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Would you lose your license if.....


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After hearing about some of the recent dog attacks by so called dangerous dogs it made me wonder if on your way home from say pigeon shooting or clay shooting you witnessed a dog attacking someone and inflicting a serious injury to that person and then moving on towards other members of the public would you be penalised if you shot and killed the dog. Obviousely only if it were safe to shoot the dog ie no people around it

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This scenario is so unlikely as to be near futile having a discussion about it. In essence though I would not unleash a gun in public for love or money, even if witnessing a gang of armed robbers doing a Guy Ritchie. If a dog attacked me whilst actually shooting then it would be familiarising itself to the contents of one or more barrels.

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I did read your post. Perhaps you should have read mine.


You seem intent in encouraging someone to say that they would shoot the dog.


Put up or shut up. If you would shoot the dog - have the courage to say so. Don't ask others the question you won't answer.

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How is the scenario so unlikely ? A man has just been jailed for his two pit bulls doing just what I described! Imagine sitting back and doing nothing then watching them kill a child playing in the street.


Yes but was anyone driving past who happened to be coming back from clay shooting :innocent: who had to make that decision?

Also there are dogs and then there are dogs. I wouldn't for instance do a left and right on a pair of demented charging Jack Russels even out in the field; when this has happened in real life I've just sat down with outstretched palms and beckoned them in for playing which confuses them into behaving, I would also place their lives above an ankle bite I may suffer.


Coming across a scene with an out of control, truly dangerous dog that couldn't be severely winded with a kick, whilst carrying a gun with enough time to react is just not going to happen.

Edited by Hamster
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So you JUST happen to be carrying a gun JUST at the same moment a dog is attacking someone, it's too big to boot it away AND it's in a safe place to be able to shoot??!!


Sorry matey, the whole scenario is so unlikely you may as well wait for the piano to fall out of the sky and kill it for you...

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My mrs asked me a simmilar question as we have 5 dogs and would I put one down if it need to be done. Well I thort about it and to be honest I would not and could not. I go on the same lines as Gordon ring the plod and help all you can whilst they get there but leave the gun in the car.

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I did read your post. Perhaps you should have read mine.


You seem intent in encouraging someone to say that they would shoot the dog.


Put up or shut up. If you would shoot the dog - have the courage to say so. Don't ask others the question you won't answer.

Where in my original post did I ask people if they would shoot the dog ?? I asked if I would be in trouble if I shot the dog !! You really should take the time to read things and not jump to conclusions.

Edited by Yorkhawk67
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I'd make good use of my gutting knife first, but if that failed and I could take a safe shot Id like to think I'd be selfless enough to risk losing my guns to save a child.


I can't see any judge wanting to be the man who sent someone down for saving a child, I think you'd lose your guns at worse and think that would be harsh under the circumstances.

Edited by bicykillgaz
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I've been in this situation . The local scrote has a Rottweiler that attacked an old man outside my house who foolishly picked up his own small dog as it came bounding towards him . The dog grabbed the old boys arm and pulled him to the ground shaking him like a doll. Me my dad and a neighbour heard the mans screams for help . We kicked it we punched it my dad put a finger up it jacksy . All the things you hear that you should do . A dog in a rage is a difficult beast . At no point would we of had time to fetch a gun . The neighbour ran back and grabbed his shovel and hit it over the head splitting its scull. It didn't let go until he'd done it three times . It was a scary few minutes . The owner was not prosecuted because the dog was destroyed . But the old man died a week later in hospital never recovering from his injuries he was 80 years old .


If I had been in a situation where I could of shot it then I would . Maybe the old man would have made it and I would have taken my chances with the law . It's a difficult question to ask but the chances are very slim of the situation ever happening

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