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Follow on from gay marriage..........


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Well said... Though Pagan virtues on on rebirth and fertility both human and agricultural are very interesting and the celebrations were full on involving much drinking and debauchery even the occassional "wickerman" type sacrifice...I suspect there is still a little inherent and latent Paganism in all of us.


Indeed, after all that rain we had a few weeks back we built a huge bonfire and burnt a nosy policeman from the mainland whilst dancing naked around a maypole - the sun came out almost immediately and the wheat is looking terrific now!


Must remember not to dance so close to the fire whilst naked next time though :blink:

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Indeed, after all that rain we had a few weeks back we built a huge bonfire and burnt a nosy policeman from the mainland whilst dancing naked around a maypole - the sun came out almost immediately and the wheat is looking terrific now!


Must remember not to dance so close to the fire whilst naked next time though :blink:



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I don't believe in god, but when my time comes if it makes those left behind feel better, so be it, and if I'm there waiting for them then nowt I can do about it anyway when/if we meet again


If not I hope the worms enjoy their feast :good:

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If there is a god then why is there so much pain and suffering in the world?

Basically free will?

Because if God intervened in every event that caused pain where would free will be? No cars, planes trains, guns, no hard tarmac to fall on ...... yadda yadda. What kind of world is that? If you mean that there should be a line in the sand as to how much each of us should suffer then that is as invalid as the above surely.

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ten commandments? other than killing and stealing, what other modern laws have any relevance, Thou shalt have no other gods before me? Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image? Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them? Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy?


And killing and stealing being bad pre dates Christianity, do we really need a book and fear of god to stop killing and stealing? if you do... well...

They are Jewish and you need to read Mark 12 :28-34 for the real meaning of the commandments.

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Basically free will?

Because if God intervened in every event that caused pain where would free will be? No cars, planes trains, guns, no hard tarmac to fall on ...... yadda yadda. What kind of world is that? If you mean that there should be a line in the sand as to how much each of us should suffer then that is as invalid as the above surely.


I hear what you are saying - but it seems a little unfair to say the least. I'm not wealthy, but I have a car, a home, food, healthcare and so on, yet in other parts of the world there are people suffering with diseases, starvation, wars and so on through no fault of their own. The reason is that we, as a 'civilised' country, have leaders who only care about themselves, we only care about ourselves, and nobody cares about the 3rd world countries because it suits us to keep it that way. Free will is very important, but a little nudge here and there could transform the lives of untold millions/billions. Hence I don't see that any caring god would leave things as they are.

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I think you will find that most screamed for their mothers not god before they died,logical really as god had just let them down big style. :hmm:

And speaking as an ex squaddie,a lot of armed forces personnel will probably tell you after they have been into theatre then their belief goes out the window..


I have never been in the forces so can't comment first hand but I do read a lot of books and articles relating to the armed forces. I was surprised in the number of soldiers currently serving in Afghanistan did have faith, did read the bible and did believe in the 'Big Man'.


I also find it strange at times when so called non-believers, at times of crisis, ask people to say a prayer for them. A case of not believing but wanting to hedge their bets just in case.


Personally I think it's a personal thing. I have my beliefs but don't talk about them much unless asked.

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So if I get this right, you need God to give you a sign so that you believe, yet you haven`t heard that it is faith that will gain you salvation, not works/deeds? Time to get that Bible out my friend.


The point of the video is, as i was never indoctrinated by Christianity, saying read the bible for proof is exactly like me saying on too you.. read the Quran, Read greek mythology etc, these are clearly the truth.

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Confuciansim is not a religion Grasshopper. It is a philosophy and a martial art (i.e. Kung Fu). Islam is more about acknowledging God is Great, and then a code for living in a hot climate. The Judaic God was a spiteful god, calling for blood sacrifice, burnt offerings and vengeance. Shintoism keeps it in the family, so to speak, with ancestor worship. Buddhism is a meditative practise linked to an ethical code and philosophy. Christianity was cobbled together (see Mithras) from nearby religions because it had achieved a critical mass of believers and kings and popes realised that it was key to the subjugation of the masses and preserved them in their high status.


However, the key things about the three congregationist religions, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, are the belief that theirs is the one true religion, it is the same God, and that kings and popes, shahs and sultans etc. were all accountable unto that God. It's a closed book and not for open minds.


If you worship money, then I hate to break it to you, there is no such thing. Money is based on a simple promissory note, "I promise to pay the bearer etc".


There are four fundemental interactions in nature, gravity, electro-magnetism, and the two nuclear forces, (strong and weak), otherwise known as the four horsemen of the apocalypse.


He ain't heavy, Are friends electric?, the power of love (attraction), when two tribes and so on.


Good and evil are opposite ends of the same spectrum, but both, like God, are man-made constructs, like Coca-Cola.


Marriage is a contract between consenting adults which is given State recognition, in the stead of the general community approval, in order to foster family life, for the alleged good of society, in theory, and so that same sex couples can claim benefits and private pensions.


The established Church is all about privelege and exclusion and subjection. Like rods and staffs (staves), it is about having something to lean on to get you through life's struggle. We all have our crosses to bear.


Always look on the bright side of life, when life's a piece of ****!



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I'm an atheist and have been since I was very young.


