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Plummer autobiography


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Love him or hate him, D Brian Plummer was certainly a bit of a character.

I have been writing field sports articles for over 6 months now and have almost finished my first book (it's about a small village that I grew up in)

Thinking to the future, I am wondering whether to start the research for a biography about Plummer.

David Hancock the lurcher breeder is going to be an obvious and, no disrespect, he's not getting any younger.

It also gives me an opportunity to travel up the the N coast of Scotland and down to S Wales via Staffordshire.

I think that people would buy it, his books still seem to be appealing.

The manager of Coch Y Bonddu books (who market his works) thinks it would be an interesting (contraversial) project.

What do you think?

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Two of my pals have been out with Plummer and both say he was a waste of space.


Your friends must be world class. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


I would have thought Plummer's feats and dog breeding would have guaranteed his status - let alone his books.


A remarkable man.

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I thought your last CW article very well written. Whatever anyones opinion of Plummer, he surely deserves a biography due to his place in field sports and dog breeding. If you were to write one I would certainly be interested.

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It can't be an autobiography if you write it ;)


Plummer is like Marmite; you either love him or don't believe a word he says. I'm sure that a well written book on his life would be well received by many. The problem I forsee is that without independent evidence, i.e first hand experiences of him, you would have to rely heavily on his own writings. And that might not make for a totally accurate (or even mildly accurate) account of his life.

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Thank you Wharf Rat, all feedback is welcome.

It would of course be a biography.

In terms of evidence, it would mean tracking down:

  • The former pupils and members of the Huddlesford Rat Pack
  • David Hancock (as mentioned previously)
  • His ex-wife (!)
  • Any remaining members of his family
  • Former friends from S Wales
  • Associates from his latter days in Scotland
  • etc


I'm under no illusion that it would be an easy task, but the research perhaps needs to be done sooner rather than later.

I must admit I do occasionally see parallels with my own life and Plummer's, a bit worrying maybe!

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I don't know how valid a biography about Brian would be, written by someone who had never met him and did'nt know him


Fair comment, but on my bookshelf I can see several biographies written by people who had never met the subject eg Gladstone by Roy Jenkins


Thorough research is the key I believe.

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Brian Plummer helped the Scottish Working Dog Association during the fight in the Scottish Parliament against the Protection of Wild Mammals bill. he did it without any publicity or praise. A lot of people that I have heard criticising him could'nt understand a lot of the language he used. Gladstone was a historical figure when his biography was written Brian was in living memory and again has anyone had the common courtesy to consult his widow.I think someone like David Hancock or John Winch would be more qualified to write about Brian.

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  • 1 year later...

ricko, Hi I'm new to this site but I knew Brian and visited him quite a bit (when he lived in Caithness but more so when he moved to Abingdon, south of Glasgow). Brian gets slammed off loads of websites but i found him a fascinating, interesting and totally captivating individual. Yes he had his faults (he was a manic depressive) but when he was on form there was no finer. He knew his dogs and if he elaborated/exaggerated a bit, so, I fish and I'm guilty of the fishermans arms! The man had a phenomenal memory, had several degrees (see John Winch the QC Barrister) but his knowledge of animals was second to none. A biography does beckon because when he was alive when David Hancock(the lurcher breeder) mentioned his peculiarities they fell out big style. Brian was very very kind to me (he gave me several dogs). However bio's need to be interesting and Brian was certainly interesting! I await the customary abuse!

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Brian Plummer helped the Scottish Working Dog Association during the fight in the Scottish Parliament against the Protection of Wild Mammals bill. he did it without any publicity or praise. A lot of people that I have heard criticising him could'nt understand a lot of the language he used. Gladstone was a historical figure when his biography was written Brian was in living memory and again has anyone had the common courtesy to consult his widow.I think someone like David Hancock or John Winch would be more qualified to write about Brian.


I would second John Winch.

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Plummer certainly polarises people, he's def Marmite, but he was good to me! He knew his dogs and he knew how to write, I've got a couple of his dogs now in front of me, they are wilfull. antaganistc and compared to my others they are a bloody handfull (as he would want).

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Exactly Paddywack, a man who polarises so many different opinions is INTERESTING! Exactly what a biography needs, people do literally come to blows about him and his dogs, (however it was his cats that fascinated me, his Cattery was bigger than all his kennels))! So what if he exagerrated things (are we all not guilty of this) obviously not me, well not since I've left the SAS, Brian had his faults but he knew how to write, he inspired, educated and informed. David Harcombe is a first rate terrier man but we all met tricksters, just embrace life, if hunting/fishing/shooting is to survive we need to stick not seperate!

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I have no axe to grind but met Mr Plummer on a number of occasions and bought a white German Shepherd from him, based on the advice of the kennel club. The condition in which he kept his dogs and the feed was unusual and he carefully told me he kept ' a closed gene pool' which resulted in the dog developing epilepsy and dying pitifully within 4 years. He offered to send the dogs pedigree but that never arrived. He was arrogant and contemptuous of people who did not have a degree and changed to me when he knew I had. He seemed to bridle against what life had done to him and how he had relatively so little when he clearly thought he deserved much more.

That said when he had my measure (whatever that meant to him) he showed me the eagle owls he was training and how he had a bet to fully train one of these birds within 6 months. I found myself disliking him on the basis that he seemed and was pretentious and I believed that he should have valued people more than he did.

Sadly the dog was bought for my daughter so she was rather upset after its untimely death. All this must be 16 years ago now.

If we have a choice in life there are other people I would rather have met but his widow was and is a gentle and pleasant lady, I'd talk to her

Edited by Kes
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