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Few pics from the last few ootings


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Weather nay been great but have managed a buck each morning for the last 3 days.All on the same bit of ground,only 140 acres and mostly a youngish plantation.I think this makes 14 bucks off it since they came in and still know of another 4 visible so its a cracking piece due to ideal habitat and the amount of woodland close by which doesnt help the tree damage.The first lad was only a 100ish yard walk from the Jeep,and a wait of a half hoor as he was going in and oot of the trees and it took that before he was ideal for the chap.Lung shot,went about 20 yards and couped.Went into the trees and Rab found although the bleed trail would was easy to follow up.

Yesterday morning held oot at 0345 with it being fineish and the plan was to go to the 140 acres and hang aboot there as the lad had phoned saying he had spotted a bit of damage to some hardwoods so went round a puckle places on the way there.Spotted 4 of various ages but left all as things were nay just right for any of them.Got to the place and spotted a buck thats pretty wary and doesnt give much chances for a shot,and once again wind was wrong and he was pretty flighty so parked up at the roadside where i get a good view up the valley.Was sitting taking pics of this blue tit that was building a nest in a hole in a strainer post when a buck came legging towards the Jeep at a good rate of knots.Wasnt ready so jumped oot,grabbed the gatt from the back seat put the mag in and put one up the spoot.By this time he was less than 100 so i got doon on the verge and tracked him as he wasnt for stopping,so gave a shout and he stopped just on the edge of the wood and on the shot he dropped straight away.A very old buck that i first saw last week with a wee limp so im presuming he has been forced oot from elsewhere and the limp was maybe a result of getting shoved out.Again a wee six pointer and with a very wide span.

This morning was weet but it was only showers so again held oot,same time and same plan.As soon as i got there the wary lad was oot with a doe so i parked up and stalked about 400 yards into him and set up the sticks waiting for him to present and he was about 120 away.As has become the normal,he wouldnt stay still for long and kept pretty much in an unsafe position for shooting,and then the rain came lashing doon and he took cover and we did likewise.Sat in the motor for a 15 mins or so till it went off,and within a couple of minutes he reappeared.This time he came running straight oot into an excellent position so a 50 yard walk and 20 yard crawl got me into position but again he was flighty.He eventually stood for a shot,not broadside but still enough so i pulled and he went straight down with a nice thud comfirning the hit.I stood and cleared the rifle,picked up the binos and looked to where he went doon and saw the buck just managing to make the trees and obviously very sore which wasnt very pleasant to say the least.He had struggled to make the trees so decided to follow up straight away as there is a big ditch dividing the maturer wood from the new plantation and didnt want him to get over that where finding and following would be harder and i wasnt sure how good the shot was.I legged it over with Rab and when i found where he dropped i though major **** up as nay a spot of blood so put Rab onto it as soon as.This point of the trees is only around 30 yards wide so i went straight through to the ditch and looked for Rab,when i heard a gurgling sound back in the young trees.I went back in and spotted the buck lying between the rows and at the same time Rab took a hold of it.On this the buck stood but Rab took doon and held till i got there.Unfortunately it was a case of splitting the atlas joint which is never nice but very necessary in this situations.On the gralloch the shot was a couple of inches forward of ideal due to the angle he was standing.The damage would have meant the buck wouldnt have went any further but would have took a while to pass so although immediate follow ups are not recommended it was the right decision this time.

Far from posting this write up because im macho,tough and have got bigger baws than the moaners (although i am and have) who dont want to look at dead animals but do anyway,i post this as hopefully someone enjoys the pics and write up of a pastime and hobby thats legal and many folk enjoy.Also,i could have left oot the last buck,but it shows we should all strive to make these things happen less than they do.


















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Nice Dave :good: good tae see the young un starting early ;)


Cheers Tam.Settling in fine and hopefully will make something of him.


That's a fair look your getting fae Rab in the last pic.


It either disgust at the bad shot or the wee whipper snapper stealing his thunder.Saw the pics,lucky it didna spread more and could have been worse.

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Excellent write up and photos as always Dave mate! What is that young whipper snapper about? Are you training him up to work alongside Rab?

It's a shame you had to add the last parragraph, but after reading a few of the posts on here I can understand why you have, and power to your elbow for doing so! If people do not want to see photos of descent beasts like yours then maybe they are on the wrong forum. For heavens sake, this is a shooting forum after all, what do they expect? Those that do not like it maybe ought to think about spending their time on a clay shooting forum where they are less likely to see photos of dead animals that have been shot by very competent and proud shooters! :yes::yes::yes:

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Nice one buddy, excellent write up as usual.... :good:


Cheers fella.


Brilliant mate , always love your posts and pics. Keep em coming !