I do know where Crosshair is coming from, though macho is the wrong word. The word is "trendy".

Anyone who knows me knows I don't do trendy, but I think it has become trendy recently to claim to be atheist.

It has also become trendy to spout insulting **** about people's religion and I'm not up for that either. <_<


Whilst I have no belief myself, I respect other people's religion and I believe that religion does a lot of good. It gives many people strength and purpose and a real atheist would understand the importance of that.


I agree with something that Auntie said on the other thread. I have no time at all for ***** who slag off religion, then claim the right to get married in church and send their brats to a Catholic school, because if there's one thing the Catholics do well, it's educate.


If you want to be a liberal gob****e trendy bore, go right ahead and spout your ****, but grow a pair and make your own ******* arrangements for marriage, education and death. <_<

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Chard, that's an honest answer.

How many on here that claim to be atheist, will now tell their family, when I pop my clogs, I want an atheist funeral ?.

No minister of religion present to give words of comfort to the family and friends, no hymns, just silence, and you will be laid to rest in unconsecrated ground away from the rest of your family that have gone before. :no:

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Chard, that's an honest answer.

How many on here that claim to be atheist, will now tell their family, when I pop my clogs, I want an atheist funeral ?.

No minister of religion present to give words of comfort to the family and friends, no hymns, just silence, and you will be laid to rest in unconsecrated ground away from the rest of your family that have gone before. :no:


Not many mate.


But to give you another honest answer, I still recall my father saying (when he was asked about his choice of funeral arrangements) that we should "Just give the dustmen a couple of bob" :lol:

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If there is a god then why is there so much pain and suffering in the world?

I'm led to the conclusion that either:


  • there is no god
  • if there is a god, he/she/it doesn't care
  • if there is a god, he/she/it isn't able to change things or interfere in any way
  • if there is a god, he/she/it feels that things should not be changed or interfered with


which means that, whatever the reasons, in the end it all boils down to the same result, worshiping and beleiving in a god will do no good.

Once upon a time many things could not be explained, so it's understandable why people would turn to a god, but in this day we have more understanding and know what causes things.


That said, while I don't believe in a god and take the view that even if there is a god he/she/it isn't doing any good, I don't have an issue with people believing in it. Just so long as they don't fight over it or try to ram it down my throat.


Some interesting points made there. However, as with most people who argue from this stance, it tends to come down to your primary question - 'If there is a God then why is there so much pain and suffering in the World?' Looking at it objectively, and my response to your question, would be thus. Heaven is said to be Paradise. A place where suffering and the like do not exist. Where we are re-united with loved ones once again, etc. Seeing as that this is not Heaven, and therefore not Paradise, then perhaps the reason for all the pain and suffering is for us to show our mettle to our fellow man to prove our worthiness to reside in Heaven in the hereafter. Now, if you believe in that then that's great. The World will be a much better place because of your actions toward your fellow man. If not, well, then perhaps we need to take a long good look at ourselves before laying the blame the big guy's door. After all, according to the Gospel of St. Thomas (which isn't included in the bible) you need no church or building in which to worship God for He is all around.


Personally, I've had an on/off belief in God/Jesus/Heaven or whatever. Mainly because of the peer pressure in my younger years. However, as I have grown older and entered 'middle age' my beliefs are once again turning to such things and, although I do not go to church, I try to live my life as Spiritually as possible. Again, this doesn't mean I'm shouting 'Hallelujah!' from the roof tops but it just means that I take that extra moment to think about something before acting or re-acting to something.


As Samuel L. Jackson once said, 'The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men.' I'm sure you don't need me to add the rest of it but if you haven't tried it then try it and see how long it is before you think to yourself 'Is this guy doing this deliberately to try and hack me off or what?'

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I do know where Crosshair is coming from, though macho is the wrong word. The word is "trendy".

Anyone who knows me knows I don't do trendy, but I think it has become trendy recently to claim to be atheist.

It has also become trendy to spout insulting **** about people's religion and I'm not up for that either. <_<


Whilst I have no belief myself, I respect other people's religion and I believe that religion does a lot of good. It gives many people strength and purpose and a real atheist would understand the importance of that.


I agree with something that Auntie said on the other thread. I have no time at all for ***** who slag off religion, then claim the right to get married in church and send their brats to a Catholic school, because if there's one thing the Catholics do well, it's educate.


If you want to be a liberal gob****e trendy bore, go right ahead and spout your ****, but grow a pair and make your own ******* arrangements for marriage, education and death. <_<




And my ashes will be scattered on the mountain where I was born, lived and worked all my life,.... after a proper funeral service, that's my choice.


I think there will be a fair few people providing the gun saluting party too mate, unless you outlive us all with that clean mountain air!

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i think if there is a judgement day you will be judged on how you lived your life not what church you attended after all i cant believe huge parts of the population of the planet will be damned because they went to the wrong church

Edited by storme37
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The point of the video is, as i was never indoctrinated by Christianity, saying read the bible for proof is exactly like me saying on too you.. read the Quran, Read greek mythology etc, these are clearly the truth.


Have read much of the above and found it wanting, started reading the Bible 3 yrs ago and found it liberating, so much so that after I retired I took on a 4 year theological degree and have just completed year one :good:

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