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Unusual looking shotguns wanted!

Will Poon

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If you are after recommendations of makes, I can give you a few to get started: Google Darne, Sjogren and Baby Bretton.


Mick Shepherd usually has some nice curios on his site (www.micksguns.com).

+1 for mick lots of strange suff

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I'm looking for a supplier who specialises in unusual looking types of shotguns :yes: you may have one or know of a company who deals with this kind of stuff that could import to the uk,thanks if you can help ;)


How about this for un-usual??




Dont ask me why. :no::no: Every time I go in the shop and see it I think what idiot would buy that. The gunshop owner once heard my comments and replied "I did" :yp:

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How about this for un-usual??




Dont ask me why. :no::no: Every time I go in the shop and see it I think what idiot would buy that. The gunshop owner once heard my comments and replied "I did" :yp:


You know, I've always been tempted to eat many coloured paints and sick them up onto my Beretta Onyx...

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