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Poodle Retriever - Go gentle on me !!


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We have just bought a miniature poodle that im told will get to the size of a working cocker. Wasnt particularly bought as a retreiving dog but more as the wife has allergies. If I could get the wife to leave me, i would have bought a springer, but she wont, so we got a poodle !


Has anyone got a poodle that has had any success with it retrieving game ? Has anyone with a poodle here been brave enough to turn up at a shoot ??


I understand these are retrievers by breed and in particular they were bred to retreive from water, hence the curly coat. My bitch is only 4 months but will retrieve a ball or frisby easily. I will take her out with the HMR for rabbits much later on to see what happens, but your comments would be appreciated in the meantime.


Please go gently on me !!



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I think you are wrong the miniature poodle was originally bred to keep gay men company while their other halfs were at work :lol:

I think you may have been misled if you are told it will get to the size of a working cocker .

I believe that the giant poodle was used as a water retriever ---until people saw sense good luck.

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Don't take any sh## about your dog, be loud and proud!


But seriously, you've got an uphill battle but that doesn't mean you can't do it, if she's keen to retrieve at an early age you half, well maybe a quarter, the way there. Don't expect great things but you may just prove the nay-sayers wrong.

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You are a Braver man than me to post this or to be seen with it.

Y.M.C.A. springs to mind.

On a serious note if you wife has allergies why not a labradodal.

The lab is a working dog and so is the standerd poodle

It would be one of the few times you could have given a good reason for having a mongrel.


Put this on your birthday wish list :wub:


Edited by Actionpigeons
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Ouch !! "You bitches" in my camp voice now i own a poodle !


Reason i didnt get a labradoodle is because it has a labrador in it which affects a lot of allergy sufferers. We have a friend with a labradoodle. We borrowed her for a weekend and within an hour it affected the Mrs.

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You should of got a cockerpoo, the ones I've seen aren't that bad although the breed varies loads. miniature poodles from what I've seen are all nervous wrecks and would only be good for retrieving sparrows at a push pigeons. The other half Grooms dogs for a living so I see loads of these so called designer breeds (mongrels)some of her customers actually think they are pedigree breeds because they are first crosses.

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Here you go fella, clicky


Thanks Magus, I was beginning to doubt i had ever read somehwere that they were retrievers ! Good info. Not seen that site before. She is already showing all those signs of a love for water, and retreiving etc that they mention on the site so be interesting to see what happens this season. I will take her this year as a spectator and just for the excercise on the beat, as long as she has got used to shotguns in the meantime.


Thanks again for the info.


BB & Fifi


Fifi isnt her real name. Just adding some fuel . . . . !!

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Good on you mate I have seen loads of different breeds on shoots from a cross dauchound border to wiermarer ( spelling) .

I took my sprocker to the clays to get her used to guns started from outside the ground then walked in

Good luck & keep us posted :good:

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I think you are wrong the miniature poodle was originally bred to keep gay men company while their other halfs were at work :lol:

I think you may have been misled if you are told it will get to the size of a working cocker .

I believe that the giant poodle was used as a water retriever ---until people saw sense good luck.


The standard Poodle is second only to the collie in Dog intelligence..(no spaniel in the top ten).They have used them as Police dogs in France in the past...


We have a labradoodle on our shoot....Looks like a curly haired pointer type..Its very good at its job...Its dark brown too so fits in lovely with the rest of the dogs on the shoot..... :good: :good:


Good luck with the toy poodle tho... :yp: :yp:

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If it does the job then fair credit. But I think its a bigger poodle that used to do the work. A miniature will struggle with a lively Cock pheasant as they have quite small mouths and a softer temperament . But who knows ...would be very happy if you can post a pic of your new dog retrieving a pigeon or a Canada . Good luck to you for trying


PS you may need broad sholders and a thick skin though ...but you should give good crac and that worth its weight in gold

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Thanks all. As i said, she wasnt bought with the intention to work it, it was due to the wifes allergies.


Im very happy that she can retrieve balls / sticks etc already just as it gives me a lot of pleasure, so if i can take it one step further and take her on the beat - anything more she can do would be a bonus.


I will post some pics during the season.


All the best


BB & Fifi


I can see it now. :yp:





LOL !! I wasnt going to use pink, i was hoping for a camo number.

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Any dog can be trained to retrieve, its just easier with a lab. any dog can be trained to hunt, its just easier with a spaniel. any dog can be trained to point (well of a fashion) just easier with a pointer.


What a cool thing though to have a poodle showing the labs or spaniels a thing or two on a shoot day. That might make it worth all the extra effort :lol: I dont envy you though :hmm:

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I think you should have got a kennel first and foremost, that would have widened your choice as to what to fill it with :oops:


I would have a bash with any breed, god knows what will happen, but train it like a lab and see what it turns out like.

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Righto, Kent. Poodles can make legit retrievers given the training.


Don't think this http://www.poodlehistory.org/PDUCKGU.HTM has been updated in a couple of years, but should whet your appetite for working with a poodle, for fowling especially.





The std poodle is still a fowling dog in France perhaps i think, this is one of those lil lap dogs i assume so it aint gonna be much cop with a big old Honker i feel i might stick with proper dogs for now at least

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I think you should have got a kennel first and foremost, that would have widened your choice as to what to fill it with :oops:


I would have a bash with any breed, god knows what will happen, but train it like a lab and see what it turns out like.



wouldn't it be kind of fun though if it came out good in the end. you could even paint it pink and put bows in its fur and all the gubbins and take it out as a peg dog - that might faze a few folk out on shoot day :lol:

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