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what is the meaning of life


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Boy !!! thats a heavy question :yes:


just thinking about the mars thread and how much it cost , yet as a race we can't even feed our starving or ever find a spot on this planet where people are not at war and killing one an other,


i was watching an ants nest and all you could see were these little creatures working for their home


if there is a god..do you think he was having a **** take when he put us on this planet ?


what would you say our real aim is on being here..... funny answers welcome too

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This is something that has always puzzled not what is the meaning of life but who gives a **** we are borne we live for a bit and we die that is it who said that there has to be a reason for everything I think stuff happens that is it.


If you must have a reason it is all down to a big experiment that was started my the Mice many thousands of years ago.

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Collectively I reckon there is no overall aim we just "are" and when our time individually and collectively is over then we just "were". Not that the collective end will matter to us collectively because none of us will be left to care.


We seem infatuated with the question of whether life exists or ever existed elsewhere but if we found there is or was life elsewhere atleast one place do we subsequently care if it exists in a second, third, fourth and so on. Probably less so I suspect.


So, we matter a lot to ourselves individually and collectively and our existence would matter to another race who discovered us as their first known instance of other life existing.


Beyond tat we matter much less and of the universal scale we don't matter and therefore have no meaning.



Bored yet, I think I am.

Indidually life is what you make of it bounded only by the circumstances, place and period you are born into.



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Have fun, love your family, nurture your children.


The only point of life, as we are all just a result of natural selection, is to contribute to the survival of your species. But Welsh1 makes it sound more poetic. and I prefer his version.

I like this though:





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There is no meaning to life, we are merely an arrangement of molecules that "works". I realised many years ago that I was unusual in not being afraid of death, my reasoning is that I have been dead for a trillion years before I was born, and I'll be dead for a trillion years after I die. No big deal.


Whilst I'm here I intend to enjoy the very best that life has to offer, which is love of a good woman, love of my children and grandchildren, music, literature, food and beer.


If you ever feel stuck in a rut try my simple trick. Stop what you're doing and look at the ground, say to yourself "I'm right here, right now, the past is done and I can go in any direction I choose". In fact, try it right now, it makes me smile.

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There is no meaning to life, we are merely an arrangement of molecules that "works". I realised many years ago that I was unusual in not being afraid of death, my reasoning is that I have been dead for a trillion years before I was born, and I'll be dead for a trillion years after I die. No big deal.


Whilst I'm here I intend to enjoy the very best that life has to offer, which is love of a good woman, love of my children and grandchildren, music, literature, food and beer.


If you ever feel stuck in a rut try my simple trick. Stop what you're doing and look at the ground, say to yourself "I'm right here, right now, the past is done and I can go in any direction I choose". In fact, try it right now, it makes me smile.

you do the same as me i thought i was the only one that thought like this ,thanks for this comment ,its been one of the most sensible ones ive heard for a long time :good:
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I like what Diceman posted...


Unless you believe in a higher power, watching over you and giving you a purpose, then you realize there is no such thing as a 'purpose' or 'meaning' to life. It is simply what we have, what we are, and what we eventually lose when we depart from consciousnesses. That doesn't give it any actual meaning.

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Without getting into the 'higher power/God' debate, I think "meaning of life" has to be subjective, that is, what life means to YOU. What gives meaning to MY life is my family, first and always...

Otherwise, All I hope when I depart this life is that I have made some other's lives happier along the way, and that I haven't wasted my time. Don't waste opportunities, always make friends, return the love and friendship that comes your way. Oh, and get drunk, of course. And have as much fun as you can while doing all that.

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We're simply here to reprocreate aren't we?There is no 'meaning' to it,we merely reprocreate to ensure the survival of the species,which is why the urge to reproduce is so strong within us.We're simply another species of animal,just like the others around us,albeit with a much more enhanced level of intelligence(?)but when you strip everything else away,what else is there?

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I have always thought that it is impossible for us as people to except death if you do not believe that life goes on after death then there is nothing and that is the real problem how can a person who was so full of life suddenly sees to exist like switching a light out.


Instead even if we do not believe in god we have to believe that somehow something dose go on otherwise everything has been all for nothing. How many among us go to visit our loved ones graves and take flowers if we really believe that they no longer exist why do we do it just to impress other people I think not it is hope.

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I have it! The answer! It took me a moment to recall where I heard it but here it is...




Yes, 42! That's my age now. Fancy that, 42... Wow!


But in earnest, I don't think we'll ever know if there is an answer to your question. For now it would be impossible to know one way or the other. Personally, I would like to think that there is a purpose over and above that of procreation. But maybe there is. Maybe that is what the purpose of procreation is all about, for us to further ourselves and our understanding of our place in the world, the universe, etc., but we get so bogged down by all the dirge that goes on we lose sight of that. Personally, I blame the likes of Jeremy Kyle. If it wasn't for his kind then there woud be no white trash looking to 'get noticed' on that God awful tripe that passes for daytime TV.

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Just as a thought, going back to the ant nest example, we look at it and it appears so orderly and purposeful from our perspective.


Well what about if "something" viewed the earth from above in the macro sense and could see the cities, roads and other infrastructure plus routes the airlines take etc. - wouldn't that appear at least equally orderly and purposeful from an abstracted viewpoint?

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Just as a thought, going back to the ant nest example, we look at it and it appears so orderly and purposeful from our perspective.


Well what about if "something" viewed the earth from above in the macro sense and could see the cities, roads and other infrastructure plus routes the airlines take etc. - wouldn't that appear at least equally orderly and purposeful from an abstracted viewpoint?


It would be like us looking into a bucket of yeast and mash - the yeast consumes all the available sugar until it dies from its' own excreta ( alcohol ).

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I have always thought that it is impossible for us as people to except death if you do not believe that life goes on after death then there is nothing and that is the real problem how can a person who was so full of life suddenly sees to exist like switching a light out.


Instead even if we do not believe in god we have to believe that somehow something dose go on otherwise everything has been all for nothing. How many among us go to visit our loved ones graves and take flowers if we really believe that they no longer exist why do we do it just to impress other people I think not it is hope.

I would love to think that I was going to see loved ones again,in another life,but I'm afarid it isn't going to happen.

What do you think happens to all the rabbits and birds,foxes and deer that we shoot?The same that happens to us when we die(well,apart form the plucking,skinning,and roasting with a few veg'!),total,eternal oblivion.I'll admit,the prospect isn't exactly something to look forward to,but on the upside,you'll know nothing about it.Logic dictates that if you weren't aware of your existence prior to being born,why would you be aware after your death?

As the alpha 'being' in this world,we have the capacity for great things and logical thought.It's up to us to ensure we first,do no harm,and then get out there and enjoy ourselves.What else is there to do?This is what annoys me about all the evil going on in the world;we're just here once,why would anyone want to spend the short time we have wrecking the lives of others?

Get out there,do no harm,treat others as you would like others to treat you,and be thankful you were born a human being instead of a slug.Sorted!

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