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new permission at last


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Cannot believe my luck after trying for more permission for a age just had several 100 acres drop in my lap .was walking off a field I shoot and a disco pulled up and asked what I was doing ,I thought here we go but when I said I had been pigeon shooting he just said I thought you had would you like to shoot mine ! he has 3 pea fields and rape too .e

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Good for you mate :good: that's often how it goes.

Acres of peas this way and the birds haven't touched them yet.





been watching the peas around here as well, just a cople of bare patches near the wood and thats it ! only saw birds on them when it was drilled and thats it.........we will be out there early doors the morning after the night it was harvested.............

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been watching the peas around here as well, just a cople of bare patches near the wood and thats it ! only saw birds on them when it was drilled and thats it.........we will be out there early doors the morning after the night it was harvested.............

Peas around my way have been getting hammered in the early morning and evenings mainly,I have always found them to shoot well once they are in flower ,though it can be a sod to find the birds if you have no dog (I have ) having said that it seems a lot of the variety's that are grown now don't get so high which is a bonus.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well done mate :good:


Try and shoot within earshot of the neighbours after you've settled down a bit, if they know you are out regularly they'll possibly even come looking for you, especially if your close enough to sound like you might be on their land. Any opportunity for a chat that they instigated is a good one.

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