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ian brady will he spill??


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There would be no struggle at all. We aren't all sick in the head.


Nothing sick in my head mate, I just believe this man (and woman) were especially evil and therefore deserve no quarter at all - a woman has had to live her life in the worst possible torment, she lay on her deathbed and I bet she is still wondering where her little boy is....



Torture him? Not only tht but I'd also hang the ******* from the rafters by barbed wire while doing it!




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Nothing sick in my head mate, I just believe this man (and woman) were especially evil and therefore deserve no quarter at all - a woman has had to live her life in the worst possible torment, she lay on her deathbed and I bet she is still wondering where her little boy is....



Torture him? Not only tht but I'd also hang the ******* from the rafters by barbed wire while doing it!




That would be to good for him

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Nothing sick in my head mate, I just believe this man (and woman) were especially evil and therefore deserve no quarter at all - a woman has had to live her life in the worst possible torment, she lay on her deathbed and I bet she is still wondering where her little boy is....



Torture him? Not only tht but I'd also hang the ******* from the rafters by barbed wire while doing it!





well said!! the **** is a waste of oxygen and the only thing he deserved was to be hung!!


there's far too many lily livered do gooding human rights numpties in the world bleating on about prisoners rights!! they gave up all claim to rights when they broke the law!!

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Who wouldn't like Brady in a room tied to a chair, no guards, no recording and enough time to gather key information. Personally I'd torture the very life out the man, to the point of him popping the coil, but keeping him going and going an going, til he begs.


Trouble is he's been trying to starve himself for the last 12 years, but reckon in the end he'd want to live and once the body is found, a death of a thousand cuts would be his last.

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The motorway was built a few years after the crimes, from what I can recall. The moors are beautiful and menacing at the same time....no doubt what these 2 did has made it almost evil in places, I've walked the Pennine Way section at night and its easy to let your mind run away with what happened.

When I was about 15 me and my mate got lost, just stumbled across the Holmfirth road and hitched a lift back to Oldham very late on....extremely frightening for us and our mums! :no:

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As I said before I work with Sex offenders, and some of the things they have done is so sick, but they are treated like Kings and for ever bleat on about there rights.. The thing is they are listened to, we have a staff at the minute in the line for the sack because one of them saw his daughter while his wife was collecting him from work and told him that if he ever got out what he would do to her, and the man only being human rattled him. Now what that slime said was not taken into consideration the management said that he should of risen above it and that his actions had left the perv feeling afraid and insecure. WHO CARES, how he feels. We are not aloud to say that they are with us to be punished because that might affect there treatment, they are with us to be helped overcome there problems and join society againn.. My Question to all those do gooders is if you had kids would you want them living next door to you, or is it a case of its all good as long as its not on my doorstep..

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As I said before I work with Sex offenders, and some of the things they have done is so sick, but they are treated like Kings and for ever bleat on about there rights.. The thing is they are listened to, we have a staff at the minute in the line for the sack because one of them saw his daughter while his wife was collecting him from work and told him that if he ever got out what he would do to her, and the man only being human rattled him. Now what that slime said was not taken into consideration the management said that he should of risen above it and that his actions had left the perv feeling afraid and insecure. WHO CARES, how he feels. We are not aloud to say that they are with us to be punished because that might affect there treatment, they are with us to be helped overcome there problems and join society againn.. My Question to all those do gooders is if you had kids would you want them living next door to you, or is it a case of its all good as long as its not on my doorstep..


Marty you have my respect for being able to work in that enviroment as i know i could not keep my hands in my pockets faced with that! like i have said before i am puzzled at how offenders like these seem to be bestowed with a higher level of human rights that your average joe on the street? prison should be some where bad where you are sent to dread everyday while you think about the errors of your ways!! not some glorified holiday camp with barbed wire to keep the double glazing sales men away from you!!

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Commit the crime and wave goodbye to all human right IMHO.

Thats how it should be my friend but trust me it is anything but. I offten think of the victims families and that if they knew how these Criminals were being treated how let down with the correctional system they would be. And rightly so.
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Marty you have my respect for being able to work in that enviroment as i know i could not keep my hands in my pockets faced with that! like i have said before i am puzzled at how offenders like these seem to be bestowed with a higher level of human rights that your average joe on the street? prison should be some where bad where you are sent to dread everyday while you think about the errors of your ways!! not some glorified holiday camp with barbed wire to keep the double glazing sales men away from you!!


There was a sheriff in America (one of the places where it's hot), and he made a prison to match the sort of conditions soldiers face in Afghanistan, minus the firefights, making prison life really tough for the prisoners, just like life is tough for soldiers. His justification was something along the lines of "if it's good enough for America's heroes it's good enough for America's scum".

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i honestly think the lunatics are running the asylum! in this country most prisoners live in better conditions than they do when walking free at home! it appears that the whole meaing of being sent to prison has been forgotten! they are in there for a punishment not to be educated. i know the tree huggers think if they educate offenders they wil become better people but the sad fact of life is that once a scum bag always a scum bag very few offenders only ever spend one spell in prison!!


as i have said before every second of a sentence in prison should be a living nightmare!! to make offenders go out of their way to make sure they never go back!!

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