Love that ground , looks perfect :D


Cheers fella and will do.Great ground right enough and very lucky.


Well done Dave - nice pictures as allways.

Like the pup!


Ta fella.Forgot how much hard work they are at this age and the sooner he's old enough for training the better.Gets on with Rab fine so hopefully make a good pairing.


Excellent write up and photos as always Dave mate! What is that young whipper snapper about? Are you training him up to work alongside Rab?

It's a shame you had to add the last parragraph, but after reading a few of the posts on here I can understand why you have, and power to your elbow for doing so! If people do not want to see photos of descent beasts like yours then maybe they are on the wrong forum. For heavens sake, this is a shooting forum after all, what do they expect? Those that do not like it maybe ought to think about spending their time on a clay shooting forum where they are less likely to see photos of dead animals that have been shot by very competent and proud shooters! :yes::yes::yes:


Cheers again Pete.Nothing to hide and hopefully like I do,many others enjoy a write up and some pics.

The wee lad is hopefully to take the work load off Rab a bit as he slowed doon this last season and deserves a hand.Early days but he's pretty switched on and I think/hope he will do well if all goes well.Only had two weeks today and he will already fetch a wee sprite bottle back even thrown 20 yards so hopefully the basics are there.All fun for him just now and a while before its serious.

Top forum Pete,and oot with genuine concerns i couldn't give a flying ,,,, about any whining for whining sake.

Edited by sako751sg
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well done dave cracking read as always and some nice pictures of 50 p heeds :lol: ;)and as you say it doe,nt go right all the time but real credit to you for doing what you had too do and quickly the young mutt looks like a real cracker nice markings .and as you say if you dini want ta see deed stuff dont look :good::good::good: :good:macho tough :huh::huh::no: you make love ta sheep for **** sake :lol::lol:

Edited by cocker3
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Top stuff again Dave,nice looking pot licker you got there.


Oh and hear you like a bit of lycra,i think you would suit the cammo stuff though. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Cheers fella,but holy ****,is that all you and Alan think aboot,men in tight lycra.Ive told him too many times and ill tell you the same,im nay interested in your male menage a trois,even though Alan offered to dress in a provocative little number that he got from anne summers and claims it makes him more doable than Lily Savage.


Great write up and pics as usual.............. keep 'em comin. :good:


Ta fella.Nice to see a nice well thought oot post and im sorry that you are sandwiched between a pair of crossdressing weegie numpties,and ill bet they wished you were sandwiched between them right enough.Durty perverted eejits.


well done dave cracking read as always and some nice pictures of 50 p heeds :lol: ;)and as you say it doe,nt go right all the time but real credit to you for doing what you had too do and quickly the young mutt looks like a real cracker nice markings .and as you say if you dini want ta see deed stuff dont look :good::good::good: :good:macho tough :huh::huh::no: you make love ta sheep for **** sake :lol::lol:



Should have known Butthead would be along after Beavis posting a wee bit earlier,so lets get the pleasantries over with.Ta for the kind words on the write up,and the ones aboot the mutt and also the ones aboot doing what we have to do sometimes.However,when it comes to the sheep,forget the making love,i just **** them,big difference.I found this clip of you and Andy.



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Well done mate, keep em coming, i'm having a wee break at the mo, these hours are draining my patience somewhat and so are the numpties.

Sleeping mostly now and when not making a very good living out of their "hobbies".

At least when they snipe on you tube I can moderate them myself and then block them so stopping them veiwing my stuff at all.

Its funny they don't like what they see but watch every video?

Any way I will enjoy your stuff as usual, keep knocking em down and stay out of the armchair :lol::good:

regards john

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Ta fella.Nice to see a nice well thought oot post and im sorry that you are sandwiched between a pair of crossdressing weegie numpties,and ill bet they wished you were sandwiched between them right enough.Durty perverted eejits.




:oops: Not a nice way to go. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Well done mate, keep em coming, i'm having a wee break at the mo, these hours are draining my patience somewhat and so are the numpties.

Sleeping mostly now and when not making a very good living out of their "hobbies".

At least when they snipe on you tube I can moderate them myself and then block them so stopping them veiwing my stuff at all.

Its funny they don't like what they see but watch every video?

Any way I will enjoy your stuff as usual, keep knocking em down and stay out of the armchair :lol::good:

regards john


Cheers fella.Water off a ducks back here but still can't understand them.First morning for a while I didn't go oot and pretty knackered myself.At least I have only me to worry about and nay clients.


:oops: Not a nice way to go. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Absolutely not fella,top and tailed by twa sweaty weegies.


great post mate, good reading and pics. :good:


Cheers fella.

Edited by sako751sg
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