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What's your cholesterol level?


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Nurse Gladys was fizzing at the bung hole when she revealed the result of mine in the company medical earlier today. It was 3.92. Reckons its one of the best she's ever seen ! I had to remind her that she is the Nurse for a company who's entire workforce comes from either Doncaster or Scotland. :lol:


She asked me what my diet was and I said about 40 units a week. :lol:


What's yours?

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Mines bang on the upper limit 5.1 usually, there is a familial history of high cholesterol, but my hdl cholesterol is 1.5 which means I wont lay down the bad stuff in my arteries!!!


It was running around 7-8 when i had gallstones, came back down after they were taken out :oops:

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Me 5.7 SWMBO 6.9 - neither of us are on tablets yet but we have spent last 5 months not eating all the things you like and eating all things that taste yuk.


We have another test due next month so hoping back down to 4 - 4.5 -- did it once sure I can do it again - only hanycap last time was SWMBO was ok so kept making and buying ice cream/cream/cheese cakes etc.


I am down from 10st 3lb to 9st 9lb just cutting out the above.



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They are both really low gents. What happens if you don't take the meds?



Don't know, but I am short and fat so I think it might be high



Im tall and fat so mine might be the same....but being diabetic means I have to keep on top of it as well as blood pressure



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Was on Pravastatin but my god did it make my legs ache, so stopped taking them :look:


I had that with Simvastatin... made me feel ill, still not back to where I was before I took them but Pravastatin don't seem to be too bad!

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Before I started taking the tablets mine was 7.5


Whatever diet you eat you can only realistically reduce it by around 10%


I had the the tablets changed for a cheaper one but had terrible nightmares which I could remember when I woke up.


So I had to switch back to the old ones

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Any docs on here know if its worth me getting checked out? I'm only 20 but my old man and both grandfathers have/had high blood pressure. I eat far to much rubbish and I don't consider myself teetotal.




Its never to early to have an "MOT" seeing as you have "History"



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