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Staggering ignorance and bigotry

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"Ok guys. When shooting is banned and pests (such as corvids, rabbits, pigeons) are destroying the farmers livelihoods, are you all willing to pay increased prices for your food? Also, when we are banning guns why don't we ban cars, they kill all sorts of wildlife indiscriminately and also kill more people than guns. I will expect a balanced reply, but judging by your page you won't be able to and will just delete my comment."


I posted this up, wonder how long it will stay on :lol:

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as much as u would like to ignore these self righteous cretins this is the sort of rubbish that got hunting with dogs banned and cant wait to ban gun ownership.fishing of all kinds cos the fish might get upset when u catch them and have the nerve to put them back alive and well.dont u know god put these people here to tell us wot to do because we cant think for ourselves which is why we use guns fishing rods and suchlike .they are willing to tell us wot to do so we can see theyre right and weve got it all wrong.their adminstrator only deletes things they dont agree with because he is right and you are WRONG .he knows u got it wrong because harvey the 6 ft rabbit told him.sorry lads they will never admit to being wrong or agree to disagree with you live and let live style ,they must tell u wot u r doing WRONG because that is their reason for being and to admit theyre wrong means they have no reason to exist o wot shame that would be .keep up the good work with ban ban guns atb clakk

Edited by clakk
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I think you've been blocked from the page like so many others.


We need a PW 'sleeper' spy to watch the page for us! :lol:


Can they block people fully from even seeing the page? I know they can block people from posting. I couldn't make any new posts but I used to be able to see it and read the comments but the page has just disappeared completely.


Can everyone else see the page or has the whole page been taken down or something?

Edited by Reece
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Ollie good post.


Gixer it's 'weasel'!

Thanks, I can spell honest :rolleyes: - but for some reason it auto corrected to Wiesel which apparently (see below) means I was calling him a little Jew (unintentional I might add!), bit early for the spelling gestapo is it not? Still ****** about the iPad huh? :lol: -



Edited by gixer1
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You're all bullies apparantly


We had a most entertaining evening on here last night. Scores of pro shooting types (gun junkies) descended upon our page to take pot-shots and attack our cause. They blasted us with their poisonous myths just as humans, animals and our dear countryside get blasted with their toxic lead shot. It was an organised attack which proves we are winning and getting under their skin – they have even in d

esperation started a Facebook page called ‘ban–ban guns’ – most amusing.

Their closed minds are not interested in facts, logic and in many instances the right to life. They are only interested in their RIGHT to shoot and in most cases kill and poison. Each one of them is a self-appointed expert demonising foxes, badgers and any one that finds their ‘hobby’ disturbing or repulsive.

Over two years this page has been going and a wealth of facts have been collected that render all the arguments we heard last night illogical or just plain wrong. Did any of them bother to research the page before they started to post with six guns blazing? No not a single one, if they had they would have tried to form new arguments instead of regurgitating the old decaying myths and garbage. Musing over their opinions leads you to believe the moon is more likely made of cheese - If only closed minds came with closed mouths…

We make no apology for deleting and banning 99% of the attack as this page in not and never has been here for the gun junky to air his or her propaganda, or to patronise and abuse us. This page is for free thinkers who will not be intimidated into thinking what a small minority (that need guns in their lives) would bully us into believing. We will continue to delete and ban those that demean, belittle or try to shout us down – WE DO NOT BOW OR ENTERTAIN BULLIES YOU WILL NOT SHOOT US DOWN!

Thank you to the members who stood up to be counted last night and messaged us that an attack was underway. I was out at a party and unable to get too involved other admin are on holiday.


Dogooders :lol:

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LOL one comment and I was banned I mearly suggested or asked the question that as a soldier was i also unsafe and mad and if so why would the mod trust me with bigger guns than most people could only dream off.

I suggest everyone visit the ite and report for being offensive and get them shut down before their silly rants get even a hint of interest.

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