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Magnetic Bracelets

Doc Holliday

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Mrs H has asked me to look in to getting her a magnetic bracelet as someone she works with has one and says it works for him. As usual I thought I'd turn to the great PW collective for some unbiased advice on this. I've had a look at eco-flo and magnetic health care but these seem a tad pricey. Does anyone use them and if so do you notice any benefit to it? Also, what can one expect to pay for such an item.

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My dad has tried them, not too impressed with them. Sorry its not the answer you are looking for.


atvb Paul.


Not a problem at all Paul. Any feedback about them is good, even if it to the contrary. Do you know what make/model it was?


It may well be that it is what I think it is in that it may work for some and not for others.

Edited by Doc Holliday
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Brother in law had a good few a couple of year ago, thought they had died out with the rest of the gimmicks that arise now & then.


Got to be a con, sales pitch with a few other magnetic gizmos,..attach it to your car, runs smoother, better miles to the gallon :lol: , another one was fixed to your water pipe, the benefits which were endless IIRC.


Very pricey at the time, £150 for a wristwacth thingy, & the car/water ones not far behind.


Save your money Doc.. :good:

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Not a problem at all Paul. Any feedback about them is good, even if it to the contrary. Do you know what make/model it was?


It may well be that it is what I think it is in that it may work for some and not for others.


Just phoned Dad, he can't remember which it was, around the £100 mark though. Pain relief is worth a shot though, for him no gain.


atvb Paul.


I guess you have your answer now. If its too good to be true......

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Rubbish. Like aromatherapy, homeopathy, accupuncture, hypnotism, reflexology, and any other ripoff 'alternative' therapies. They also do a copper bracelet by 'sabona' designed for muscle pain and popular with silly golfers, more rubbish i'm afraid!!!


I'd have thought all of that until conventional medicine wasn't working. Homeopathy made me considerably worse, but reflexology made a huge difference. I'd be the first to think that pressure on your feet cannot help intestinal problems but it worked for me. Two friends have had very good results with acupunture. Your brain is the key to it as it controls the rest of the body, so if you think something is working there's a good chance it will.

Back to the OP a friends horse was getting old and arthritic , she put a magnetic collar on the horse and it appeared to help a lot. Our dog was getting on and suffering so we tried a magnetic collar, it made a noticable difference. A dog or horse doesn't have a clue why you change their collar so they don't even think it's helping. The body works on electrical impulses perhaps a magnet changes it. Sadly the only human I know that tried a magnetic braclet said it made no difference.

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I find they are good for holding additional screws when putting up plaster board!


Seriously though, I'm sure these things are all in the mind. But if it means wearing a copper/metallic/pressure point bracelet to achieve that state of mind, then that can only be a good thing.

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I find they are good for holding additional screws when putting up plaster board!


Seriously though, I'm sure these things are all in the mind. But if it means wearing a copper/metallic/pressure point bracelet to achieve that state of mind, then that can only be a good thing.


Quality... :lol: :lol:

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Rubbish. Like aromatherapy, homeopathy, accupuncture, hypnotism, reflexology, and any other ripoff 'alternative' therapies. They also do a copper bracelet by 'sabona' designed for muscle pain and popular with silly golfers, more rubbish i'm afraid!!!


Now let me think a while :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: Yep! you are spot on, anyone thinking of buying a 'magnetic bracelet' costin megga ££££££ think again, buy a cheap bracelet for about a quid, get six earth magnets off e bay for about a quid, stick magnets to cheap bracelet with super glue and you've got a voo doo bracelet for less than three quid, it'll 'work' just the same. :yes:

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Rubbish. Like aromatherapy, homeopathy, accupuncture, hypnotism, reflexology, and any other ripoff 'alternative' therapies. They also do a copper bracelet by 'sabona' designed for muscle pain and popular with silly golfers, more rubbish i'm afraid!!!


Sorry but accupuncture dose work :P , not for all but it worked for my back recovery time.

You can get it on the NHS now as well :yes:


PELTY :good:

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