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What was your best toy


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Just been surfing the net and found my favourite toy when i was a kid in the 70's.

Evel Kneivel stunt bike, just watched the video clip and it is the same toy. The winder, the bike, wish i was as kid again.


Wrecked many a push bike cos of this toy (god i done some silly thing's on my push bike) :lol:



What brings back fond memories for you guy's :lol:

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Guest jonrms

For me it would have to be atari... god that was great!!!!


then my first nintendo..... with super mario.... my dad could never get off of it when he started to play....

oh yeah.. and the first game on nintendo that was a BIG HIT for me... was CONTRA.... I want to buy it again just to play it.... still remember the code for 100 lives...

up up down down left right select start....


how sad am I?

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It was hilarious and had me in stitches but i think you know why it went. :lol::lol:




there is a difference between funny and offensive, the post was funny


I suspect we will have to prove we go to Sunday school soon to be able to continue, there is moderation and then there is censorship I guess you know what I think just now :lol:

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Rightly or wrongly, as a Moderator I have been asked to remove pictures and links of a sexual nature. A blow up toy is one thing but it wasnt a toy. Whilst your goodselves and I, find it funny, this is still a public forum that is viewed by young children and others that may find these images offensive. This is why the image was removed.

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Totally agree HD,

Make anything with that stuff.

and the muck you had on your mitts ( putting the chain back on your bike etc etc)

Disapeared as if by magic?

I once shaped some and put it in the ol fella's pack up lol.

(still got the boot print :lol::lol: )


Cheers Sutty :lol:


(2nd best toy, met her at junior school , wink wink)

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Mine was TCR, "total control racing". Much better than scalectrix, you had a computer controller jammer car and you could change lanes!


BigTrac with the trailer, mind that actually was a pile of **** it took 3 hrs to program to take an apple to your dad and it still always crashed into the ******* chair leg no matter how hard you tried :lol:


StarWars stuff, any and all of it. I would probably be worth a goddam fortune now if my dad hadn't later bought me my first air rifle, shot every last figure, the millenium falcon the lot :lol:

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well i had a star ship enterprise that fired round discs out of the front that was the best for me but i swapped it away for some marbles then the marbles were swapped away for a tonka truck (and boy was that a strong thing) then swapped for a bogey(a 4 wheel wooden (made from pram wheels and pallet wood) go cart thing) which my brother wrecked :angry:

recycling at its best :no:

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The big truck........ why are they now made out of plastic?:lol:!!!!


The purpose of tonka was to push it down the stiars, and make dents in the walls,,,,,,cant do it with todays




I always liked my SOLDIERS....................... Had hundreds of the things. Them and leggo..............


You could make your own bases out of leggo and then put your soldiers in em.... My bedroom was like a gulf state..............


No wonder Im disturbed now.... :lol:

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Mine was my Black Widow.


Dawn till dusk fun with one of those & amazing how accurate they can be when you do nothing but practice all day.


I got good with stones, then marbles, then ball bearings - fantastic.


A great way to learn trajectories too, and a challenge going long range and allowing for the loop.




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