre views like that.

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It is very upsetting having personal things like that taken but let's not go overboard here.


Presumably you haven't yet had the pleasure of a visit from this wonderful sector of our colourful diverse society?


I did over the weekend and it just reinforced my view that they should be exterminated. These aren't hard up people but organised criminal gangs or junkies robbing for their next fix who have no respect whatsoever for other peoples property or feelings.


My late Mother had her bungalow broken into twice within a couple of weeks when she was in her 70's and living alone while she was at home, the shock of confronting the ******** in her own home could have killed her, it did one of the other victims but as it wasn't through them having physically hit them it didn't count.


Why should law abiding citizens have to tolerate it??


If plod don't start to do something about the problem they will only have themselves (and the wishy washy) politicians to blame when the public sort it out for themselves. Oh and of course the "turn the other cheek" brigade.

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Hear hear guys, on another thread about drugs i mentioned that my mother was burgled the year after my father died. Took all the sentimental stuff of no real fiscal value. If the politicians ( rather than the police) do not start to allow proper sentencing for repeat offenders then vigilantes will start to take over.

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Presumably you haven't yet had the pleasure of a visit from this wonderful sector of our colourful diverse society?


I did over the weekend and it just reinforced my view that they should be exterminated. These aren't hard up people but organised criminal gangs or junkies robbing for their next fix who have no respect whatsoever for other peoples property or feelings.


My late Mother had her bungalow broken into twice within a couple of weeks when she was in her 70's and living alone while she was at home, the shock of confronting the ******** in her own home could have killed her, it did one of the other victims but as it wasn't through them having physically hit them it didn't count.


Why should law abiding citizens have to tolerate it??


If plod don't start to do something about the problem they will only have themselves (and the wishy washy) politicians to blame when the public sort it out for themselves. Oh and of course the "turn the other cheek" brigade.


I've had personal effects with only sentimental value stolen on more than one occasion. It doesn't mean I want to reduce myself to sub-human violent desires.

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I don't think it's a question of sub human desires, it's more a case of anger and frustration that effectively rewards the bad guys.

Before anyone screams "Daily Mail", look at the sentencing that takes place.


The fact is you will get a greater punishment for defending your family and property than the scumbag that burgles you.



The tide is slowly starting to turn and i certainly do not want us to end up like the USA nor do i like to think that gangs of vigilantes go out on the streets looking for trouble but what sort of society lets its old and infirm be attacked yet not take the perpertrator out of circulation permanently.

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Maybe if the goverment stopped giving out billons in aid and redirect the money into the police, courts and prison more will be done, but it's going to get worse as they shrink the policing down.


Some nights in the town I live there's no police on duty if they are needed they come from another town, where's the logic in that, this will cause more people to defend their property with violence.

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